Конспект урока "Музей мадам Тюссо", презентация "музей мадам Тюссо"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Музей мадам Тюссо - один из самых известных музеев мира. Туристы, путешествуя по Лондону, никогда не дбходят его стороной.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Методическая разработка урока.
Тема урока: Madam Tussaud’s
Цели урока: 1) развивающий аспект: развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием; развитие навыков устной речи (с опорой); активизация лексического материала по теме;
2) познавательный аспект: учащиеся совершат виртуальную экскурсию по музею мадам Тюссо;
3) учебный аспект: овладение всеми видами речевой деятельности: аудированием, говорением, чтением и письмом;
4) воспитательный аспект: воспитание умения работать в команде, чувства взаимопомощи, культуры языкового общения.
Оборудование урока: DVD-плеер, фильм “Музей мадам Тюссо».
Ход урока:
- Оргмомент: Good morning.
You are welcome to the lesson, students. Sit down.
II. The plan of today’s lesson is:
- We shall see the film “Madam Tussaud’s”.
- Then we discuss the contents of the film and prepare retelling of it.
- Вступительное слово:
-Samuel Johnson said two centuries ago: “He who tired of London is tired of life”. London has everything you could possibly want out of life.
Today we’ll make the excursion to a well- known London’s museum Madam Tussaud’s. Our students will tell us some words from the history of Madam Tussaud’s, about special exhibits and making wax figures.
Teacher – Group – Student
Wax museum; lifelike wax figures; statesmen; notorious criminals; Doctor Philippe Curtius; famous wax modeler; special sittings; Henry the Eight; the Chamber of Horrors; the death masks; victims; executed; Queen Marie Antoinette; actual quillotine blade |
How it began
Marie Tussaud grew up in Paris in the eighteenth century. Her mother was housekeeper to Doctor Curtius, a famous wax modeler. He specialized in exhibiting models of famous people, and, as his assistant, Marie learnt how to make wax figures.
But before you will have the phonetic drills. Let,s read these words for the film. Then you will use them in your speech.
Making wax figures
Nowadays famous people give special sittings for sculptors from madam Tussaud’s. It takes about 3 months to complete a wax model.
- The clay body is modeled on a wire frame.
- Plaster moulds are made of the clay head and body. The head mould is filled with molten wax. The body mould is lined with fiberglass and then chipped away.
- The cooled wax head is fitted with glass eyes and real hair, which is washed and styled.
- The model is painted with water-colour and make up.
Special exhibits
There some wax visitors dotted around the displays, and many people are fooled by them because they look so real. There are many historical figures, too, for instance Henry the Eight and his six wives.
The Battle of Trafalgar exhibit shows scenes inside Nelson’s flagship, HMS Victory, at the height of battle. The noise of the guns was recorded on board the origin al ship, now moored at Portsmouth.
Another famous display is in the Chamber of Horrors, where there are models of some of the most notorious criminals of history.
At the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 Dr. Curtius and his assistant were ordered to make the death masks of many victims executed by guillotine. Some wax heads made from these masks are still on show. Madam Tussaud made the death masks of the French King Louis the Sixteenth and Queen Marie Antoinette. Their wax heads are still on display, together with the actual guillotine blade used to execute them.
And now imagine we are in the street of London. One of you is the tourist and the other is Londoner.
Act out the dialogue.
Tourist: Excuse me.
Londoner: Yes.
Tourist: You see, it’s my first visit to London and I’d like to see Madam Tussaud’s. Will you tell me, where it is situated?
Londoner: Sure. It is situated in Mary le bone Road.
Tourist: Could you tell me the shortest way to it?
Londoner: You should get there by metro till Baker street Station or by taxi.
Tourist: Thank you.
Londoner: You are welcome.
IV. Развитие навыков устной речи.
1. Демонстрация фильма.
2.Контроль понимания содержания.
3. Составление плана пересказа.
Now let’s see the film. Listen to it attentively and try to understand everything you will see and hear. Use the words. Then I shall ask some questions about the details of the film.
V. Film discussing. Questions.
Answer my questions.
1.What is Madam Tussaud?
2.Whereis the museum situated?
3.What wax models are presented there?
4.What persons have you recognized?
5. What halls at Madam Tussaud’s do you know?
6.What are the wax figures doing?
7.Who gives special sittings for sculptors from Madam Tussaud’s and how are wax figures made?
8.What are there in special exhibits?
9.What were Dr. Curtius and his assistant ordered at the outbreak of the French Revolution?
