Past Tenses
материал по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Голованова Вилена Евгеньевна

тест на прошедшие времена


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Предварительный просмотр:

 1.  Her face was stained with tears and her eyes were red. She ..... .  


was crying

had been crying

had cried


 2.  Suddenly they heard a strange noise and ..... at each other in horror.  


were looking

had looked

had been looking


 3.  He didn't see me as he was reading when I ..... into the room.  

had come


had been coming

was coming


 4.  Margaret didn’t wear her shoes; she was barefoot. She ..... on a piece of broken glass and cut her foot.  


had stepped

was stepping

had been stepping


 5.  A strong wind ..... and I decided to put on a warm coat.  


had blown

was blowing

had been blowing


 6.  When I was young, I ..... that people over forty were very old. Now that I am forty myself I don’t think so.  


used to think

was thinking

had thought


 7.  Before I went to bed I decided to check the front door. I was sure my sister ..... it. And I was right!  

didn’t lock

hadn’t locked


had locked


 8.  Dinosaurs were the largest animals ever to live on earth, and they ..... the Earth for a very long period of time.  


were ruling

had ruled

had been ruling


 9.  In 1912 the Titanic ..... an iceberg on its first trip across the Atlantic, and it sank four hours later.  

had hit


was hitting

had been hitting


 10.  He ..... ill for three days, so his mother wanted to bring him to a doctor, but he didn’t want to go.  

had felt


had been feeling

was feeling


 11.  Mrs. Robson died in her sleep. Her doctor told me she ..... from a weak heart for some time.  

was suffering

had been suffering


had suffered


 12.  I didn’t see Linda last month because she ..... around Europe at that time.  


was travelling

had travelled

had been travelling


 13.  I got lost in the forest because I took the road I ..... before.  

didn’t never take

never took

had never taken

didn’t take


 14.  Mrs. Smith was busy last weekend because her grandchildren ..... with her.  

had been staying

were staying


had stayed


 15.  We ..... TV for ten minutes when the electricity went off.  


were watching

had watched

had been watching

Ex.2 Complete the sentences for situations in the past. Decide which tense you need to use.

  1. Yesterday, a plumber (come)  to our house.
  2. He (want)  to repair our washing machine that(break)  down a few days before.
  3. Before he (ring)  at my door, he (look)  for a parking space for about ten minutes.
  4. While the plumber (repair)  the washing machine, I(watch)  the news.
  5. Suddenly, I (realise)  that they (show)  our street on TV.
  6. The reporter (say)  that a car (crash)  into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
  7. While I (listen)  carefully to what (happen) , someone (knock)  at my door.
  8. (open)  the door and (see)  a police officer standing there.
  9. He (ask)  for the plumber.
  10. As it (turn)  out, it (be)  our plumber’s car that(roll)  down the street.
  11. In his haste, the plumber (forget)  to set the handbrake.


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