Confusing Words.
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Confusing Words.


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Confusing Words.

  1. You haven’t (lent / borrowed) my rubber, have you, Paul?
  2. He sat down (besides / beside) an old man with a white beard who looked and smelt as though he hadn’t washed for weeks.
  3. See that large (building / house) over there? Well, that’s where I work.
  4. Was it (funny / fun) at the party on Sunday?
  5. The (nature / countryside) around this town is very flat and uninspiring.
  6. The injured man was (laying / lying) on the road close to the wreckage of his car.
  7. Who (taught / learnt) you to play the guitar, Fred?
  8. The new price increases will take (affect / effect) on April 1st.
  9. The tennis match was held up for ten minutes when the (umpire / referee) fainted.
  10. The customs officer was very (official / officious) and made us open all our bags.
  11. There are very (strict / severe) laws in Sweden with regard to drinking and driving.
  12. The company made (judicial / judicious) use of a Government grant.
  13. Her performance was (masterful / masterly).
  14. If animals have to be killed for food, then it should be done as (humanly / humanely) as possible.
  15. Most banks will (lend / borrow) people money to buy a house.
  16. I saw a very good (job / work) advertised in the paper this week.
  17. I wonder if you can (teach / learn) me to play the guitar?
  18. I’ve got a very good (profession / job) with the BBC.
  19. According to the weather (forecast / information), there will be rain tomorrow.
  20. Are these mushrooms (eatable / edible)?
  21. I am (learning / teaching) my wife to drive.
  22. What can be (implied / inferred) from the Prime Minister’s remarks?
  23. I hear that Manchester United beat Liverpool two – (nil / nought) in the last Cup match.
  24. I’ll see you next week – (eventually / possibly) on Friday.
  25. It’s much too hot. Let’s go and sit in the (shadow / shade) for a while.
  26. He was a man of (sanguine / sanguinary) temperament.
  27. The next (episode / part) of “Dallas” will be shown on BBC 1 next Monday at 9 o’clock.
  28. He spent three years in (goal / gaol) for embezzlement.
  29. Those of you who wish to come to the Zoo this afternoon, please (raise / rise) your hands.
  30. Do you think the new tax changes will (affect / effect) you very much?
  31. This is my last will and (testimony / testament).
  32. If you print that, I’ll sue you for (libel / slander).
  33. We may have won all our matches this season, but we mustn’t allow ourselves to become (complaisant / complacent).
  34. The doctor told him to use the (liniment / lineament) twice daily.
  35. I always feel very nervous when I have to (make / perform) a speech.
  36. This painting is now quite (worthless / invaluable).
  37. Any idea what the present Government’s (politics / policy) is on defence?
  38. The house I have just bought is close to shops, schools and other local (amenities / facilities).
  39. Did you have (an opportunity / possibility) to visit the Louvre when you were in Paris?
  40. I usually (go up / get up) at 7.30 every morning.
  41. When I heard that I’d been given the job I felt very (lucky / happy).
  42. The dress doesn’t fit. I’ll have to have it (changed / altered).
  43. Heavy snow (delayed / postponed) the train for several hours.
  44. James never gives up – he’s so (persuading / persevering).
  45. Do you enjoy (urban / urbane) life, or would you prefer to live in the country?
  46. I hate doing the (homework / housework) especially cleaning the windows.
  47. There is a park at the (back / backside) of my house.
  48. In the distance, they heard the church clock (strike / ring).
  49. Do you know how (much / far) it is from London to Manchester?
  50. What time do you usually (get up / raise)?
  51. I’m afraid there isn’t (space / room) in the car for everyone.
  52. We had (so / such) beautiful weather last weekend.
  53. Did you have (funny / nice) time at the party?
  54. My brother is (credible / credulous) enough to believe anything you tell him.
  55. South Wales was once a flourishing coalmining area, but today there are hundreds of (misused / disused) coalmines scattered throughout the valleys.
  56. I’m afraid the boot is full. There is no (room / space) for any more suitcases.
  57. 1066 is one of the most (historical / historic) moments in British history.
  58. What did you think of the (critic / write-up) we got in the paper this morning?
  59. Is there anything (else / more) you’d like me to get you?
  60. My wife has a (half-time / part-time) job as a chemist’s.
  61. You must (practise / practice) for at least two hours a day if you want to play the piano well.
  62. The (view / scenery) in the north of England is really beautiful.
  63. She was a very (intensive / intense) person, who seemed to care deeply about everyone.
  64. The Government is under no (illusions / delusions) about the difficulties facing the country.
  65. My brother is very (high / tall).
  66. (Excuse me / I’m sorry), I’m late.
  67. My sister lives (near / nearly) London.
