Упражнения. Present Tenses
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку по теме

Хребтова Мария Викторовна

Упражнения. Present Tenses


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Предварительный просмотр:

Раскройте скобки в Present Progressive

1. He (to read) a book now.

2. She (to do) her homework.

3. My mother (to sit) at the table now.

4. I still (to write) a letter.

5. They (to play) football.

6. It (to snow) now.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Progressive

This morning was really beautiful. The sun (shine), the birds (sing) and everyone in the street (smile) and (say) hello to each other.

Mrs Patrik looked beautiful last night. She (wear) a lovely evening dress.

When we arrived, she (make) some coffee.

While I (have) a bath the telephone rang.

While we (walk) in the park it began to rain.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из будущих времен: Future Simple , Present Progressive или Future Progressive

1. I (to do)  my homework tomorrow        

2. I (to do)  my homework at six o'clock tomorrow.        

3. When I come home tomorrow, my family (to sleep)          

4. When you come to my place tomorrow, I (to read)  your book.        

5. Don't come to my place tomorrow. I (to write)  a composition the whole evening.          

6. I(not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. I (to watch)  TV the whole evening.        

7. What you (to do) tomorrow?          

8. What you (to do) at eight o'clock tomorrow?          

9. You (to play) volleyball tomorrow?          

10. When you (to go) to see your friend next time?          

11. I (to do)  my homework from three till six.

Раскройте скобки в Past Simple

Yesterday he (to wash)  his face at a quarter past seven.          

2. I ( to work)  at school 3 years ago        

3. We ( to study)  at university in 1998.        

4. My mother (not to like)  milk in her childhood.        

5. Our children ( to play)  football last year        

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple.

1. I  (to play) chess tomorrow        

2. I  (not to play) chess tomorrow        

3. You (to play) chess tomorrow?          

4. Nick  (to go) to school tomorrow        

5. You (to come) to my place next Sunday?          

6. I  (not to see) him tomorrow        

7. What you (to do) tomorrow?          

8. Where you (to go) next summer?          

9. They  (not to take) care of the garden next summer.          

Вставь will / won't

1. Can you wait for me? I___be very long.        

2. There's no need to take an umbrella with you. It___rain.        

3. If you don't eat anything now, you___be hungry later.        

4. I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. It___happen again.        

5. I've got some incredible news! You___never believe what's happened.

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