Tests Form 7 K.Kaufman,M.Kaufman
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Фазлетдинова Зульфия Рустамовна

 Проверочные тесты по английскому языку По УМК Куфман К.,КАуфман М. 7 класс. Глава I,II,VI


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test №2 (UnitII)                                                  K.Kaufman,M. Kaufman

         Form 7

  1. Write the adjectives in the right form:

1. My backpack is (heavy) than hers.

2. This bed is (hard) than that one.

3. The tent is (expensive) equipment in the shop.

4. The film was (interesting) than the film we watched last week.

5. It is (horrible) day in my life.

II. Put the articles. Write the adjectives in the right form.

  1. …Lake Urgun is … (beautiful) place for the camping.
  2. Kalkan is as (beautiful) as ….Urgun.
  3. ….Red Sea is really (red) because of corals.
  4. ….Agidel is (favorite) river of the most tourists.
  5. ….Urals are(old) mountains.
  1. Translate into Russian.
  1. This source is cleaner than that one.
  2. I had the best holidays in this summer.
  3. The potatoes were hot and burnt, but all my classmates ate them.they were as hungry as a hunter.
  4. My computer program is not new as yours.
  5. You are the happiest man in this planet.
  1. Translate into English.
  1. Ты храпишь как медведь.
  2. Иремель – самая высокая гора в Башкортостане.
  3. Анна - самая красивая девушка в нашем классе.
  4. Моя контрольная работа лучше, чем твоя.
  5. Ваше блюдо отвратительнее, чем я думал.

Test №2 (UnitII)                                                  K.Kaufman,M. Kaufman

Form 7

I.Write the adjectives in the right form:

1. Misha  is (tall) than Sasha.

2. This story is (longer) than that one.

3. The kettle is (cheap) equipment in the shop.

4. This book  is (important) than the film we watched last week.

5. It is (happy) day in my life.

II. Put the articles. Write the adjectives in the right form.

1…Lake Baikal  is … (deep) lake in the world.

     2.….Agidel is (long) than …Karidel.

3…. Assilikul is (big) lake in our republic.

4. …(high) peak of ….Urals is Mount Narodnaya .

5….Iremel is (high) mountains in Bashkortostan.

III.Translate into Russian.

1. You are the kindest man in the world..

2. I don’t worry. But my face is as red as a beetroot when I talk with him.

3.  Today the weather is colder than it was yesterday.

4.  My dress is as beautiful as yours.

5. The matches were wet and we couldn’t make campfire.

IV.Translate into English.

1.  Калкан – красивое место для туризма.

2.  Я целый день работал и я голодный как волк.

3. Иван – самый сильный в нашем классе.

4. Эти ботинки такие же удобные, как и те.

5. Самая короткая ночь 22 июня.


Test №5 (Unit VI)                                                  K.Kaufman,M. Kaufman

Form 7

  1. Choose the correct variant:

A) Should    B) Must      C) Can

1. You ….. talk with the priest, he ….help you.

2. The young ….. not be rude with the old.

3.  The fork …go on left, and the knife … on right.

4.  You … run in the corridor!

5.  The pupils in this school ….. choose some optional subjects.

II. Form 5 types of question of this sentence.

You should know about these knights.

III.Translate into Russian.

1. Geography and Physics are compulsory, the other is optional.  

2. If you do lines you will learn the rule and never, ever try to take a punishment.

3.  I hate the rude and cheeky people.

4. Good manners are always help you to be lucky everywhere.

5. Straight your backs and stop talkings!

IV.Translate into English.

1. Быть вежливым – это хорошая манера.

2.  Как правило,богатые тоже плачут.

3. Тебе следует прочитать легенду про короля Артура.

4.  А как на счет остальных предметов?

5. Я так и не понял отличие между этими двумя исключениями.


Test №1 (UnitI)                                                  K.Kaufman,M. Kaufman

Form 7

  1. Ask a question.
  1. My mother stayed with my bother at home.
  2. You are interested in sport.
  3. We learn English and French.

II. Use the, a(an), -(no article)

  1. …Paris is … beautiful place in …. world.
  2. …John is … happy.
  3. His mother is …. engineer. She can help you.
  4. … tourists   like …Russia and …Russian.
  5. My relatives are …very kind and clever.

III. Translate into Russian.

1. Her uncle speaks English and learns French.

2. You are boring you don’t read books.

3. We are friends forever.

4. It doesn’t’t matter. I forget everything.

5. I am an ordinary Russian girl.

IV.Translate into English.

  1. Мы нашли сокровища в старом доме.
  2. Я хочу поехать в Италию и увидеть друга по переписке.
  3. Боюсь, ваш бизнес в опасности.
  4. Мне нужна ваша помощь, я могу это уронить.
  5. Вы очень трудолюбивы.