  68. Does your husband ever offer you to do the (washing-up / dishing).
  69. There is a lot of talk nowadays about (human / humane) rights.
  70. Tasmania lies in one of the (temperate / temporal) areas of the world.
  71. The majority of tinned food is (deficient / defective) in vitamins.
  72. People who immigrate to a new country usually take a while to (adapt / adopt) to the new life.
  73. During the war, Vera Lynn’s songs contributed greatly to the (morals / morale) of the troops.
  74. His behaviour at the party was (contemptuous / contemptible).
  75. This must be the (definite / definitive) reference work on Roman history.
  76. My flat is just around the corner from my office, which is (convenient / comfortable) for me.
  77. Who else was at the party (beside / besides) the people from the office?
  78. They climbed up the steep stone (stairs / steps) leading to the old church.
  79. I hope he has got a good (solicitor / barrister) to represent him in court.
  80. Sussex is my favourite (landscape / county) in England.
  81. Why don’t you (take / bring) your girlfriend with you next time?
  82. Amsterdam is a city full of (channels / canals).
  83. I’ve been (sparing / saving) for years to buy a house.
  84. I find it impossible to sleep because of the (continuous / continual) noise from the flat above.
  85. Although she was (crippled / lame) and thus confined to a wheelchair, she managed to cope with a family and the most of the housework.
  86. Only the most (imminent / eminent) scientists win the Nobel Prize.
  87. I didn’t have time to (do / make) the beds this morning.
  88. I must remember to fill in my tax (return / declaration) this week.
  89. It’s a lot of (job / work) looking after children.
  90. Is it all right if I (go with / follow) you to the concert on Friday, Pam?
  91. My teacher (complemented / complimented) me on my essay.
  92. When we were in Spain last year, we (stayed / stopped) at a marvelous hotel.
  93. The question of equality between the sexes is very (actual / topical) nowadays.
  94. When I was in Denmark, I (rented / hired) a boat for a few days.
  95. It wasn’t my (intention / meaning) to upset her; I was trying to be constructive.
  96. There is a very strong (possibility / opportunity) that man will land on the planet Mars.
  97. She has dyed her hair a (distinct / distinctive) shade of blue.
  98. When a fire broke out in the Louvre, at least twenty (priceless / worthless) paintings were destroyed.
  99. There was an (appreciative / appreciable) drop in temperature last night.
  100. We’ll have to change the curtains, darling. They don’t (pass / match) the new suite.
  101. A (classical / classic) example of actors and actresses playing love scenes was when Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor were filming “Anthony and Cleopatra.”
  102. When we moved into our new flat I had to sell my (grand / wind) piano.
  103. The difference in performance between the two computers is (negligent / negligible).
  104. The question of legal abortion is a very (emotional / emotive) issue in America.
  105. Only 25 per cent of people voted in the local election; the rest were completely (uninterested / disinterested).
  106. I’m afraid the project is far too expensive to be (practical / practicable).
  107. What (more / else) did you do in Spain, apart from swimming and sunbathing?
  108. Was it Bell who (invented / discovered) the telephone?
  109. I wonder if I might have a (recipe / receipt) for the things I’ve bought.
  110. Of all the writers of (comic / comical) opera, Gilbert and Sullivan are my favourites.
  111. Where were you (educated / trained) to be a teacher?
  112. My father is a great believer in (alternate / alternative) medicine – especially homeopathy.
  113. My brother is studying to be an (electrical / electric) engineer.
  114. Did you know that Peter had arranged the party (specially / especially) for you?
  115. When you buy something, you are usually given a (recipe / receipt).
  116. I like going to England in summer because it gives me a (chance / possibility) to speak English.
  117. I just want to go to the (stationary / stationery) department to buy some envelopes.
  118. The caffeine in tea and coffee acts as a mild (stimulus / stimulant).
  119. There’s a (rumour / reputation) going round the office that Mr. Burgess and Miss Gibson are getting engaged.
  120. Many people nowadays are changing from large cars to small ones because they are far more (economic / economical).
  121. Miss Bright’s really (effective / efficient), isn’t she?
  122. Oh, Jan could you (remember / remind) me to phone the dentist this afternoon?
  123. I wonder if you’d mind (bringing / fetching) John from next door? He’s wanted on the phone.
  124. I prefer to (hire / rent) a television than to buy it.
  125. The answer to the crossword is on the (back / back side).
  126. I thought you said you (were going to / should) give up smoking.
  127. There is a very good (Technological / Technical) College not far from where I live.
  128. The new musical was a great success. The (crowd / audience) loved it.

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