открытый урок на тему: "What do English people like to eat?"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Морозова Анна Сергеевна

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Good morning children! Sit down!

Сегодня у нас с вами необычный урок! Я буду сегодня вашем учителем  и my name is Anna Sergeevna!

How are you today? What day is it today? So, today we’ll remember and revise the words on the topic “Products”, play some games and find out what British people like to eat.


First of all let’s train our tongues, look at the screen. I want you to read and translate some English words. Try to guess about their meanings. What sounds can we hear more often?

[  ]        [   ]

Sweet        cake

Tea        plate

Meat         table

Cheese        break

What sounds who can say?

Речевая разминка:

Let’s play an interesting game. It is called “What is missing?” You can see some pictures on the board. How many pictures can you see?

Pupils: I can see seven pictures.

Teacher: What can you see on the pictures?  (вспомнить названия продуктов)

Pupil1: I can see (a pie).

Pupil 2: I can see (a pudding.)

Pupil 3: I can see (an ice-cream)

Teacher: Try to remember as many words as you can. Now close your eyes. Open your eyes. What is missing?

Pupil1: bread.

Teacher: You are right. It is bread.

Ознакомление учащихся с конструкцией «to be made from/of»        

Now, look at the screen. We’ll speak about products and what they are made of.

You can see some products, let’s remember them. (вместе вспоминаем названия, перечисляем)  I want you to say what these products are made of/ from. Ваша задача сказать из чего сделаны эти продукты. Например: Cheese is made from milk. Your turn ..

Физ.минутка (видео-танец)

Актуализация навыков чтения вслух в вопросно – ответной работы по тексту.

It’s time to read the text about English tastes. We’ll read the text in chain and answer the question from the task. P.133., Ex. 34. Before reading let’s practice some words, look at the screen and repeat after me. Let’s translate these words. Let’s read the text in chain.

  • What kinds of sandwiches do British people like? Let’s make a scheme.

What kinds of sandwiches do British people like? Use the prompts.

British people like …

Итог урока: let’s remember what you know .  What did you know?  Did you like the lesson?

Marks for the lesson: Комментарии к оценкам

Домашнее задание: Open your record-book and write down your home-task. At home you are to complete the crossword and p.133 Ex. 35 to read and translate how to make a sandwich.

Thank you for the lesson, Good-bye!