VI. Чтение отрывков из текста.
And now let’s read about Madam Tussaud’s. It will be short reproduction of the film. This will be your home task to retell the film in a shirt way. Try to give equivalents to this sentences. Read the first sentence in Russian and then in English.
VII. Marks. Thank you for the work at the lesson.
Предварительный просмотр:
Методическая разработка урока.
Данный урок предназначен для обучающихся на 2 курсе ОМЛ.
Тема урока: Welcome Back.
Цель урока: формирование практических умений в чтении, аудировании, письме и говорении.
Задачи урока:
-образовательные: способствовать развитию практического владения языком, умению вести беседу, расширить кругозор по теме, создать условия для формирования лексических навыков говорения;
-воспитательные: создавать условия для формирования способности к критическому мышлению. Воспитывать умение внимательно слушать и слышать, уважать другое мнение, формировать потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в группе;
-развивающие: развивать память, логику, мышление, воображение, самостоятельность.
Оборудование урока: DVD-плеер, CD.
Учебно-методическое обеспечение:
- Up&Up. Учебник английского языка для 11 класса под ред. В.Г. Тимофеева. Москва, «Академия» 2009.
- Up&Up. Книга для учителя к учебнику английского языка для 11 класса под ред. В.Г. Тимофеева, Москва. «Академия» 2008.
Ход урока
- Оргмомент. Teacher: Good morning, students! I hope you are fine today. We can start.
- Warm Up. Teacher: You are back at school. Your memories of summer are quite vivid. Look at the pictures and decide which of them describes tour summer best. Make a list of the words you already know to talk about these pictures.
- Vocabulary. Анализ составленных учащимися списков слов по теме «Летний отдых» и определение объема и систематизация недостающей лексики.
Teacher: Match the headings Camping, Countryside, Package Tour, Summer Camp to the pictures.
Look at the word box in your books and put the words under the headings in the table. Some phrases can go under several headings.
Have a picnic; pass through customs; board/book/cancel/change/delay/miss/take a flight; take pictures; check in/collect/label luggage; spend money; go to a seaside resort; have a good/great time; lie on a beach; sunbathe; go sightseeing; go hiking; stay in a summer cottage/hotel; water flowers; weed plants; greenhouse; have a sauna |
Camping | Countryside | Package tour | Summer camp |
take pictures | take pictures | pass through customs | take pictures |
label luggage | spend money | board/book/cancel/ change/delay/miss/ take a flight | label luggage |
spend money | have a good/ great time | take pictures | spend money |
have a good/ great time | lie on a beach | check in/collect/ label luggage | have a good/ great time |
lie on a beach | sunbathe | spend money | lie on a beach |
sunbathe | stay in a summer cottage | go to a seaside resort | sunbathe |
go sightseeing | water flowers | have a good/great time | go sightseeing |
go hiking | weed plants | lie on a beach | go hiking |
stay in a summer cottage | greenhouse | sunbathe | stay in a summer cottage |
have a sauna | have a sauna | go sightseeing | have a sauna |
stay in a hotel | |||
have a sauna |
- Работа с лексикой.
Teacher: read the sentences and choose the best answer.
- If we don’t leave now, we’ll book/miss/cancel the flight.
- I’ve just come back from Khanty-Mansyisk. - Did you water the flowers/spend money/have a good time? - Oh, it was wonderful!
I loved that nice and quiet town very much.
- I’d like to buy a ticket from Kazan to St. Petersburg on October, 3. - Unfortunately there’s no direct flight on this day. You’ll have to cancel/delay/change in Moscow.
- I’m so cold! Let’s sunbathe/have a sauna/have a picnic. – That’s a good idea.
- How do you know this is your suitcase? – That’s easy. I always check in/label/collect my luggage because there many similar suitcases and bags.
- A lot of people travel to Moscow by plane these days. You’d better miss/book/change your flight i9n advance.
- First you should collect/check in/lose your luggage and then you go to the boarding gate.
- Announcer: The flight 581 to Krasnoyarsk is missed/delayed/taken until 22:00 due to the weather conditions.
Правильные ответы:
1 – miss, 2 – have a good time, 3 – change, 4 – have a sauna, 5 – label, 6 – book, 7 – check in, 8 – delaed.
- Listening.
- Teacher: Listen to the conversations. Match the conversation to the pictures.
Conversation 1.
-How was your summer?
-Oh, super! We’ve had a terrific trip. It was more than 3,000 km all in all. We’ve done a lot of sightseeing, visiting big cities, small towns and fantastic countryside places. I’ve taken a lot of pictures, I’ll show you.
-Umm, did you take a bus trip?
