The Composers of Classical Music
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме

Данная презентация будет уместна при изучении темы "Музыка", познакомит учащихся с некоторыми композиторами классической музыки. Использован страноведческий материал.


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Слайд 1

Famous composers Svetlana Shmalts an English teacher school № 1 Kurganinsk, Krasnodar region

Слайд 3

The world of classical music is very rich. Different composers from different countries have conquered the hearts and feelings of people all over the world. Let’s learn about some of them whose music can’t leave people indifferent. Classical music

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Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven is the greatest composer who ever lived. We remember him for many masterpieces such as The Moonlight Sonata and Ninth Symphony.

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart The greatest Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived only 35 years, but everybody admires his works and enjoys listening to his magnificent symphonies, concerts and operas.

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Henry Purcell Henry Purcell was a famous original English composer of the time. He composed for the church, stage and court. He was born in Westminster, England, in 1659 . He composed music for 43 plays. Masterpieces are “Dido and Aeneas”, “The Indian Queen”.

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Pyotr Tchaikovsky Pyotr Tchaikovsky is a well-known Russian composer because his name is linked with an entire epoch in the development of music.

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Ballet"Swan Lake" Tchaikovsky’s masterpieces The Nutcracker Eugene Onegin Swan Lake The Sleeping Beauty The Romeo and Juliet Overture The seasons

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Giacomo Puccini An Italian composer who conquered the world with his passionate music. His tunes appeal to people’s hearts.

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Claude Debussy He was one of the well-known composers in France. He showed his feelings through the sounds of music and made people enrich themselves.

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Johan Sebastian Bach A German composer famous for his organ music, lived in the 17th century. People always admired him and his sons who became composers too.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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