Тест на тему: "Christmas"
тест по английскому языку на тему

Казарьян Инна Игоревна

Тест на тему "Рождество".


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Christmas in Great Britain

Тестовые задания:

1. Christmas Day, December 25th, celebrates the birth of

        1. Jesus Christ;

        2. St. Andrew;

        3. St. David.

2. Christmas Day is normally seen as a time to be spent

        1. With friends;

        2. At home with one’s family;

        3. In a pub.

3. Preparations for Christmas often begin

        1. On the eve of the holiday;

        2. Three or four weeks beforehand;

        3. Three or four days beforehand.

4. Christmas presents are placed

        1. Under the pillow;

        2. Near the fireplace;

        3. Around a Christmas tree.

5. The last day of the year in Scotland is called:

1. Christmas

2. Hogmanay

3. New Year

6. Christmas crackers can be filled in with:

1. Presents

2. Flowers

3. Stones

7. In Russia Christmas is celebrated on:

1. the 31th of December

2. the 25th of December

3. the 7th of January

8. Houses are

        1. Decorated with special Christmas garlands

        2. Not decorated at all;

        3. Decorated with colored balloons.

9. Christmas carol is a:

1. song

2. cracker

3. tinsel

10. Tinsel and colorful lights are Christmas:

1. decorations

2. celebrations

11. Children hang up a long sock, stocking, or a pillowcase at the foot of their bed, or around the fireplace for Father Christmas to fill with

        1. Christmas cards;

        2. Presents.

12. On Christmas Day families traditionally

        1. Visit their friends;

        2. Go to the theatre or to the cinema;

        3. Sit down to a dinner.

13. Traditionally Christmas dinner consists of

        1. Fried potatoes with roasted meat;

        2. Chicken broth;

        3. Roast turkey, followed by Christmas pudding – a rich steamed pudding made from suet, dried fruit and spices.

14. The British Father Christmas is

        1. A cheerful young man, dressed in a white suit;

        2. A sad old man with a beard, dressed in a blue suit trimmed with flowers;

        3. A cheerful old man with a beard, dressed in a red suit trimmed with fur.

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