Writing the postcard (Trip to London)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Тунгишбаева Алия Куатбаевна

The lesson is held in the 7th form, in which students will learn how to write the postcard.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Plan of the lesson

  1. Org.moment: - Good morning, dear children!
  • How are you today?
  • Who is on duty today?
  • Who is absent today?
  • What the weather is like today?
  •  Sit down, please!
  1. Warming up. Introducing.  

-So guys, listen to me. I`m your tour guide today.  We`re in a one of the most beautiful and amazing city London.  As you know today is the third day we`ve been here. All you have the schedule of trip to London. We`ve planned everything and it will show us what to do next.

And now I want to know the things we`ve done.

Answering the questions.

  • When did you arrive here?
  •  How did you get here?
  •  Where have you already been to?
  • What have you already done?
  •  What did you do yesterday?
  1. Revision

-Now, I`d like to know how good you know London?

-You have to answer and write the correct answer.

1) Name the place where almost all English kings and queens have been crowned and where many famous people are buried. (Westminster abbey. Founded by Edward the Confessor in 1050, the Abbey was a monastery for a long time. There are memorials to eminent men and women. But the most popular ones are those to writers, actors and musicians in Poets’ Corner.)

2) Name the monument in the middle of Trafalgar Square. (Nelson Column. Raised in 1843 and now one of London’s best-loved monuments, commemorates the one-armed, one-eyed admiral who defeated

Napoleon at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, but paid for it  with his life.)

3) Name the Queen’s London residence. (Buckingham Palace. Built in 1705 as Buckingham House for the duke of the same name, this palace became the official London home of the British Royal family. When the flag is flying on the top the Queen is in. There are 661 rooms in it. It is dominated by the

25m-high Queen Victoria Memorial at the end of the Mall.)

4) Name an ancient fortress and a prison in the City of London. (The Tower of London. Through the centuries, the Tower of London has been a citadel, a palace, a prison for offenders against the State, the home of  the Mint, the treasury for the Crown Jewels, a menagerie, and the first royal observatory. Three queens of England have been beheaded within its walls. )

5) Name the clock in the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. (Big Ben. It is famous for its accuracy and for its 13-ton bell. The clock was named after Sir Benjamin Hall, commissioner of works at

the time of its installation in 1859. The sound of Big Ben is well-known all over the world because it is broadcast by the BBC.)

6) Name a bridge that  crosses the River Thames in London. (the Tower Bridge. Perhaps second only to Big Ben as London’s most recognizable symbol, Tower Bridge doesn’t disappoint up close. There’s

something about its neo-Gothic towers and blue suspension struts that make it quite enthralling to look at.)

7) Name the biggest wheel  in Britain. (London Eye. Opened in 2000, it is visible from many surprising parts of the city. A ride or a flight in one of the wheel’s 32 glass-enclosed gondolas holding up to 28 people. It takes a gracefully slow 30 minutes and you can see 25 miles in every direction.)

8) Name one of the greatest churches. (St. Paul’s Cathedral.  Saint Paul’s Cathedral was designed in a classical Baroque style by Sir Christopher Wren. It was constructed between 1675

and 1710. Built of Portland stone with a Dome that rises to 365 feet and with Great Paul, the largest bell in England, it is one of the most attractive sights in London.)

9) Name the theatre where Shakespeare’s plays were first performed. (Shakespeare`s globe. The building is a wooden O without a roof over the central stage area, and although there are covered wooden bench seats         in tiers around the stage, many people like to do as the 17th-century “groundlings” did, and stand in front of the stage, shouting and heckling.)

  IV.  Speaking. I`m going to…

  •   What are you going to do this afternoon?
  •  What are you going to do tomorrow?
  •  When are leaving London?
  •  How will get home?
  • When will get home?

  1. Writing a postcard. Main rules of writing the postcard. (Ss are divided into two groups. Each of groups should write as more rules as they can. After which they`re going to compare.)

Use short and simple sentences;

 Use short forms (it`s, I`ll, we`re, etc.);

 Give information clearly;

Use exclamation mark to show the excitement;

 Do not be rude, even if you don`t like the trip;

 Use going to for arrangements you already made;

Use will to make offers, suggests or requests;

 Use First, After, Next, At last, etc. to show your plans.

  1. Writing the postcard. How to write it?

 Greet your friend (Hi…, Dear…, Hello, etc.);

 Ask your friend some questions. (How are you? I hope… What/When etc);

 Say where you are. Say what is like. Say what  you did yesterday;

Say what you are doing today;

Say when you`re leaving and what you`re doing next;

Say when you get home;

Say goodbye and express your love. (Bye! Bye for now! See you soon!)

 Your first name only

  1. Conclusion.      To know  Ss` opinion about trip and postcard.
  2. Giving h/w. to finish writing the postcard.
  3. Giving feedback.

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