Экскурсия по городу Новосибирс
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Фабричная Ирина Александровна

Экскурсия по Новосибирску


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Слайд 1

Sights? G. Novosibirsk

Слайд 2

Opera and Ballet Theatre Opera is one of the main attractions and architectural symbol of Novosibirsk, Siberia, the most important theater. The theater building - a monument of history and architecture - the largest theater building in Russia. Its total area - 11 837.8 square meters. m, capacity - 2,943,400 cubic meters. m - exceeds the amount of the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia. Over sized theater called the Siberian Coliseum.

Слайд 3

In the center of Novosibirsk is the Chapel of St. Nicholas. It was erected in honor of the patron saint of Emperor Nicholas II on the donations of the faithful in 1914 - then the future "capital of Siberia" was still Novonikolayevsky village. The chapel served as the symbolic center of the Russian Empire. ? During the Soviet era chapel was destroyed in its place erected a monument to the worker who was soon replaced by a monument to Joseph Stalin. And then demolished the monument. For a long time on the site of the chapel were only asphalt, benches and lawns. New Chapel of St. Nicholas was founded in 1991.

Слайд 4

The building of the Local History Museum - the most profitable building in Novosibirsk beginning of the XX century.? Building housing the city's shopping, owned since 1987, Novosibirsk State Regional Museum - Historical and architectural monument of federal significance. Trade building was built at the initiative of the city authorities in 1911 after a large fire that destroyed many wooden buildings. For example, in a fire in 1909 burned in 22 quarters, homeless for more than 6 thousand people, affected many shops and warehouses.

Слайд 5

Stokvartirny house - the most eminent residential building in the city.? "Stokvartirny house" Novosibirsk - one of the most significant residential buildings of the 1930s. At the International Exhibition of Arts and Technology in Paris in 1937 building built by architect Andrew Kryachkova was awarded the diploma of the 1st degree, the Gold Medal Award and the Grand Prix. ? The house was built from 1932 to 1937 for the employees of executive committee. For a long time he was considered the most prestigious in Novosibirsk. It lived Academician Yevgeny Meshalkin, director of the Novosibirsk Instrument-Making Plant Boris Galushchak, biathlete Alexander Tikhonov, artist Nicholas Gritsyuk during the siege of Leningrad - conductor Yevgeny Mravinsky and actor Nikolai Cherkasov. Plaques in memory of the three famous occupants - Gritsyuk, Meshalkina and Galushchak - installed on the main facade of the house.

Слайд 6

Novosibirsk Zoo - home of unique animals.? ? Novosibirsk Zoo, located in Forest Park Zaeltsovsky undoubtedly refers to the main attractions of the city. Its location in a pine forest - a unique case among all the zoos in the world. ? The zoo Novosibirsk contains 11,000 species of animals 634 species, including rare and endangered listed in the Red Book. In addition, here assembled one of the world's richest collections of cat and kunitseobraznyh. Only in Novosibirsk Zoo are argali sheep and Putoransky. ? Here was born the wonderful animal liger - the love child of a lion and a tigress. And all this beauty does not exist in any other zoo planet.

Слайд 7

Novosibirsk Metro Bridge - the longest metro bridge in the world.? Novosibirsk proud of their underground for many reasons. First, the length of the famous indoor metro bridge across the Ob River, along with the coastal flyovers of 2145 meters - a world record. Second, the unique design of the bridge - the method of its installation is unique in the world. Novosibirsk - the first and only city in the Urals, which was put underground (in 1985). ? His appearance metro bridge must the fact that the construction of the bridge under the bed of Obi would be too expensive. In the construction of buildings were not only metrostroevtsy on Saturdays out thousands of citizens.

Слайд 8

SPSL - the largest library in the Urals.? ? Another architectural feature of Novosibirsk - the building of the State Public Scientific and Technical Library, the largest library fund beyond the Urals. Total area - 28,972 square meters. meters. Storage is located on four underground floors. The total collection of the library (along with the foundations of SB RAS) - 14,600,000 books. The building is kept SPSL 10 million books. ? SPSL is a public library universal profile. This is the only library of receiving legal deposit of printed works, including patents, which are in the same volume are available only in the Russian National Patent Technical Library in Moscow. By the volume of the fund and the basic parameters of the library is comparable to the state of the national and the Russian State Library.

Слайд 9

. Railway station "Novosibirsk-Main" - one of the largest in the country.? ? The railway station "Novosibirsk-Main," one of the largest in the country, is also an architectural landmark. According to the architectural design, its building reproduces the shape of an old steam locomotive. Besides Station is the largest transportation hub - it passes through Trans-Siberian railway, railways and roads. Novosibirsk connects Siberia, the Far East, Central Asia and European regions of Russia. ? The area near the railway station "Novosibirsk - Main" is the name of IG Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky. This engineer, writer and public figure in the city largely owes its birth and the location: it Garin-Mikhailovsky in 1891 led the surveying party, the selected site of the bridge over the Ob River to the Siberian railway, and thus determined the place where then rose Novosibirsk

Слайд 10

Monument of Glory.? In the left-bank part of the city is a memorial ensemble "Feat of Siberians in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" or the Monument of Glory soldiers Siberians. This is one of the most magnificent monuments of Novosibirsk is a reminder of the heroic and the harsh time of the heroism of the Siberians, which together with all the soldiers of the Soviet Army defended the homeland. Its opening was held on November 6, 1967. ? The ensemble takes almost two acres. Five broad paths, edged with weeping willows, leading to the square. The memorial consists of a symbolic statue of a grieving woman, the mother, the eternal flame and the seven ten-meter pylons, engraved with scenes depicting the individual stages of the war. On the opposite side of the concrete pylons made of metal pressed in the names of 30,266 of Novosibirsk, who died at the front. Between the pylons on a hill are four boxes to the ground from the places of bloody battles - from the city Elnya, with the field of Borodino, on the Mamaev Kurgan and battlefields of the 19th Guards Rifle Corps volunteer Siberian.

Слайд 11

Akademgorodok - the most famous in Russia.? Brought worldwide fame Novosibirsk Akademgorodok - the center of gravity of scientists of the advanced countries. It was built in the late 50's in a suburb of Novosibirsk, retaining almost the entire forest area. Akademgorodok is located in the territory of dozens of research institutes, Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Novosibirsk State University, Physics and Mathematics School. Akademgorodok was the first organization in the country, and scientific center served as a model for a number of organizations established in other countries.

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