Test your Logic
тест по английскому языку на тему

Данный тест содержит небольшие задания на английском языке на проверку логического мышления. Задания нестандартного характера, некоторые  их них - юмористические.


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Test  your  logic


Work  in pairs.Try to  work out answers  to  the  following  problems.


1.Why can’t a person, living  in  London berried  in  Scotland?

2Some months have 30  days some have  31. How many  months have 28 days?,

7.If you had only one match and  entered a dark  room containing  an  oil  lamp, newspaper    and  some kindling wood, what would  you light first?

8.A farmer had 17 sheep all but 9 died. How did he have left?

9.Write this down as one number- 15 thousand 15 hundred and 15.

10.Mrs. Daylor*s bungaloy is decorated entirely in pink.Her lamps, walls, carpets and ceilings are all pink.What  colour are her stairs


.Take three apples from five apples.How many do you have?

3. How many children does a man have if he has ten  sons  and each  son has a sister?

12.If Mr.Wright*s  peacock had an egg in Mr.Blake*s garden,who is the rightful owner of the egg?

13.what do you sit on, sleep on    and  brush your teeth with?


14.How  many times  can you

4 An  Air France Boeing crashes747 on the border between France  and Belgium,

On board are150 French  people and 200  Belgians. Where  are  survivors  buried---in France  or in  Belgium?

5. I  am  a  woman.IF  Sally”s  daughter is  my daughter’s  

Take 4  from 33

15 A man left his hotel and walked towards the car park. Without the benefit of moon-light or any artificial light he was able to spot his black car 100 metres away. How was this  possible?

Mother, what  relationship  am I  to  Sally?

16.Which  is correct: Nine and seven is fifteen or nine and seven are fifteen?

6.What  was  the highest  mountain  in  the  world  before  Mount  Everest  was  discovered?

17.If a woman was born in Italy, raised in Australia, married a Scotsman, lived in England then died in Italy, what is she?

Total    Score;

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