Проверочная работа по английскому языку. 10 класс. Unit 3.
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Проверочная работа по английскому языку. 10 класс. Unit 3. по учебнику  К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман. По темам: союзы, страдательный залог, эмфатические конструкции



Предварительный просмотр:

Проверочная работа по разделу № 3 (вариант 1)

  1. Переведите на русский язык

  1. It was he who came the first.
  2. It was in the garden that we met.
  3. He doesn't work very hard.
  4. I do know the truth.
  5. It was the Dutch physicist, Christian Huygens, who first offered an explanation for the phenomena.
  6. It was Peter who told me about that.
  7. Gold usually occurs in the natural state while iron does not.
  8. Shе does like you.
  9. I do recommend you to see the film.
  10. I do suggest that we leave them now.

  1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.
  1. Bread (to eat) every day.
  2. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday.
  3. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week.
  4. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow.
  5. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn.
  6. Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London.
  7. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets.
  8. My question (to answer) yesterday.
  9. These trees (to plant) last autumn.
  10. The telegram (to receive) tomorrow

3)  Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

E.g. Mother waters the flowers in the evening.

The flowers are watered in the evening (by Mother)

  1. A marble pavillion protects the house.
  2. The boys will paint the roof of the house.
  3. Tom Sawyer whitewashed the fence.
  4. Her daughters gave her three beautiful dishes as a birthday present.
  5. Tom gave Nick a book for his birthday.
  6. Our mother tells us stories every evening.
  7. Lydia will show you a new book of pictures.
  8. A boy showed her the way.
  9. They will send us a box of fruit.
  10. Five or six small children followed them.

4)  Выберите правильный вариант

  1. My friend says she would like to become ... a famous singer or a doctor.
  1. either
  2. neither
  3. or
  1. I can't help you ... you tell me what's wrong.
  1. unless
  2. provided
  3. as well as
  1. My mum was really exhausted. She looked ... she was about to pass out.
  1. even
  2. as if
  3. so that
  1. I learned how to swim … I was a little girl.
  1. before
  2. when
  3. both
  1. I was so angry with her that I ... wrote her ... phoned.
  1. either / or
  2. as / if
  3. neither / nor
  1. ... Kate and Jim were late.
  1. Neither
  2. Both
  3. Either
  1. The waters of the lake were deep, ... clear.
  1. and
  2. both
  3. yet
  1. She missed the train ... her door lock broke down.
  1. for
  2. both
  3. and
  1. ... you go right now, ... you will stay at home!
  1. Even / though
  2. Neither / nor
  3. Either / or
  1. Employees will have to decide ... to accept the offer or not.
  1. whether
  2. even
  3. neither

Предварительный просмотр:

Проверочная  работа по разделу № 3 (вариант 2)

  1. Переведите на русский язык
  1. It is the knowledge that makes us strong
  2. It's he who had stolen my purse!
  3. Не does love you!
  4. The above law does hold.
  5. It is these special properties of sound that are the subject of the present chapter.
  6. It's time the children were in bed. It's long after their bedtime.
  7. I did help him.
  8. They did go.
  9. But he never did know the man.
  10. Mother really does know a lot about antiques.

  1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.
  1. Many houses (to build) in our town every year.
  2. The letter (to receive) yesterday.
  3. I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday.
  4. This work (to do) tomorrow.
  5. This text (to translate) at the last lesson.
  6. Many interesting games always (to play) at our PT lessons.
  7. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday.
  8. Hockey (to play) in winter.
  9. His new book (to finish) next year.
  10. St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703.

  1. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

E.g. Mother waters the flowers in the evening.

The flowers are watered in the evening (by Mother)

  1. In summer the boys often drive the horses to the fields.
  2. Ivan Susanin led the Poles into the thickest part of the forest.
  3. The waves carried the boat away.
  4. We shall do the translation in the evening.
  5. They water the flowers regularly.
  6. You promised me these books long ago,
  7. Bessie's father gave her a complete set of Walter Scott's works.
  8. Irene's husband brought her some beautiful shells from the south.
  9. Mr. Wilson will teach you English.

4) Выберите правильный вариант

1)        The party will start at 11.30 ... the presentation finishes.

  1. yet
  2. after
  3. and

2)        I won’t help you ... you will be able to deal with this problem by yourself.

  1. after
  2. so that
  3. both

3)        ... I were you, I’d listen to your mum, she is right.

  1. If
  2. When
  3. So

4)        Even ... you think you are right, you should not have been rude to her.

  1. though
  2. so
  3. that

5)        He can’t help you ... you tell him what really happened.

  1. if
  2. unless
  3. even

6)        The more she acted like that ... more I wanted to punch her.

  1. though
  2. the
  3. that

7)        She came home earlier ... she would have more time to finish the project.

  1. though
  2. so that
  3. that

8)        I couldn’t help ... wonder where she got that information.

  1. but
  2. so that
  3. and

9)        I need to go to the baker’s ... the bank.

  1. well
  2. both
  3. as well as

10)        ... you look at it, it’s a nagging problem of the 21st century.

  1. Despite
  2. However
  3. Though

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