Тест Кауфман 9 кл.
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Псарева Марина Сергеевна

Тест к УМК К.И. Кауфман "Happy English.ru" для 9 кл.


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По материалам УМK. И.М. Кауфман Happy English.ru 9

Title the texts


     If you want to see the Big Apple, you can do this in a cheap, fast and easy way. You should only buy a MetroCard at any subway station. MetroCards on a pay-pur-ride basis can be used by groups of up to four people.If your visit is short, MetroCfrds can help you  get the most famous attractions including the Big Apple’s mega star The Empire State Building quickly enough.


           The Carnegie Deli is an important New York attraction.It is famous for its huge portions of food. The word  “deli” comes from German fnd means delicacacies. The Carnegie Deli is very popular. This deli has great blintzes but it also has amazing sandwiches. The service is very quick and friendly though the place isn’t big enough for all the people who want to eat there.


         It is one of the most popular dishes in Russia.The recipe of the dish is known from the end of the 18th century. It is a kind od soup. Betroot is its main ingredient and the soup got its name from it. Nowadays it is made  with cabbage, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and meat. On hot summer days it is often made witout meat.


        Broadway is one of the most famous avenue in Manhatten. A small area near Times Square where Broadway crosses Seventh Avenue is the home of many Broadways’s theatres. It also is known as the Great White Way. You can get there by the Big Apple’s subway as well as to the Gugenheme Museum or to Whitehall Street to catch the ferry to Staten Island to see the Statue of Liberty.


       I like desserts in Carnegie Deli, so I usually order blintzes. The portion are huge there, but I can eat all by myself. Sometimes I order the Great Whute Way with sour cream. However I usually prefer Carnegie blintzes with strawberry or cherry. I recommend this deli but there aresome disadvantages: you share a table with strangers and you can’t seat for too long.

Chose a title from given below:

A. Carnegie Deli             B. Borsch    

C. A Subway in New York     D. One of the Big Apple’s Attraction   E. New York’a Attractions

Ответы: C, D, B, E, A

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