Сказка "Cinderella"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Гордеева Юлия Борисовна

Сценарий сказки "Золушка" на английском языке.


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Oh! It’s 5 o’clock. My sisters are going to the king’s ball tonight. How happy they are.

There will be music at the ball. I love music so much. The weather is miserable. I’m so tired.

I want to go on holiday once in my life. Unfortunately, it’s only a dream 

(song “I want to go on holiday”)

I want to sing and dance. But I can’t go to the king’s ball.

1st Sister:

I drink milk, I eat cheese,

I like nuts and I like greens,

I like cereals, I like beans,

These are things my body needs.


But late at night,

Under my bedclothes,

I eat chocolate,

And no one knows.

I eat vegetables, I drink juice,

I like rice, I like fruit,


Quick, Cinderella! It’s 5 o’clock. You lazy girl!

It’s time to dress for the ball.

Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping,

Cinderella, awful girl?

We are getting ready,

We are getting ready,

Where are you, where are you?

I like pasta every way,

I eat good things every day.


I like honey on my bread,

I like salad and I like eggs,

I drink water all day long,

All these things make me strong.

1st Sister:

Cinderella, bring me my red dress!


Dear mother, dear sisters, please take me with you. I won’t go inside. I’ll just look in through the window.

What! You – near the king’s palace! It’s horrible!

Cinderella is like a pig.

Not very little, not very big,

Not very pink, not very green,

Not very dirty, not very clean.

Work, my dear!


Cinderella, wash the floor.

2nd Sister:

Cinderella, bring me my blue dress!


Here are your dresses.

1st Sister:

Where are my shoes?

2nd Sister:

Bring me my stockings.

2nd Sister:


Where are my gloves? You bad girl!


Here are your shoes and stockings and your gloves, Mother.

Will you have some coffee, please,

With the butter and the cheese,

With the sausage and the bun,

Have your dinner, dear mom.

And you, sisters, of course.

1st Sister:


What!! We should keep fit. Practice a healthy lifestyle. Do you know anything about it?


Cinderella, wash the plates


Keep in order all the shelves.

1st Sister:

How pretty I am in my new dress.

2nd Sister:

The prince will dance with me, I’m sure.

We sewed on Monday,

We knitted on Tuesday,

We ran on Wednesday,

We jumped on Thursday,

We swam on Friday, we didn’t eat on Saturday,

And we’ll dance today, on Sunday.




Come, girls! We are late.

Stepmother and her daughters leave.

Cinderella is crying. Fairy enters.

Why are you crying, my dear?

My stepmother and her daughters are at the king’s ball tonight.


What! Betty! I see you are eating chocolate! Don’t say you try to keep fit.

They are going to dance with the prince tonight.

A song “I like chocolate”


And why are you not there?


How pessimistic! You should find the girl for your life. When I was young I …

You found me. Let’s go. Come on.


Oh, I’m not a lady. I’m only a poor girl. How can I go to the king’s ball tonight? In this old dirty dress? I have to sit here all alone and work.



Now look here, Cinderella. I can help you. Do you want to go to the king’s ball?


Ladies and Gentlemen! Let’s begin our 1st ball in this season.

When the weather is wet – we must not fret.

When the weather is dry – we must not cry.

When the weather is cold – we must not scold.

But be thankful together whatever the weather.

Musicians, let’s dance!

A dance


Oh, yes, my dear fairy. It’s wonderful! It’s brilliant!


Here is a beautiful white dress and here are glass slippers for you. Go and dress, Cinderella. The carriage is at the door. But mind, when the clock strikes 12 you must leave the king’s ball. Be careful! The weather is terrible. It’s pouring. Be careful, my darling!


A song “Singing in the rain”

I’m singing in the rain

Just singing in the rain,

What a glorious feeling,

I’m happy again,

I’m laughing at clouds,

So dark up above,

The sun’s in my heart

And I’m ready for love.

Let the stormy clouds chase

Everyone from the lace,

Come on with the rain

I’ve a smile on my face,

I walk down the lane,

With a happy refrain,

Just singing, just singing in the rain.

I’m singing and dancing in the rain.

 I’m singing and dancing in the rain.










Why aren’t you dancing, my son? There are so many beautiful ladies here!  

I don’t like them, mom. What a beautiful lady! Shi is like the morning sun. she is like a wonderful rose. Who is she?

I don’t know her, prince.

We don’t know her.

I’d like to dance with her. Beautiful lady, may I ask you to dance with me?

With pleasure.

Beautiful lady, tell me your name.

I can’t tell you my name.    

Oh, it’s 12 o’clock. I’m sorry but I must go. Good bye, prince.

Oh, don’t go away. Come back! Come back!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      



My son! Why aren’t you ready? The ball has begun. A lot of pretty girls are waiting for you.



Please, tell me about the ball, sisters. You were the most beautiful ladies there, sisters. I’m sure.


I don’t want to go there as I’m writing a poem.

1st Sister:


A princess came to the ball and …

Was she beautiful?


What! One more? It’s really interesting. Read it to me, please.

2nd Sister:

I don’t know her. But the prince danced with her all the time


The storm came up so very quick,

It couldn’t have been quicker.

I should have brought my hat along

I should have brought my slicker.

My hair is wet, my feet are wet.

I couldn’t be much wetter.

I fell into a river once

But this is even better.


1st Sister:

2nd Sister:


1st Herald:

Who is she? What’s her name?

Nobody knows her.

At 12 o’clock she ran away and lost her slipper.

Knock on the door.

Who can it be? It’s too late.

We are looking for the lady who has lost her little glass slipper.

2nd Herald:

1st Herald:

All the young ladies in this country must try it on.

Please, try it on, Madam.


Song “There is a country”

There is a country,

A beautiful country,

Where I want to go.

Yes, there is a country,

A beautiful country,

Where I want to go.

Where we can go.

Oh I want to go there today,

It’s got flowers and bees

And birds in the trees.

Oh I want to go there today.

1st Sister:

I can’t put it on. It’s very small.

2nd Herald:

Now madam, will you try on?

2nd Sister:

I can’t put it on. It’s very small.

1st Herald:

You must try it on too, girl.


Oh, but she didn’t go to the ball!

2nd Herald:

The king said, all the girls in the country must try on this slipper.

Cinderella puts it on.

1st Herald:

The prince begs you to marry him, beautiful lady.


What! To marry the prince?


I can’t go to the king’s palace in this dress. Will you wait a little?

1st Sister:

Our Cinderella, this dirty girl, she is going to live in the beautiful palace.

2nd Sister:

You’ve always said, Mother, that Cinderella is ugly and silly and we are pretty and smart.


Hush, dears. I’ve always said that Cinderella is a good, kind girl. She will not forget her loving mother.

1st and 2nd Sisters:

Don’t forget your sisters, Cinderella. We have always loved you.


Farewell forever, dear mother and sisters. I hope I’ll be happy and won’t see you anymore.


My darling. I have been waiting for you for all my life.


Where are we going?


We are going to Santa Barbara for our honeymoon. Are you happy?


Of course. My dreams have become true.