Сценарий новогоднего праздника.
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Мизина Ирина Евгеньевна

Цель: 1. Совершенствование навыков устной речи и практического владения английским языком.

          2. Развитие ценных коммуникативных умений.

          3. Привитие интереса к изучению иностранного языка.

         4. Духовное совершенствование учащихся на базе детской культуры англоязычных стран в диалоге с родной культурой.


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Сценарий новогоднего праздника

« Happy New Year!»

( для учащихся 3-4 классов)                    

Учитель: Мизина Ирина Евгеньевна

МОУ «СОШ №23» п. Айхал (Якутия)                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Цель: 1. Совершенствование навыков устной речи и практического владения английским языком.

          2. Развитие ценных коммуникативных умений.

          3. Привитие интереса к изучению иностранного языка.

         4. Духовное совершенствование учащихся на базе детской культуры англоязычных стран в диалоге с родной культурой.

Пояснительная записка:

Выбор стихотворений и песен индивидуальный, в соответствии с возможностями и  способностями детей.

                            Сценарий праздника.

Действующие лица: Santa Claus – ученик 8 класса

                                  Mary Poppins – ученица 7 класса

                                      A postman – ученик 7 класса

Класс празднично украшен. Дети и гости в классе. Звучит музыка. Появляется Mary Poppins.

Mary Poppins ; Good afternoon, dear guests! Good afternoon, dear  children! I am glad to see you at our New Year’s party! Let me introduce myself! My name is Mary Poppins. I am a nanny. I like children very much and I like to bring them up! And what are your names?

( Дети по очереди вкратце рассказывают о себе)

I am Sasha. I like playing football best of all.

My name is Marina. I want to become a painter.

I am Oleg Zhdanov. I have got a little sister called Nastya. I love her very much!

My name is Roman. I enjoy roller-skating and playing computer games.  И т.д.

Mary Poppins: Thank you very much! I see you are very bright and friendly kids! You have got such beautiful names. Let’s sing a song “ What is your name? “

Песню «What is your name?” поют попеременно мальчики и девочки.

Мальчики:  What is your name? What is your name? Now tell me , please what is your name?

Девочки:  My name is Janet, my name is Janet, my name is Janet- that’s my name.

Мальчики: How old are you? How old are you? Now tell me, please how old are you?

Девочки: I am eight. I am eight. I am eight- that’s my age.

Мальчики: Where do you live? Where do you live? Now tell me, please where do you live?

Девочки:I  live in London. I live in London. That’s where I live.

Mary Poppins: Thank you children! Look at the New Year tree! It is beautiful, isn’t it? And where is Santa Claus? I think it’ s high time for him to come to our party. Let’s call him all together! One, two, three Santa Claus come to me!  All together: One, two, three Santa Claus come to me!

Появляется почтальон: Good afternoon kids! Good afternoon Mary Poppins! I am a postman. I have got a letter from Santa Claus. Here it is.

( Мэри открывает конверт и читает письмо вслух)

Текст письма: My  dear Russian boys and girls! I can’t come to your party. I am in England now. Will you come to my country! I have a lot of presents for you.

                                                       With love,

                                                       Santa Claus

( Мэри подходит к карте Мира): Look at the map! England is located on the British Isles. How can we get there? We have no ship, we have no plane, we have no train. Oh, I know! I have got an umbrella!     ( Мэри открывает разноцветный зонт) We can travel to England with this umbrella. To make it magic you have to call the colours. What colour is it?

Дети называют цвета радуги на зонтике: It’s red! It’s yellow! It’s green! И т. д.

Mary: Good for you, kids! Our umbrella has become magic and  it will help us to take a journey. While travelling we’ll do a lot of things. Now keep your eyes close! One, two, three fly the umbrella with the children and me! ( повторяет дважды) .Wake up kids! Wake up! We’ve arrived at the singing station. Let’s sing  our favourite song” Brother John”. ( вторая строка куплета песни сопровождается звоном колокольчиков)

                           A song” Brother John”

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping, brother John, brother John?

Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing: ding-ding-dong, ding-ding-dong

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping, brother John, brother John?

The Sun is shining brightly, the sun is shining brightly: ding-ding-dong, ding-ding-dong

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping, brother John, brother John?

Sunny day is ending, sunny day is ending : ding-ding-dong, ding-ding-dong.

Mary Poppins: While singing we’ve arrived on a magic island. You know, different animals live on it. What are these animals like? ( По очереди выходят дети в костюмах лягушки,  лисички, обезьянки,  медведя и т. д. и  рассказывают о себе)

I am green. I can jump. I can swim. I can’t fly. I can’t walk. I live in water.I eat mosquitoes. I do like this: croak-croak!  ( дети кричат: you are a frog! )

I am reddish. I live in the wood. I can walk, run and jump. I like hens and hares. What am I?

Дети: You are a fox!

I am grey. I can run. I can’t jump. I like cheese and pop corn very much. I say: squeak-squeak. What am I?  ( дети:  You are a mouse! )

A monkey: I am brown. I can walk, run, jump, climb. I can play tricks. I can’t fly. I like bananas. I am from Africa.    A bear: I am big and brown. I can walk, run and climb. I enjoy swimming a lot. I like honey. ( дети изображают животных, копируя их движения, мимику, повадки).

Mary: Thanks a lot! Now we are going to another station. Here is our magic umbrella. Keep your eyes shut! One, two, three! Fly our magic umbrella with children and me! Wake up kids! We’ve arrived at the dancing station. To continue our journey we have to dance. Ready?

