Тест на Present Perfect, Past Simple, Present Perfect Continuous.
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Гайдарова Оксана Валерьевна

Повторение грамматического материала по следующим временам:Present Perfect, Past Simple, Present Perfect Continuous.



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Let’s do some exercises 

Дополните предложения правильной формой Present Perfect

  1. I know who your boss is. I (work) for him.
  2. Look! Somebody already (broke) the tree.
  3. Mary (go) to Moskow, but she’ll be back next Monday at the latest.
  4. Andy is in hospital now. He (have) a bad crash.
  5. Jane is crying. She (hurt) her knee.

Заполните пропуски sinse или for.

Mike left school when he was 16. … then he has had five cars. He usually keeps a car … a year. Then he gets bored with it and buys another one. As far as his dad, he has had the same car … ten years. Mike can’t understand that. He’s had this Ford Mondeo … 2002 and it’s still going well. He’ll probably keep it … a few month.

Поставьте правильную форму глагола в Present Perfect Simple или Present Perfect Continuous.

- Hi, Mark! I (not/see) you for ages.
- Hi. I (
work) quite hard as usual. How about you?
- Great. I (
look) around for a new flat, but I (not/find) one yet.
- What’s wrong with your old one?
- It’s OK. But I (
just/get) a new job and it’s on the other side of town. By the way, you (finish) that book I gave you last month?
- I (
not/have) time, I was very busy. I (start) it but I’ve only got as far as the first chapter.
- What you (
do) since I last saw you?
- I (
prepare) for exams, of course. I (take) maths I’ve still got physics and chemistry to go.
- How did the maths exam go?
- I think I (
pass) it. We’ll see.

Тест на Present Perfect, Past Simple, Present Perfect Continuous

1. He (play) a lot of football this year.
a. plays
b. was playing
c. has played

2. Tell me all about what (happen) at the meeting. I am all ears.
a. happened
b. has happened
c. has been happening

3. He (run) away from school three times when he was 14.
a. run
b. has run
c. has been running

4. How many cups of coffee you (drink) today?
a. did you drink
b. have you drunk
c. have you been drinking

5. How long you (drink) this cup of coffee?
a. did you drink
b .have you drunk
c. have you been drinking

6. Your car is covered in mud. Where you (drive)?
a. did yoy drive
b. have you driven
c. have you been driving

7. Our team are rubbish. They just (lose) 8 games one after another.
a. lost
b. have lost
c. have been losing

8. You (make) up your mind? What you (decide) to do?
a. did you make/ have you decided
b. have you made/ have you decided
c. have you been making/did you decide

9. You (find) the place on the map yet?
a. Have you found
b. Did you find
c. Have you been finding

10. I (not/hear) anything from him since he (move) to Paris.
a. didn’t hear/ moved
b. haven’t heard/moved
c. haven’t been hearing/ was moving

  1. Ответы:
  2. have worked
  3. has already broken
  4. has gone
  5. has had
  6. has hurt


  1. haven’t seen
  2. have been working
  3. have been looking/haven’t found
  4. have just got/have you finished
  5. haven’t had/ have started
  6. have you been doing
  7. have been preparing/ have taken
  8. have passed

  1.  c
  2. a
  3. c
  4. b
  5. c
  6. c
  7. b
  8. b
  9. a
  10. b

  1. Заполните пропуски sinse или for.


  1. Since, for, for, since, for

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