"Symbols of the UK"
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 6 класс) по теме

Набиуллина Алсу Гумаровна

Фрагмент урока с презентацией,  как дополнительный материал к уроку по  учебнику "Spotlight"-6 Module 1, 1d Culture Corner. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Фрагмент урока по теме “THE SYMBOLS OF THE UK” 6 классе.


- Расширить знания учащихся о символах Соединенного Королевства;

- Совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию, активизировать учебные умения и навыки школьников.

- Повышать познавательный интерес в процессе изучения.

- Развивать творческие способности обучающихся.

Форма урока: нетрадиционный, с использованием ИКТ.


(слайд 1)

I Вступление.

(слайд 2)

Good morning, students.  The topic of the lesson is “The Symbols of the UK”. First of all answer my questions, please.


(слайд 3)

  1. Where are you from?

- I’m from Russia.

  1. What are the national symbols of the Russian Federation?
  • They are a golden two-headed eagle and a tricolour flag.
  1. What colour is the flag of the Russian Federation?
  • It is white, blue and red.

(слайд 4)

  1. What republic do you live in?  

- I live in the Republic of Tatarstan.

  1. What are the national symbols of the Republic of Tatarstan?

- They are a winged leopard and a tricolor flag.

  1. What colour is the flag of Tatarstan?
  • It is green, white and red.

How clever of you! You know the symbols of our country very well.

      (слайд 5)

Last lessons we’ve learned some information about the United Kingdom. As you know, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the English-speaking country.

  1. What is the capital of the UK?
  • The capital of the UK is London.

2.  What can you imagine when you hear the words “the UK” or “Great Britain”?

Big Ben, A Policeman, The Tower of London, London Eye, Royal Coat of Arms, A Black Taxi cab, Foot Guard, Buckingham Palace, A Life Guard, A  Double Decker Bus,

 St Paul's Cathedral, A Pint of Beer, Tower Bridge, Union Flag (Union Jack).

(слайд 6)

3. Please, tell how many parts the UK consists of.

- It consists of 4 parts.

4. What are they? Show them on the map.

-  England is in the southern part of Great Britain.

-  Scotland is a mountainous country in the north of the island of Great Britain.

-  Wales  is a mountainous country on the western side of  Great Britain.

- Northern Ireland lies in the northeast of the island of Ireland.

3. What are their capitals? Please, write the names of the capitals (показать, написать столицы)

 - What is the capital of England (Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)?

- The capital city of England is London.

- The capital city of Scotland is Edinburgh.

- The capital city of Wales is Cardiff.

- The capital city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.


II  Основная часть.

Now, please, speak about symbols of each of them. Look at the board.

(слайд 7)

 The three national symbols of England are the St. George's cross,   the red rose and the Three Lions crest .

Repeat after me:  the St. George's cross,   the red rose, the Three Lions crest.

(слайд 8)

The national symbols of Scotland are St. Andrew’s cross and the thistle.                      

Repeat after me:  St. Andrew’s cross, the thistle.                      

(слайд 9)

The national symbols of Northern Ireland are St Patrick’s Cross and a shamrock.

Repeat after me:  St Patrick’s Cross, a shamrock

(слайд 10)

The national symbols of Wales are a red dragon, a daffodil and leek.

Repeat after me:  a red dragon, a daffodil, leek.

 (слайд 11)

You have got a sheet of paper on your desks. Let’s have a look at it. There is a table. Now fill in it.


The Flag



St. George’s cross

A red rose


St. Andrew’s cross

the thistle

Northern Ireland

no official flag

St. Patrick’s cross

A shamrock


A red dragon

on the white and green ground

A daffodil, leek

 OK. Let’s check up. The flag of England (Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland) is …

The emblem of England (Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland) is …

(слайд 11)

Now let’s speak about each country using the plan

The country – in what part of the UK  – the capital – the flag – the emblem  

1. How do you think, what is the main national symbol of the UK?

Of, course. It is the Union Flag, or Union Jack. 

2. Why is it called the Union Flag?

- It is called the Union Flag because it symbolizes the administrative union of the countries of the United Kingdom

3. The Union Flag consists of the three heraldic crosses. What are they?

- The Union Flag consists of the three heraldic crosses of St George, St Andrew and St Patrick.

(слайд 12)

- Let’s draw (paint) the Union Jack and say what country is represented by the cross of St George, St Andrew, St. Patrick.

England is represented by the Cross of St. George. It is a red cross on a white ground.

Scotland is represented by the flag of St. Andrew. It is a diagonal white cross (called a saltire) on a blue field.

Northern Ireland is represented by the cross of St. Patrick. It is a diagonal red cross on a white background.

- But, what about Wales? Is it represented on Union Jack? Why not?

 Write your homework: answer the question.

Раздаточный материал учащимся:


The Flag




Northern Ireland


Homework: Why is Wales not represented on Union Jack?


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №95 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов» Приволжского района г. Казани Открытый урок по английскому языку 6б класс Учитель II кв. категории: Набиуллина Алсу Гумаровна Казань, 2013

Слайд 2

The topic of the lesson: The Symbols of the UK

Слайд 3

The Symbols of THE Russian Federation: a tricolour flag a golden two-headed eagle

Слайд 4

The Symbols of THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN: a tricolour flag a winged snow leopard with the raised right forepaw

Слайд 6

England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland

Слайд 7

The SYMBOLS OF ENGLAND The three national symbols of England are St. George's cross the red rose and the Three Lions C rest .

Слайд 8

THE SYMBOLS OF scotland are St. Andrew’s cross the thistle

Слайд 9

THE SYMBOLS OF northern ireland St Patrick’s Cross This flag represents Northern Ireland in the Union Flag . A shamrock

Слайд 10

THE SYMBOLS OF wales A red dragon A daffodil Leek

Слайд 11

The Flag Emblems England Scotland Northern Ireland Wales Country St.George's cross St.Andrew's cross no official flag St.Patrick's cross a red dragon on a white and green ground a daffodil leek a shamrock a thistle a red rose

Слайд 12

The emblem The flag The capital The placement The country

Слайд 13

… is represented by … It is the ... cross on the … background. Union Jack

Слайд 14

Your home task is to answer the question: “Why is Wales not represented in the Union Jack”? www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/

Слайд 15


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