Who / Which
материал по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Голованова Вилена Евгеньевна



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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. This is the bank_________was robbed.
  2. The man________ robbed the bank had two pistols.
  3. He wore a mask________made him look like Mickey Mouse.
  4. He came with a friend_________waited outside in the car.
  5. The woman__________ gave him the money was young.
  6. The bag________ contained the money was yellow.
  7. The people_________were in the bank were very frightened.
  8. The car_________ he escaped in was orange.
  9. The man____________drove the car was nervous.
  10. He didn't wait at the traffic lights____________were red.
  11. We know a girl____________speaks Italian. 
  12. My brother lives in a small town_________there is only one library. 
  13. My sister lives in a big city_____________has several libraries. 
  14. The people____________work at the supermarket are very nice. 
  15. The restaurant needs a waiter_________has a lot of experience. 
  16. Paul is a student at a school_________has some Canadian teachers.
  17. Susan is a teacher at a school__________many of the students are from Portugal. 
  18. Here is a picture of the fire__________ destroyed all their things. 
  19. The restaurant _______she works is very expensive. 
  20. She is visiting someone___________was once a professional dancer. 
  21. What’s the name of the river ---- goes through the town?
  22.  She always asks me questions ---- are difficult to answer.
  23. I have a friend ---- is very good at repairing cars.
  24.  A coffee-maker is a machine ---- makes coffee
  25.  Why does he always wear clothes ---- are too big for him?
  26.  The man ---- won the first prize last week will be very rich.
  27. .The girl ---- had an accident yesterday is my father's secretary.
  28.  The books ---- are lying on the table are very interesting.
  29.  The doctor ---- usually attends my mother is on holiday now.
  30.  The airplane ---- frightened the students was flying very low over the school.

1. Did you take the chair ________ was in the room? 
2. Give me the book
 __________ is on the table. 
3. The girl
 _________ is standing there is Fatou. 
4. That's the dog
 _________ barks all the time. 
5. A baker is a person
 _________makes bread. 
 __________ is knocking at the door? 
7. I prefer to buy the car_________
 is cheaper. 
8. I know the man
 ______ told you to do it. 

9) She worked for a man (the man used to be an athlete).

10) They called a lawyer (the lawyer lived nearby) .

11) I sent an email to my brother (my brother lives in Australia) .

12) The customer liked the waitress (the waitress was very friendly) .

13) We broke the computer (the computer belonged to my father).

14) I dropped a glass (the glass was new) .

15) She loves books (the books have happy endings) .

16) They live in a city (the city is in the north of England) .

17) The man is in the garden (the man is wearing a blue jumper) .

18) The girl works in a bank (the girl is from India) .

19) My sister has three children (my sister lives in Australia) .

20) The waiter was rude (the waiter was wearing a blue shirt) .

21) The money is in the kitchen (the money belongs to John) .

22) The table got broken (the table was my grandmother’s) .

23) The television was stolen (the television was bought 20 years ago) .

24) The fruit is on the table (the fruit isn’t fresh) .

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