-Oh, no. we travelled by car. Both my mum and dad are great drivers.
-I see, but wasn’t it easier to buy a package tour, though it may be more expensive?
-I don’t think that money was important. My father is sure that when travelling, you should be in control. You should decide where you want to go, what you want to see, and how to get there. And what about you? How did you spend your summer?
-Not bad, though I didn’t travel a lot. I stayed with my grandparents in the country. Helping in the garden most of the time.
-I see, watering, weeding and of that staff. I hate it…
-I don’t mind it. I’ve been doing it since I was ten. I don’t think I would be a great help next summer. We are doing our exams, remember?
-Did you have any time to relax?
-Of course. I did a lot of hiking. We had picnics and barbeques every weekend when my parents came over. We’ll talk it after classes.
-I spent July in a summer camp about 100 km from city. A quiet place not far from a big lake. It was not my choice and I didn’t think I’d like it.
-You mean it was your parents who planned everything for you?
-Yes, it was my father’s idea. But it turned out to be rather good after all. Dad said it was time to go away on my own. He used to go to summer camp every year when he was a schoolboy. And he liked it a lot.
-Was it a kind of hostel or did you spend a whole month in a tent?
-Oh, both. The camp consists of several buildings. The biggest one is a dining hall and a kind of a club where we had discos, competitions and even a show that we stage all by ourselves. And some buildings to sleep in. And we went hiking three times. The longest was for three nights and four days.
-Four days walking?
-That was fantastic. We walked over 50 km in all, complete with backpacks and tents.
-Mmm, cool.
-I think you didn’t enjoy your summer, did you? I thought you were planning a family holiday somewhere in Turkey. So you mean that you didn’t get there?
-Oh, no, we went to Turkey all right, though it was a complete disaster. Everything went wrong from the start. My parents were planning to book a budget tour for a fortnight somewhere in June. Then my father picked up some fantastic offer on the Internet. A fortnight in a four-star hotel all included for exactly the same money as the budget one we had nearly booked.
-Sounds great.
-Yeah, those were my mother’s exact words. The ad said it was a special offer as part of a promo campaign for a brand new hotel.
-So they made you believe it…
2)Teacher: Tick the words used in the conversations in the table (III). Listen again and check.
Правильные ответы: sightseeing, take pictures, water, weed, have a picnic, go hiking.
3)Teacher: decide who enjoyed his/her summer best and who was unhappy with it. Give reasons.
Учащиеся продолжают работу над диалогами, аргументируют свои высказывания.
4)Listening for details.
Teacher: listen to Conversation 1 again and complete the sentences.
- We’ve done a lot of sightseeing, visiting……, …… and fantastic …… .
- We travelled …… . Both my mum and dad are great …… .
- I see, but wasn’t easier to buy a …… ?
- My father is sure that when travelling, you …… .
- I see, …… , …… and all that staff. I hate it.
- We had n….. and ….. every weekend when my parents came over.
Правильные ответы:
1.big cities, small towns, countryside places
2.by car, drivers
3.package tour
4.should be in control
5.watering, weeding
6.picnics, barbeques
VI. Подведение итогов.
- Итоги. Оценки.
- Выводы.
- Домашнее задание.
Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока
Тема: «London is the capital of great Britain»
Цели урока: а) обучающая – усвоение новой лексики, обучение чтению и переводу, развитие навыков устной речи;
б) развивающая – развитие памяти, логического мышления, внимания, кругозора;
в) воспитательная – формирование у учащихся положительной мотивации в изучении иностранного языка, уважения к культуре и традициям страны изучаемого языка.
Оборудование урока: дидактический материал, фильм «Лондон».
Ход урока:
Этапы урока | Содержание | Деятельность учителя | Деятельность учащихся |
I. Организацион- ный момент II. Проверка домашнего задания III. Работа над темой IV. Работа с фильмом. V. Работа по озвучиванию фильма. VI. Подведение итогов. VII. Задание на дом | Концентрация внимания учащихся. Раппорт дежурного. Объявление темы. Постановка цели урока. Чтение скороговорок. 1. Лексический диктант. 2.Географическое положение Великобритании. 1) What is the capital of Great Britain? 2) Where is Great Britain situated? 3) What is the full name of Great Britain? 4)What separates Great Britain and the continent of Europe? 5) What is Great Britain washed by? 6) What countries does Great Britain consist of? 7) What is the area of Great Britain? 8) What is the population of Great Britain? Отработка навыков чтения новой лексики Просмотр кадров фильма, чтение, перевод сопровождающего текста. Беседа по отдельным кадрам с целью расширения кругозора. | Вступительное слово учителя. Учитель задает вопросы и корректирует ответы Читает и разъясняет значение и написание новых слов. Читает текст. Учитель задает дополнительные вопросы. Задает вопросы. Выставление оценок. Благодарит уча- щихся за работу. | Учащиеся слушают. Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы 1) Повторяют вслух, хоровое закрепление лексики, индивидуальное закрепление лексики 2) Обратный перевод. Учащиеся переводят. |
Тема урока: «London is the capital”
- Приветствие.