Test №1 (Unit5)                                                  K.Kaufman,M. Kaufman

Form 7


  1. Choose the right variant and translate.


I (was staying/stayed) at home all day


She (was always asking/always asked) too many questions


We (were understanding/understood) it very well at that moment


When my parents came, I (was chatting/chatted)  with my friends online


He (was waiting/waited) for me at  6 o’clock


This work (is being done/is done) now


She knew that he (lied/was lying)


While I (was lying/lied) on the beach, they (were dealing/dealt) with customers


She (was seeming/seemed) really beautiful


It (rained/was raining) all night

  1. Translate into Russian:
  1. You must submit the completed application form to Service Canada by mail. 
  2. Welcome to the official site of the Russian Embassy in Singapore. 
  3. I have tried to verify my marital status, which should state “divorced”
  4. return ticket is the ticket that allows you to go back to the starting point of your travels.
  5. The British Isles are a group of islands off the northwest coast of continental Europe that include the islands of Great BritainIrelandand over six thousand smaller isles.

  1.  Translate into English:
  1. Мне требуется 5 минут ,чтобы найти это слово.
  2. Не могли бы вы подождать? Нет, у нас мало времени.
  3. Враги приняли соответствующие меры
  4. Друиды были лекарями и учителями.
  5. Это подозрительно, что полиция не может найти вора .

Предварительный просмотр:

Test №2 (UnitII)                                                  K.Kaufman,M. Kaufman

         Form 7

  1. Write the adjectives in the right form:

1. My backpack is (heavy) than hers.

2. This bed is (hard) than that one.

3. The tent is (expensive) equipment in the shop.

4. The film was (interesting) than the film we watched last week.

5. It is (horrible) day in my life.

II. Put the articles. Write the adjectives in the right form.

  1. …Lake Urgun is … (beautiful) place for the camping.
  2. Kalkan is as (beautiful) as ….Urgun.
  3. ….Red Sea is really (red) because of corals.
  4. ….Agidel is (favorite) river of the most tourists.
  5. ….Urals are(old) mountains.
  1. Translate into Russian.
  1. This source is cleaner than that one.
  2. I had the best holidays in this summer.
  3. The potatoes were hot and burnt, but all my classmates ate them.they were as hungry as a hunter.
  4. My computer program is not new as yours.
  5. You are the happiest man in this planet.
  1. Translate into English.
  1. Ты храпишь как медведь.
  2. Иремель – самая высокая гора в Башкортостане.
  3. Анна - самая красивая девушка в нашем классе.
  4. Моя контрольная работа лучше, чем твоя.
  5. Ваше блюдо отвратительнее, чем я думал.

Test №2 (UnitII)                                                  K.Kaufman,M. Kaufman

Form 7

I.Write the adjectives in the right form:

1. Misha  is (tall) than Sasha.

2. This story is (longer) than that one.

3. The kettle is (cheap) equipment in the shop.

4. This book  is (important) than the film we watched last week.

5. It is (happy) day in my life.

II. Put the articles. Write the adjectives in the right form.

1…Lake Baikal  is … (deep) lake in the world.

     2.….Agidel is (long) than …Karidel.

3…. Assilikul is (big) lake in our republic.

4. …(high) peak of ….Urals is Mount Narodnaya .

5….Iremel is (high) mountains in Bashkortostan.

III.Translate into Russian.

1. You are the kindest man in the world..

2. I don’t worry. But my face is as red as a beetroot when I talk with him.

3.  Today the weather is colder than it was yesterday.

4.  My dress is as beautiful as yours.

5. The matches were wet and we couldn’t make campfire.

IV.Translate into English.

1.  Калкан – красивое место для туризма.

2.  Я целый день работал и я голодный как волк.

3. Иван – самый сильный в нашем классе.

4. Эти ботинки такие же удобные, как и те.

5. Самая короткая ночь 22 июня.


Test №5 (Unit VI)                                                  K.Kaufman,M. Kaufman

Form 7

  1. Choose the correct variant:

A) Should    B) Must      C) Can

1. You ….. talk with the priest, he ….help you.

2. The young ….. not be rude with the old.

3.  The fork …go on left, and the knife … on right.

4.  You … run in the corridor!

5.  The pupils in this school ….. choose some optional subjects.

II. Form 5 types of question of this sentence.

You should know about these knights.

III.Translate into Russian.

1. Geography and Physics are compulsory, the other is optional.  

2. If you do lines you will learn the rule and never, ever try to take a punishment.

3.  I hate the rude and cheeky people.

4. Good manners are always help you to be lucky everywhere.

5. Straight your backs and stop talkings!

IV.Translate into English.

1. Быть вежливым – это хорошая манера.

2.  Как правило,богатые тоже плачут.

3. Тебе следует прочитать легенду про короля Артура.

4.  А как на счет остальных предметов?

5. Я так и не понял отличие между этими двумя исключениями.


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