тест по английскому языку 7 класс УМК "Enjoy English" 2 четверть
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Новикова Марина Олеговна

Данный тест предназначен для контроля знаний в конце второй четверти для учащихся  7 классов, обучающихся по  УМК "Enjoy English" .


Файл test_7_a_b_form.docx14.34 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

1.Put in the sentences the suitable words. Each word or word combination is only used once.

a) is washed;    b) area;  c) population;  d) capital;  e)is situated;   f) cities;          g)country

The United States of America 1)… in the central part of North America. Its western coast 2)… by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast – by the Atlantic Ocean. The total 3) … of the USA is over nine million square kilometers. The 4)… of the USA is about 250 million people; most of them live in towns and cities. The USA is a very large 5)… . The 6)… of the USA is Washington. The largest 7)… of this country are: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit and others.

2.Put in: who or which.

    1. She returned me the book ………… I gave her yesterday.

    2. Do you know the student ………. has won the first prize in the competition?

    3. The mother tongue is a language ……….. a child learns naturally, in his/ her family.

    4. I knew a lady …………. ..played tennis every day.

    5. Kate found a bag ……………. she liked.

3.Use each verb in Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive or Future Simple Passive.

1. New Year  ……………………………………….(celebrate) all over the world.

2. We ……………………………….(invite) to a party by our relatives  yesterday.

3. Our new English textbook…………………………………. (publish) next year.

4. The letters …………………………………………( send) two days ago.

5.English ……………………………………(speak) by many millions of  people.

4.Read a sentence and write another sentence with the same meaning. Use the Passive Voice.

  1. We clean our room every morning.
  2. My mother cooked dinner for my birthday.
  3. I will win the competition next year.
  4. Our teacher asked many questions last lesson.
  5. John R. R. Tolkien wrote his famous novel “The Lord of the Rings” in 1965.

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