Презентация. На тему: "Спорт"
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Щекина Светлана Владимировна

знаменитые спортсмены


Файл sports_in_england.pptx577.85 КБ
Файл sports_in_england.pptx577.85 КБ

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Слайд 1

Sport in England Sport in England is very developed. E specially soccer , cricket, golf, football and certainly tennis ( Wimbledon ). Let’s speak about each of them.

Слайд 2

Football Football is a national sport in England. It plays a large role in English culture. Modern football originated in England in 1863.

Слайд 3

Manchester United Football Club It was founded in 1878. “United“ is a home stadium. “Manchester United" is one of the most successful English clubs by quantity of titles for the whole history.

Слайд 4

Philip Anthony Jones Philip Anthony Jones was born on February 21, 1992 in Preston. He is a well- known English player. Right now he is playing for Manchester United.

Слайд 5

Thomas William Cleverley Tom Cleverly was born in Basingstoke , Hampshire. He won the Big cup of Manchester and the Big cup of Lancashire. Now he is playing for Manchester United.

Слайд 6

Cricket Cricket is a popular sport in England, too. Both adults and children play cricket. The game is simple and doesn’t require a lot of space. It is the most important feature of cricket.

Слайд 7

Andrew Flintoff Flintoff decided to finish his 15 years career of a cricket player in September, 2010 because of multiple injuries of knees. He won many prizes and left as a legend.

Слайд 8

GOLF Officially golf appeared in England in 1457. Golf game is a whole separate culture which carefully stores a set of traditions. For British people golf isn’t sports but entertainment.

Слайд 9

John Eastwood English golf player, the leader of the world rating since the 31 st of October 2010. John Eastwood was player of the year three times (1998, 2000, 2009) and once he won the European round of PGA.

Слайд 10

Tennis Precisely it isn't known when there was tennis in England but as that it appeared in 14-15 c. in France. It became one of the main and favourite sports.

Слайд 11

Frederick John Peri Fred was in England in the middle of the XX century I became the triple Wimbledon champion on tennis . In 1995 Fred Peri died in Melbourne (Australia).

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1

Sport in England Sport in England is very developed. E specially soccer , cricket, golf, football and certainly tennis ( Wimbledon ). Let’s speak about each of them.

Слайд 2

Football Football is a national sport in England. It plays a large role in English culture. Modern football originated in England in 1863.

Слайд 3

Manchester United Football Club It was founded in 1878. “United“ is a home stadium. “Manchester United" is one of the most successful English clubs by quantity of titles for the whole history.

Слайд 4

Philip Anthony Jones Philip Anthony Jones was born on February 21, 1992 in Preston. He is a well- known English player. Right now he is playing for Manchester United.

Слайд 5

Thomas William Cleverley Tom Cleverly was born in Basingstoke , Hampshire. He won the Big cup of Manchester and the Big cup of Lancashire. Now he is playing for Manchester United.

Слайд 6

Cricket Cricket is a popular sport in England, too. Both adults and children play cricket. The game is simple and doesn’t require a lot of space. It is the most important feature of cricket.

Слайд 7

Andrew Flintoff Flintoff decided to finish his 15 years career of a cricket player in September, 2010 because of multiple injuries of knees. He won many prizes and left as a legend.

Слайд 8

GOLF Officially golf appeared in England in 1457. Golf game is a whole separate culture which carefully stores a set of traditions. For British people golf isn’t sports but entertainment.

Слайд 9

John Eastwood English golf player, the leader of the world rating since the 31 st of October 2010. John Eastwood was player of the year three times (1998, 2000, 2009) and once he won the European round of PGA.

Слайд 10

Tennis Precisely it isn't known when there was tennis in England but as that it appeared in 14-15 c. in France. It became one of the main and favourite sports.

Слайд 11

Frederick John Peri Fred was in England in the middle of the XX century I became the triple Wimbledon champion on tennis . In 1995 Fred Peri died in Melbourne (Australia).

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