Презентация Москва
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Герасимова Елена Евгеньевна



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Слайд 1

Red Square.

Слайд 2

The area lies along the north-eastern wall of the Kremlin, the Kremlin between travel, travel Resurrection Gate, St. Nicholas Street, Ilyinka , Barbarian and Vasilevsky descent to the Kremlin embankment. Overlooking the square on the streets branch out and turn into the main artery of the city, leading to different parts of Russia.

Слайд 3

17-22 December 2000 at the Red Square in aid to the city of technicians and engineers of the Moscow theater "Ballet on Ice" ice rink built for the first time the size of 15 by 30 meters, with changing rooms and a buffet with hot food and coffee. The right temperature at the rink to support a mixed cooling system. The cooling system water filled the Moscow fire. Rink worked from December 23 to January 13, from 11 to 20 hours, and New Year's Eve December 31 to six hours. Admission to all day - free of charge. Next to it is a Christmas tree, and around two dozen huge ice sculptures up to 4-5 meters. In addition, in Red Square were two large video screen on which day of broadcast cartoons for children, and evening concerts.

Слайд 4

Red Square, the location of the future was defined to build the Wall rebuilt in the reign of Ivan III of the Kremlin and the placement of its north-eastern side of the Great tenements from the auction. Building tenements approached the Kremlin walls very close. During a fire in 1493 a large space between the bidding and the Kremlin walls and burned area was left undeveloped as a band of space sweep width of about 110 yards (240 meters). Originally, the area was called the place of future fires, and its boundaries delineated in the west ditch the Kremlin from the north - Resurrection Gate of China-town, east of trading and in the south - a low hill - " Vzlobem ." Territory Fire has long been considered part of the Marketplace.

Слайд 5

Square, cubed, is a pedestrian zone. Vehicular traffic on the area has been banned since 1974. Total length of Red Square - 695 meters, width - 130 meters, for a total 90,350 m ²

Слайд 6

The End. The End.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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