Английский язык.Тест по чтению 7 класс. Тема "Еда"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Тест можно использовать для контроля сформированности навыка чтения на уроках английского языка в 7 классе. Тема - Еда.


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Предварительный просмотр:

1.Read the text and write ‘R’ for Right, ‘W’ for Wrong or ‘DS’ for Doesn’t Say.

I’m Emma. Yesterday morning my friend Clara and I were in my kitchen with our cups of coffee with milk and sugar. In the paper I saw an interesting advert. It was for Tasty Food, a new restaurant at 3 Park Square. It said that it had lots of different kinds of pasta and salads made from fresh ingredients. It also said that it had more than fifty kinds of ice cream – all of them sugar free! I’m meeting Clara and two of my cousins there this afternoon at 5 o’clock when it opens.      

Bob was in the supermarket. His mother wanted him to get a few things on his way home from school because she was making a pizza. First he needed 1kg of cheese and it had to be cheese that came from Finland. Next, he had to buy some vegetables – 2 onions, 3 green peppers and 8 tomatoes. Now where was the cheese and where were the vegetables? Bob looked at the sign. The vegetables were in Aisle 5 and the cheese was in Aisle 7 When he paid for everything he looked at the receipt. The total was 19.99! That was a lot for one pizza!


My name is Kelly. I’m making a shopping list. Tomorrow, 3rd September, is my twelfth birthday and I’m having a party. I’ve invited ten of my friends and of course my parents are coming. So, I’m going to get lots of snacks and a few bottles of fizzy drinks. I’ll get some fresh orange juice too because I don’t like bubbles. No, wait. I think I’ll get a few lemons and make fresh juice. I’ll have to put lots of sugar in it!

Hello! Chef Petros here! I’m going to make a special cake using my grandmother’s favourite recipe. Now, I’ve got all the ingredients here on the table next to this big bowl. Let’s see – a few eggs, two cups of sugar, 2 cups of flour and lots of chocolate! So, I’m putting everything in here, I’m mixing it up and finally, I’m putting it into the oven. OK. I have to cook it for fifty minutes at 180 but I’ll check it in forty-five because it might be ready then.    

1 Bob needed to buy cheese made in Finland. _____   

2 Chef Petros will use margarine in his cake. _____

3 Emma and Clara had a snack with their coffee. _____

4 Kelly will make something that tastes of lemons. _____

5 Bob’s mum wanted ingredients for a salad. _____

2. Read the text and complete each sentence with one word or number from the first text.

New Restaurant!

Come to (1) __________ Food!

(2) __________ Park Square

Pasta and salads made with (3) __________ ingredients!

Sugar (4) __________ ice cream

Opens: (5) __________ o’clock

Resource id #5456

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