( на мелодию « Раз, два, три на носочки»  дети поют и танцуют, меняясь парами ,пока не сделают полный круг)

A dance-song” Friendship”: One, two, three on the tip-toes- 2 раза

One, two, three go round, Clap your hands and go on!

Mary: You’ve done everything well so we are at the Zoo now. Do you like animals? What are your favourite animals? ( под елкой стоят мягкие игрушки животных, дети берут ту, о которой хотят рассказать) . Pupil 1: This is my favourite parrot. His name is Kesha. He is very nice and clever. He can speak. Kesha likes bananas and oranges. Pupil 2: This is a squirrel. Her name is Dolly. She is nice. Her eyes are black. She has got a dress on. Dolly likes nuts, berries and mushrooms. ( И так о каждой игрушке. Дети могут помогать друг другу , добавляя свою информацию о животных).

Mary: Children, I see you love  animal very much and know everything about them! Good for you! We have finished our journey. You see, we are in England now! But where is Santa Claus?

(появляется  Санта Клаус): Here I am. Good afternoon, dear children!  Good afternoon dear Mary! Good afternoon dear guests! I am glad to see you!  I’m glad you are here in  England! Happy New Year!

Children: Happy New Year Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: Here is a bag full of presents for you, children. But first of all, I ‘d like to ask you some questions: Are there are any naughty boys  among you?

Children: No, there are no naughty boys  here!

Santa Claus: Have you got any  lazy  girls  among you?

 Children: No, We haven’t got any lazy girls here!

Santa Claus: Do you do well at school?  Children: Yes, we do.

S.C.: Are you late for school?   Ch. : No, we aren’t.  S.C.: Do you listen to your teachers?

Ch.: Of course, we do.  S.C.: Do you help your parents?  Ch.: Yes, we do.

S.C.: So you are good children! I’ll give you presens if you make me fun! Can you sing songs, dance and recite poems? Sit down, Santa Claus and enjoy yourself!

Mary Poppins: Let’s start our concert! Listen to the poem” Around the New Year tree”.It will be recited by Kseniya.

A poem: Singing, dancing merrily round the New Year tree

              Merrily, merrily, merrily round the new year tree

            Happy New Year my friends! Happy New Year today!

         Let us dance hand in hand, I will show you the way! ( дети поют и танцуют « Танец маленьких утят»)

“Duckies”:  One and two and three and four

              We are dancing on the floor-2 раза

      Clap- 4раза

    We are playing with the hands

  Look at our smiling face-2 раза

  Clap-4 раза

                We can jump the rope, We can skate and ski,

              We are strong and happy as only children can happy be!

A poem” At the New Year party”           A poem” We make a snowman”

          New Year’ day, happy day!                 We make a snowman

      We are glad and very gay!                     Big and round, big and round

    We all dance and sing and say:             We put the snowman on the ground,

   Welcome, welcome New Year’s day!    On the ground.

A song” If you are happy”. ( на мелодию песни « Если нравится тебе, то делай так!» )

       If you are happy and you know, clap your hands!-2 раза

    If you are happy and you know and you’re really want to show,

   If you are happy and you know, clap your hands! ( Куплет повторяется несколько раз с заменой фразы : clap your hands на 1) tap your legs!; 2) snap your knees!; 3)say O.K!)

A poem” This is a season”

 This is a season when mornings are dark

And birds do not sing in the wood and the park

This is a season when children ski

And Santa Claus brings a New Year tree!

A song” The more we are together” ( на мелодию песни « Мой милый Андерсен» )

The more we are together together  together

The more we are together the merrier we’ll be

                      All my friends are your friends, all your friends are my friends

                    The more we are together the merrier we’ll be! ( в последующих двух куплетах фраза « the merrier we’ll be “ меняется на : the stronger we’ll be; the happier we’ll be.)

  A poem: In this glad New Year!

New things to learn, new things to meet, new songs to sing new joys to greet

 New thing to see, new things to hear, new things to do in this glad New Year!

A song” Jingle bells”

1. Dashing through the snow in a one- horse open sleigh

   Over the field we go laughing all the way

   Bells on Bobtail ring , making spirits bright

   What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight.

              Chorus: Jingle bells, jingle bells jingle all the way

                           Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one -horse open sleigh

2. A day or two ago, I thought, I’d take a ride,

And soon Miss Fannie Bright was sitting by my side.

The horse was lean and lank, misfortune was his lot.

He got into a snowdrift bank- and we? We got upsot!


3. So now the moon is bright, enjoy it while you’re young.

  Invite your friends tonight to sing this sleighing  song.

  Just get a bob-tail nag and give him extra feed.

Then hitch him to an open sleigh-and crack! You’ll take the lead!  ( комментарии: Bobtail-прозвище лошадки с коротко подстриженным хвостом; upsot= upset ( перевернулись); nag= horse.

Mary Poppins: Unfortunately, our concert is coming to the end. Did you like it Santa Claus?

S. C. : Of course, I did. Thank you dear children! I enjoyed it . And now I want to give you presents. Mary, help me, please!  ( Мэри и санта Клаус раздают детям подарки).

S. C.: Dear kids! You’ve really made me fun! ( смотрит на часы). Oh, How late it is! I must be in a hurry! Do you promise to be good children? Do you promise to learn well? If you do, we’ll see next year.

Children: We promise to be good! Good bye, Santa! Happy New Year!

Santa Claus: Bye-bye! Happy New Year! ( уходит)

Все поют фразу : I wish you happy New Year” ( на мелодию: Happy birthday to you )

 Продолжением праздника служит « сладкий стол» и дискотека с играми.



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