презентация St.Valentine's day
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Смирнова Наталья Александровна



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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

NEW WORDS: Cupid - Купидон Heart - сердце Sweetheart- возлюбленный Card- открытка Kiss- целовать, поцелуй To adore- обожать To admire- восхищаться To celebrate- праздновать To fall in love with- влюбиться

Слайд 3

Where did St. Valentine live? In Greece In Rome In Great Britain What date is Valentine’s Day? 15 th of February 14 th of February 8 th of March How do you spell 14 th ? Forteenth Fourtienth Fourteenth Do you know…?

Слайд 4

When St. Valentine was in prison, who did he fall in love with? his prisoner’s daughter his prisoner’s wife his prisoner’s sister The girl St. Valentine fell in love with was Deaf Blind Blind and deaf What colour is associated with St. Valentine’s Day? Orange Purple Red

Слайд 5

Which Roman God is one of the symbols of St. Valentine’s Day? Eros Cupid Apollo Which are the most common flowers given on St. Valentine’s Day? Roses Sunflowers Snowdrops What greeting is often said on this day? Happy love lives! Good luck! Happy Valentine's Day!

Слайд 6

What will you say to your sweetheart? My heart is … fire My heart is … ice Your lips are … honey Your eyes are … an ocean My love is … the sky as cold as as deep as as hot as as sweet as as wide as

Слайд 7

My heart is as hot as fire My heart is as cold as ice Your lips are as sweet as honey Your eyes are as deep as an ocean My love is as wide as the sky

Слайд 8

Symbols of St.Valentine’s Day Well, you can speak about love but can you show us what love is? So, try to pantomime these words to another team so that they can guess them.

Слайд 9

“Message” What is it? Roses, tulips and other plants with colorful blossoms. Very pretty when arranged in a bouquet! A special card sent on St. Valentine’s Day, usually anonymous. An organ in your body that pumps blood. If you put your hand over this organ you can feel it beating! A very strong feeling of liking someone. F l o w e r s V a l e n t i n e H e a r t L o v e

Слайд 10

A person whom someone loves . Something that is given as a gift on Valentine’s Day, like a box of chocolates. St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated during this month . A sweet brown treat that is made from cocoa powder, milk and sugar, very tasty. S w e e t h e a r t P r e s e n t F e b r u a r y C h o c o l a t e

Слайд 11

Who are they? They are our first ancestors ( предки) . It’s written in the Bible that all people in the world descend from this pair.

Слайд 12

They are the most famous animated characters. He is a big troll and she is a princess.

Слайд 13

This pair are characters of Pushkin’s novel. She wrote a letter to him. Now we have to learn it by heart for literature lesson.

Слайд 14

They were characters of the very popular film ‘Titanic’. It’s a very beautiful and sad story.

Слайд 15

A tragic story of love in the Middle Ages in Italy. The girl and the guy from enemy families meet at a ball and fall in love from the first. It is the love of teenagers and their final death together.

Слайд 16

I’ll be your sweetheart, If you will be mine. All of my life I’ll be your Valentine. My love is like a cabbage, Divided into two, The leaves I give to others, But the heart I give to you.

Слайд 17

Here’s a Valentine And this is what it’s for – To say that every day You are loved More and more and more! The rose is red, The violets are blue. The honey’s sweet And so are you.

Слайд 18

If you will be my Valentine, My charming little dear, The sun can never help but shine Throughout the coming year. If you will be my Valentine, You’ll see in all your walks Fresh lemon drops on every twig And peanuts on the stalks.

Слайд 20

Valentine Cinquain poems Line 1 : Write a noun. Line 2: Write two adjectives describing the noun on Line 1. Line 3 :Write 3 words ending with – ing (action words) That describe what the noun on Line1 might do. Line 4: Write a phrase describing the noun on Line 1. Line 5 :Write a synonim of the word on Line 1. Example: Mother kind, helpful caring, loving, sharing a special person in my life friend

Слайд 21

SWEETHEART BEAUTIFUL, INTELLIGENT CARING, LOVING, ADORING A FAVOURITE PERSON IN MY LIFE GIRLFRIEND Honey, Handsome,wonderful Sharing, loving, adoring A prince of my heart boyfriend Sister, Honest, quiet clever, hardworking Caring, Sharing all my secrets with you Best friend

Слайд 22

True or False? St. Valentine’s Day is 14 February. This is the festival of flowers and spring. One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid. People of all ages love to send and receive telegrammes on St. Valentine’s Day. You can sign St. Valentine card “Your Secret Admirer”

Слайд 23

St. Valentine’s Day is 14 February.

Слайд 24

This festival of love and fun is celebrated by a lot of people.

Слайд 25

One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid.

Слайд 26

People of all ages love to send and receive “a valentine” on St. Valentine’s Day.

Слайд 27

You can sign St. Valentine card “Your Secret Admirer”

Слайд 28

True or False? St. Valentine’s Day is 14 February. (True) This is the festival of flowers and spring. (False) One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid. (True) People of all ages love to send and receive telegrammes on St. Valentine’s Day. (False) You can sign St. Valentine card “Your Secret Admirer”. (True)

Слайд 29

Your home task: Write your own Valentine Card. KISS ME!

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