Tests (count nouns, uncount nouns).
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку по теме

Совдагарова Маргарита Рубеновна

Тесты на закрепление пройденной темы.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Count nouns.

The fairy told the girl she could make three ________.

  1. Wish
  2. Wishes

I think her ________ watch far too much television.

  1. Child
  2. Children

Look! The ________ has just stolen that man's hat!

  1. Monkey
  2. Monkeys

It's difficult being a ________ these days.

  1. Parent
  2. Parents

Why do ________ always come in threes?

  1. Bus
  2. Buses

Does anyone know the ________ to the station?

  1. Way
  2. Ways

________ are usually shorter than men.

  1. Woman
  2. Women

A lot of ________ use this street.

  1. Lorry
  2. Lorries

He's the sort of ________ you can trust.

  1. Person
  2. People

I can hear something in the roof. Have you got ________?

  1. Mouse
  2. Mice

The ________ they wanted to buy has been sold.

  1. House
  2. Houses

The most interesting ________ I have visited are in Asia.

  1. Country
  2. Countries

Предварительный просмотр:

Uncount nouns.

  1. I’m sorry I’m late. I got stuck in ___________ .
  2. I like camping, but you have to take a lot of ____________ .
  3. For further _____________ please contact your local council.
  4. He didn’t make much ___________________ , but he liked the job.
  5. The room looks empty; there are only a few pieces of ___________ .
  6. If you want my ___________, I’d sell it as soon as possible.
  7. That’s the best _________ I’ve heard for ages!
  8. You can’t go outside until your _________ is finished.
  9. I’m afraid your _______ is over the 20 kg limit.
  10. Her __________ in this area is very impressive.

Use: equipment, information, news, furniture, luggage, knowledge, money,

traffic, advice, homework.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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