Задание на чтение в 3 классе
картотека (английский язык) по теме

Филиппова Юлия Анатольевна

Повторение правил чтения


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Предварительный просмотр:

Name, plane, home, music, nose, close, five, my, hi, Peter, he, drive, me, lion, pupil, fly.

Ten, dog, rabbit, pen, bag, film, mummy, bus, myth, red, little, black, big, funny, butter, milk.

Bird, firm, park, farm, short, fur, horse, artist, garden, sir, pork, her, thirteen, first, third.

Hare, mare, here, mere, more, fire, hire, tyre, cure, pure.

Book, school, green, she, cheese, tea, sea, clock, photo, the, three, house, mouse, cow, now, know, write, when, what, who, all, ball, long, sing, sight, night, say, mail, boy, boil, grey.

  1. He is ten years old.
  2. I like milk and coffee.
  3. We play tennis.
  4. This dog has a long nose.
  5. My cat is funny and nice.
  6. Today is the sixteenth of October.
  7. They can run and jump very well.
  8. You are very friendly.


Name, plane, home, music, nose, close, five, my, hi, Peter, he, drive, me, lion, pupil, fly.

Ten, dog, rabbit, pen, bag, film, mummy, bus, myth, red, little, black, big, funny, butter, milk.

Bird, firm, park, farm, short, fur, horse, artist, garden, sir, pork, her, thirteen, first, third.

Hare, mare, here, mere, more, fire, hire, tyre, cure, pure.

Book, school, green, she, cheese, tea, sea, clock, photo, the, three, house, mouse, cow, now, know, write, when, what, who, all, ball, long, sing, sight, night, say, mail, boy, boil, grey.

  1. He is ten years old.
  2. I like milk and coffee.
  3. We play tennis.
  4. This dog has a long nose.
  5. My cat is funny and nice.
  6. Today is the sixteenth of October.
  7. They can run and jump very well.
  8. You are very friendly.

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