Stop Bullying: Остановим издевательства в школах
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

    Разработка урока по теме "Буллинг" для учащихся старших классов. Рассмотрены виды и причины буллинга в школах, способы с ним бороться. Урок основан на аутентичных материалах: статьи из газет, социальные рекламные ролики.  Практическая цель: совершенствование речевых навыков. Задачи урока: развитие познавательного инетреса, развитие умения работать в группах и способностей логического изложения мыслей, формирование системы моральных ценностей, толерантного отношения к другим людям.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Класс: 10-11

Тема урока: Bullying

Практическая цель урока: совершенствование речевых навыков

Задачи урока:

Образовательные: повышение общей культуры, расширение кругозора.

Развивающие: развитие познавательного интереса, развитие умения работать в группах,  развивать способности логичного изложения мыслей.

Воспитательные: формирование системы моральных ценностей, толерантного отношения к другим людям.

Материалы для урока: Презентация Power Point, тексты для чтения, карточки с заданиями, видеофайл с записью рекламного ролика, текст стихотворения «I am”, письменные принадлежности для выполнения творческого задания.


Этапы урока

Формы взаимодействия учащихся

Материалы, технические средства, пр.

2 m.

1). Warm up/Speaking

T.: Good morning everybody. Let's start our lesson.

Look at the pictures please! Guess what unites these people?

Pupils watch pictures of famous people on the screen, discuss what unites this people, give their versions.


Pictures of famous people

Presentation (Slides 1-5)

5-7 m.

2)  a) Problem statement/Speaking

T: Now I tell you what unites these celebrities. All of them were bullied at school. In their own words they survived bullying.

T: What do we know about bulling? Look at the definition:

Pupils read the definition of the word Bulling.

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance”

 T: How can you explain the meaning of BULLYING in your own words? (e.g. hurt someone who is smaller or weaker than you).

   b) Matching

T: There are three types of bullying: physical, verbal and social. Now I want you to work in pairs. Read examples of bad behavior and match these examples and types of bullying.

Pupils work in pairs (match the examples and types of bullying)

T: Let's check this task.


Pupil-pupil (work in pairs)

Slides 6-7

app. №1

Slides 8-11

8-10 m.

3) Reading/Speaking

T: Now we return to the celebrities who were bullied. Your task is to read about it and tell us a short story. Be ready to answer some questions.

Pupils read information about famous people who were bullied at school and tell others about it in their own words.

Possible questions: What type of bullying is it? How he/she felt, what do you think?

T: Answer my question please: Why did all these people tell us about it? What may be the reason? Maybe they want people to learn something?

Pupils suggest their versions.

T: Celebrity involvement is very important. Star power can be very effective on the war against bullying. They teach us not to be mean to each other. They show children who are bullied that things can and do change.

Individual work


Texts with interviews of celebrities (app. №2)

Источник фотографий и текстов интервью - 

5 m.

4) Listening/Filling gaps

T: Now I want you to watch and listen to the advertisement against bullying where some celebrities took part. It is a poem named “I am”.

Listen and fill the gaps.

Checking: A pupil reads the poem.

Poem “I am”! 

Video+text (app. №3)

3-5 m.

5) Reading/Speaking

T: Look at the screen please, here are some slogans/quotes about bullying. I'd like you to choose one you like and explain your choice.


Slide 12

12-15 m.

6) Writing

T: There are many organizations against bullying. Many people all over the world say no to bullying. I want us to be a part of this activity. I'd like you to take part in a contest. Let's make posters against bullying and then we will choose the best one. You can work in groups or pairs.

Pupils make their own posters against bullying in school. They present the posters in front of the class and choose the best own.

 Work in groups

Paper and writing materials for posters.

Slide 13

1-2 m.

7) Conclusion

T: I hope you enjoyed our lesson today. Thank you for your work. And say no to bullying!



Match examples and types of bullying:




pushing, teasing, name-calling, lying, rude comments, kicking, taking or breaking someone’s things, negative facial gestures,  playing mean jokes, hitting, spreading rumors

№ 2

Michael Phelps

Often bullied about his lisp and his big ears, Michael Phelps said in an interview, "It's kind of crazy. When I do go up around where I used to live [in Baltimore], you still see the same people who were picking on me. They're still around, busing tables or whatever, probably still acting the same way. They'll try to talk to me and I'm thinking, 'Yeah, why are talking to me now? You were picking on me then.'"

Justin Timberlake

"I grew up in Tennessee, and if you didn't play football, you were a sissy. I got slurs all the time because I was in music and art . . . I was an outcast in a lot of ways . . . but everything that you get picked on for or you feel makes you weird is essentially what's going to make you sexy as an adult."

Robert Pattinson

"I got beaten up by a lot of people when I was younger. I was a bit of an idiot, but I always thought the assaults were unprovoked. It was after I first started acting and I liked to behave like an actor, or how I thought an actor was supposed to be, and that apparently provoked a lot of people into hitting me."


Growing up, Rihanna was teased—to the point of fist fights—for having paler skin than her peers."I was cultured in a very 'black' way. But when I got to school I'm being called 'white'...they would look at me, and they would curse me out. I didn't understand."

Jessica Alba

"I was bullied so badly my dad used to have to walk me into school so I didn't get attacked. I'd eat my lunch in the nurses' office so I didn't have to sit with the other girls. Apart from my being mixed race, my parents didn't have money so I never had the cute clothes or the cool back pack,"

№ 3

I Am

I am the person you bullied at school,
I am the person who didn’t know how to be cool,
I am the person you alienated,
I am the person you ridiculed and

I am the person who sat on her own,
I am the person who walked home alone,
I am the person you scared every day,
I am the person who had
nothing to say.

I am the person with hurt in her eyes,
I am the person you
never saw cry,
I am the person living alone with her fears,
I am the person destroyed by her peers.

I am the person who drowned in your scorn,
I am the person who wished she hadn’t been born,
I am the person you destroyed for ‘fun’,
I am the person, but
not the only one.

I am the person whose name you don’t know,
I am the person who just can’t let go,
I am the person who has feelings too,
And I was a person,
just like you.

This poem was written for the BEAT BULLYING ad in the UK and narrated by celebrity sports people.)

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