- The topic of today’s lesson “London is the capital of Great Britain”.
Now we have possibility to travel to another countries. If you go to this or that you should know all about its traditions, history, geographical position, climate, political system and cities.
Let’s imagine we are going to Great Britain. You know about geographical position of this country and today I’m going to show you round the capital of this country. We are going to London. But before we start with phonetic drills.
III. Начнем , как всегда, с фонетической зарядки. Но сегодня она будет не совсем обычной. Я предлагаю потренироваться в произнесении скороговорок.
Скороговорка по-английски – TONGUE TWISTER. Кто может дословно перевести? Tongue – язык, Twister – ломатель.
Вот вам на доске несколько скороговорок. Потренируем язык, губы, артикуляцию.
Six selfish shellfish.
Давайте хором.
Unique New York.
She sells sea-shells on the seashore.
IV. And before going to London I want to check up your homework. What was your homework for today?
Проверка новых слов. Лексический диктант.
- географическое положение geographical position
- на севере in the north
- остров island
- омывается океаном is washed by
- площадь area
- квадратный метр square kilometer
- расположен is situated
- население population
- столица capital
- климат climate
- отделять от separate
- Атлантический океан Atlantic Ocean
- состоять из consist of
V. I want you answer my questions.
1. What is the capital of Great Britain?
2. Where is Great Britain situated?
3. What is the name of Gr. Britain?
4. What separates Gr. Britain and the continent of Europe?
5. What is Great Britain washed by?
6. What countries does Great Britain consist of?
7. What is the area of Gr. Britain?
8. What is the population of Great Britain?
VI. And now who can give a full story about geographical position of Great Britain?
Come here, please.
Take the pointer and go to the map, please.
Now all of you look at the map.
Ученик, пользуясь географической картой, рассказывает о географическом положении Великобритании.
VII. And it is time to start our excursion round London.
(Раздаю листки с новыми словами).
Эти слова вам помогут в нашем путешествии.
Слова читать по ходу фильма, повторить хором (индивидуально).
Слова я расположила по кадрам.
- 1. lies on the Thames - лежит на Темзе
2. wide - широкий
3. deep - глубокий
II. 1. symbol - символ, эмблема
2. a clock tower - часовая башня
3. foot (feet) - фут (ед. длины~ 30см)
4. was installed - были встроены
III. 1. a constitutional monarchy - конституционная монархия
2. ruling queen - правящая королева
3. was crowned - была коронована
IV. 1. Buckingham Palace - Букингемский дворец
2. court - двор (королевский)
3. parade - парад
4. the Royal Guards - королевская гвардия
V. 1. ancient tradition - древние традиции
2. are kept alive - поддерживаются
3. picturesque - живописный, красочный
4. military orchestras - военные оркестры
5. traditional uniforms -традиционная форма
6. bear caps - медвежьи шапки
7. attract - привлекать
8. Londoners - лондонцы
9. numerous tourists - многочисленные туристы
10. guests - гости
11. official residence - официальная резиденция
12. prime minister - премьер- министр
13. actual ruler - фактический руководитель
14. not reelected - не переизбран
VI. 1. Westminster Abbey - Вестминстерское аббатство
2. close to - вблизи
3. Westminster Palace - Вестминстерский дворец
VII. 1.churches - церкви
2. are buried - захораниваются
3. “Poet corner” - уголок поэтов
4. great literatures men - великие литераторы
5. famous scientists - великие ученые
6. outstanding persons - выдающиеся люди
7. the museum of the Abbey - музей аббатства
8. keeps many treasures - хранит много сокровищ
VIII. 1. St. Paul’s Cathedral - собор Св. Павла
2. was designed a new - был построен заново
3. by the famous architect Wren - известным архитектором Реном
4. Great Fire - большой пожар
5. are eager - очень хотят
6. Whispering Gallery - галерея Шепотов
7. slightest - малейший
8. distance - расстояние
После ответов на вопросы подвести итог.
