Игра "Brain Ring" для учащихся 6-7 классов
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Гудкова Елена Юрьевна

Конспект игры на английсом языке для учащихся 6-7 классов.


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Dear boys and girls, dear guests, we are glad to welcome you at our game! We hope the game will be interesting and enjoyable.

The rules

There will be 8 rounds of the game which have different questions and tasks. Every right answer brings your team one star. At the end of the game we count the stars. The team who have more stars are the winners. You have to listen to the task to the end and only after that you can press the button. If the answer is wrong, the other team can answer.

And the main rule: today we are speaking English only. Words in Russian take your stars back.


  1. The Team`s Name and Slogan

Invent your team`s name and slogan. Let it be something bright and special. We give you 3 minutes.

  1. Warming-up

Let`s warm up before answering more difficult questions. You are going to listen to the 10 questions which are needed to be answered very quickly. Two right answers get one star. Do you know Great Britain? Let`s check!


1. What is the official name of the country whose language you study?

2. How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?

3. What is the symbol of England?

4. What is the symbol of Scotland?

5. What is the symbol of Wales?

6. What is the symbol of Scotland?

7. What is the most important airport in Great Britain?

8. What is the highest mark in British schools?

9. What is the London residence of Queen Elizabeth II?

10. What building was the kings` residence, a prison and it is a museum now?

  1. Homework

You had to prepare two riddles for the rival team.


  1. It`s black when it`s clean. (a blackboard)
  2. It has teeth but it can`t bite. (a comb)
  3. What man cannot live inside the house? (a snowman)
  4. What goes up when the rain comes down? (an umbrella)

  1. World Sights

We are going to travel over the three countries: Great Britain, Germany and France. You`ll see 5 pictures with the sights of these countries. If you name the place of interest you`ll get a star. You can get an extra star if you give us some information about the sights.


  1. Trafalgar Square (-where is it situated? -what monument is in the center of Traf.S.?)
  2. Stonehenge (-what for was this ancient construction built?)
  3. Grand Defense Arch (- what country is the arch in? -is it ancient or modern building? –why was it built?)
  4. The Statue of Town Musicians of Bremen (-can you tell us the plot of this folktale?

-who recorded the tale?)

5. St. Paul`s Cathedral (-who was the architect? What is St. Paul`s famous for?)

       6) Brain Storm

      Round number 6 – Brain Storm. You are going to see 5 questions, every question has 3 answers. You have to choose the right one.

Extra questions: -What books did S. King write? Which of them did you read? What films did R.Gere play in? What do you know about E. John?

-Can you explain the name of `lollipop man`?

-When is Memorial Day celebrated? (11-th November) –How do the British celebrate Memorial Day/Thanksgiving Day?

-Why is N-Y called `big apple`?

   7) Music Question

 You are going to listen to the 3 songs without words. If you guess what song it is, press the button.

   8) Charades

 There will be 3 charades on the screen. Try to read the words.

  9) Love-questions

The last round

What holiday do we celebrate on the 14th of February?

So we have prepared love-questions for you.  Look at the screen.

Extra question:  do you know the St. Valentine`s story?

10) Results


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