Сравнение грамматических времен английского языка
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Воробьева Наталия Михайловна

Материал предназначен для совершенствования грамматических навыков учащихся по всем временам английского активного залога


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Предварительный просмотр:

I. Present Indefinite or Present Continuous?

1.  Be quiet, please. We (work) at the translation and you (make) a lot of noise.

2. He always (go) for a walk in the evening.

3. Where is Jack? – He (meet) his girlfriend at the station.

4. Hurry up, Jane! We all (wait) for you!

5. A woman who (look) after other people’s children is a nanny.

6. Don’t bother her. She (take) her French lesson: she always (take) it in the morning.

7. In the morning I (have) little time, so I (take) a shower in the evening.

8. She (cry). Is something wrong?

9. Where are the children? – They (play) football.

10. What a strong wind (blow)!

11. Water (boil) at 100 degrees.

12. I must go now. It (get) late.

II. Past Indefinite or Past Continuous?

1. The Browns (sleep) when somebody (knock) at the door.

2. Tim (watch) a football match yesterday. He (watch) it for an hour and a half.

3. My grandmother (fall) asleep while she (read) a newspaper.

4. Bill (walk) along the street when he (meet) his old friends.

5. Mary (break) a vase last night. She (wash) it when it (slip) out of her hands.

6. Betty (read) a book when the telephone (ring).

7. The boys (draw) on the blackboard when the teacher (come) into the classroom.

8. It (grow) dark, so we (decide) to return.

9. She (go) to buy a dress, but a thief (steal) all her money.

10. John  (listen) to the radio when the batteries (run) out.

11. They (finish) their work at 11 o’clock and (come) home.

12. When I (finish) my letter in the hall, a tall beautiful woman with red hair (enter).

III. Past Indefinite or Present Simple?

1. My parents (be) to the USA several times.

2. When Jill (finish) school?

3. Don’t worry about your letter. I (send) it yesterday.

4. When I was a child, I always (be) late for school.

5. My sister and her husband (be married) since last Christmas.

6. … the postman come today?

7. …you ever (walk) in the rain?

8. They (not meet)  since they (leave) school.

9. He (do) everything already? – Yes, he (do) his part of work long ago.

10. She (meet) them in the Globus theatre one week ago.

11. I (not see) Nick lately. Anything (happen) to him? – Yes, he (get) into an accident last Monday.

12. How long you (know) him?  - We (meet) in 1996, but we (not see) each other since last autumn.

III. Past Indefinite or Past Perfect?

1. I (do) my homework yesterday. I (do) my homework before my mother (come) from work.

2. When we (arrive) to the cinema, the film already (start).

3. I (receive) your letter yesterday morning.

4. The boys (stop) playing volley-ball before it (start) raining.

5. Mr Chance (not to sign) any contracts until his new partner from America (call) him.

6. I (write) the answer as soon as I (read) the letter.

7. Before Alice (go) to Spain, she (study) Spanish.

8. Bill (buy) a new car because his old car (break) down.

9. The sun (set), it (get) dark and we (go) home.

10. I (see) a nice kitten when I (open) the basket.

11. I got out of bed an hour later I (wake up).

12. We asked Peter to come with us, but he refused. He already (promise) to play tennis with his friends.


IV. Present Perfect or Past perfect?

1. I (lose) my car – I can’t enter my flat now.

2. I (lose) my key and (walk) in the yard before my Mum came and opened the door.

3. Why are you late today, Tom?  - Frankly speaking, I (oversleep).

4. Tom was late for school because he (oversleep).

5. The dog (eat) all the sausages before we came home.

6. … you (eat) your breakfast today?

7. Jack (be) to three countries by the time he was seventeen.

8. … you (be) to Baikal?

9. When the tourists arrived at the station, their train already (leave).

10. Barbara (leave) for London this week.

11. I (live) in Moscow for twenty years.

12. During his summer holidays Sam decided to visit the city he (live) in before.

V. Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous?

1. It (snow) since early morning.

2. It (snow) today – be careful on the road!

3. – How long … you (play) the piano? – I … (play) the piano since I was five.

4. Jack (play) on  computer and now he must do his homework.

5. Mary (choose) books in the library for half an hour.

6. Peter (be) a soldier for two years.

7. …you (speak) to the boss about your promotion yet?

8. …you (catch) anything? – Not a fish.

9. Victor (travel) all over the world for ten years.

10. He (visit) seven countries. He is so lucky!

11. Betty (choose) the best toy in the shop and asked her Mum to buy it.

12. How long … you … (have) your watch? – For two years.

VI. Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous?

1. Mary was very tired because she (work) hard for three hours before she could make a break.

2. The pupils (translate) the story for half an hour.

3. Yesterday my grandmother found the cup she (look) for since last Sunday.

4. Jane (chop) vegetables for half an hour before the guests came.

5. We (prepare) for the test all day long today.

6. The teacher (check) his pupils’ tests when I came. He probably (check) them for quite a long time because he looked tired.

7. My father (plant) the trees in the garden for an hour by the time we arrived.

8. –Why has Tom got such shining eyes? – His friends and he (make) a snowman all morning.

9. When Jack came to school, he was out of breath. He (run) all the way.

10. My mother (check) my homework since 8 o’clock.

11. –Why are you breathing so hard? –I (run) all the way.

12. I (learn) English for 20 minutes when my mother came into my room and invited me to dinner.

VII.Future Indefinite or Future Continuous?

1. I hope you (help) me to  repair my bicycle tomorrow morning.

2. I think we (take) the test for three hours tomorrow.

3. I (go) to the library on Sunday. And I (read) there from 3 to 6. We can meet after that.

4. At this time on Monday I (lie) in the sun and (drink) juice.

5. When you (get) to the station?

6. My brother is studying at college now and he (become) a doctor in three years.

7. They (sleep) for two hours.

8. At 9 o’clock tomorrow Fred (walk) to school.

9. At this time tomorrow Mr Brown (fly) to Paris.

10. Peter (repair) his bicycle all day long tomorrow.

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