A check list of the ICT tools to use in the class.
методическая разработка (английский язык) по теме

Гайнуллин Гусман Салихжанович

This is a an article to give you an idea of a check list of the ICT tools to use in the class. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

During my ICT course I have heard a really thought provoking idea – ICT tools is only ONE set of tools out of the instruments’ box that any teacher has. Do you agree? Why yes/ why no?

Ps. Below is a check list of the ICT tools to use in the class. How many of them do you use? How often? What about the rest?

Which of the following ICT tools do you use with your English learners?

-CDs and/or CD-ROM software

-Laptop (with or without a projector)

-Activities which use word processing programs (e.g. Microsoft Word, Excel)

-Activities which use PowerPoint

-Online quizzes or games

-Other Internet pages

-Videos (for learners to watch)

-Video recording (learners are video recorded)

-Interactive whiteboards (in the classroom)

-Email (with your students)

-Text chat (sms)

-Voice/Video chat (Skype, Viber, WhatsApp)

-Blogs, wikis (e.g. learners make their own blogs or wikis)

-Social networking sites ( FaceBook, Twitter, etc)


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