IX. 1. What are this address famous for?
2. Who is the actual ruler of the country?
X. 1. Is the Westminster Abbey one of the oldest churches in Europe?
2. Where are the British kings and queens crowned and buried?
XI. 1. What is this part of the Abbey called?
2. Who are buried here?
3. What does the museum of the Abbey also keep?
XII. 1. What cathedral was designed a new by the famous architect after the Great fire of
London in 1666?
2. What are tourists always eager to see?
Мы посмотрели фильм. Кому что понравилось? Следующий раз мы продолжим нашу экскурсию по Лондону. Вы сами подготовите дома рассказ о каком-либо объекте, одной из достопримечательностей Лондона. В помощь я даю вам листки. Вы переведете и расскажете.
После первого просмотра, чтения и перевода фильм просматривается второй раз и озвучивается учащимися самостоятельно с опорой на слова.
Задаются вопросы по кадрам.
I. 1. What is the capital of Great Britain?
2. How old is London?
3. Where is London situated?
4. Is the Thames wide and deep river?
5. Is London big or small city?
6. Is it one of the biggest cities of Europe?
7. What is the population of London at present?
II. 1. What is Big Ben?
2. Is it a clock tower?
3. How high is it?
4. When was the great clock installed in the tower?
III. 1. Is the Great Britain constitutional monarchy?
2. Who is the ruling Queen of Great Britain now?
3. When was she crowned?
4. What was the name of her father?
5. How old was Elizabeth II when she was crowned?
6. Do you know who will be the next king of Great Britain?
IV. 1.What can you tell about ancient traditions?
2. Is it great and old palace?
3. How many rooms are there in the palace?
4. What are the Queen, her family and her court watching from the balcony of the Buckingham Palace?
V. 1. What can you tell about ancient traditions?
2. Are there parades of military orchestras and Royal Guards?
3. What do the Royal Guards wear?
4. Do they attract many Londoners and many tourists?
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: What makes people travel? What types of holiday can we choose nowadays ?
A package TOUR Travelling is the best way to spend your holiday. You may do a bit or a lot of sightseeing , visiting big cities, small towns and fantastic countryside places.
A SIGHTSEEING TOUR When you are sightseeing, it helps to buy a guidebook and a map of the city you are in.
A SIGHTSEEING TOUR European countries with a long, fascinating history and traditions won’t leave you bored.
A SIGHTSEEING TOUR We have a lot of historical places to see in Russia.
Go to a seaside resort Those who want to have a good time, lie on a beach, sunbathe by the sea should visit health resorts in Spain, Portugal, Pomerania, Egypt and Turkey enjoying sunbathing and swimming.
COUNTRY side Do you know a more exciting place than Russian countryside? If you live in a big city, go to the countryside to put your feet up enjoying peace and quiet.
COUNTRYside Occasionally, go for a stroll to admire flora and fauna, clear blue sky, glorious sunshine and a gentle breeze. It’s an ideal way of getting relaxed.
camping You may spend your holiday in a summer camp in a quite place not far from a big lake, stay in a summer cottage, go hiking, take pictures.
Accommodation The last but not the least is accommodation. We have got a wide variety of offers to choose from.
ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: What makes people travel? What types of holiday can we choose nowadays ?
MEANS OF TRANSPORT The concept of hitchhiking students may sound strange but it is fast becoming a common sight. It is the best and the cheapest way to explore foreign countries.
Travelling by plane You may book a flight. Before boarding the plane you should check-in and label your luggage.
Accommodation Spacious and elegantly furnished rooms with comfortable beds, bathrooms with floor heating and towel warmers make 5-star hotels a perfect place to stay.
Accommodation Are you risky, adventurous, sporty? A holiday with an archaeological camp, expedition and anything involving a trip to a distant part of the world is the right choice for you.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Музей Мадам Тюссо (презентация)
Данная работа является приложением для упражнения книги для чтения в 7 классе...

Презентация "Музей Мадам Тюссо".
Презентация для учащихся 6 класса, изучающих английский язык по программе М.З. Биболетовой....

Музей восковых фигур Мадам Тюссо. Часть-1
Презентация музея восковых фигур Мадам Тюссо в 2-х частях. Часть 1-я....

Музей восковых фигур Мадам Тюссо в 2-х частях. Часть-2
Презентация музея восковых фигур Мадам Тюссо.Часть-2...

Разработка открытого урока по английскому языку в 5 классе по теме "Музей Мадам Тюссо"
Цель: формирование коммуникативной, лингвистической, лингвострановедческой, общеучебной компетенций через беседу и обмен мнениями....
Презентация Мадам Тюссо
презентация об музее Мадам Тюссо...