устная тема о родном городе Бирюч
занимательные факты (английский язык, 7 класс) по теме

Кулешова Елена Викторовна

В данной работе представленна информация об исторических местах г. Бирюча.


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                                                                                     ученики 9 «В» класса

                                                                                     Беспалова О.С.,

                                                                                     Савенко О.С.

                                                                                      Рук.: учитель английского

                                                                                       Кулешова Е.В.

г.  Бирюч, 2013 г.


We are glad to greet you in our wonderful town - Biryuch. We will show you the most interesting things and we hope you will like it.

 Let’s start our walk from the Square. This is the Sobornaya Square. Earlier people came here to discuss the problems and to make different kind of decisions. Now our citizens gather there to celebrate such great holidays as New Year, Town Day and others.

There is the Monument to John Medkov on this Square. John Medkov found our town in 1705. He is represented holding the bridle of the horse and watching around the town. This monument was made by A. S. Shishkin in 2005.

Biryuch was famous for its trade and merchantry.

So you may see two historical buildings. They are The Trade rows. The trade rows were found in 1782.  The architectural composition is dominated by arched galleries. They represent a sample of the trade buildings of the second half of the XVIII century.

 Since 2003 there “Krasnogvardeysky Museum of local history” is located. The Museum consists of  five  halls which are devoted to the history of Biryuch from ancient times to the present. Its expositions tell you colorfully about society life, the nature of the region, its land and water resources. The town guests cannot be indifferent to its atmosphere, comfort and harmony.

This is the Cathedral in honour the Protection of the Virgin. The main cathedral was restored to the 300th anniversary of the town Biryuch in 2005. The main cathedral has five domes and a bell tower.

Firstly since 1706 it was just a wooden church.  But after the reconstructions in 1838 it became stone.

During the revolution, the Cathedral was defeated and robbed. And since 1955 the Local House of Culture  is situated in this building.

 And now it is one of the most beautiful cathedrals in our region where you may see wonderful icons and feel the atmosphere of tranquility and harmony.

Now we are going along the Walk of Fame.

It was founded in 2005. It is presented by 12 busts of natives who have tittles of the Soviet Union Heroes and Heroes of Socialist Labour. The busts were made by the Sculptor Sheptuhin Nikolai Fedorovich.

The Great Patriotic War touched every town, every family, every house. Our town was occupied by the fascists. Hundreds soldiers were killed during it. This is the common grave for them. The remains of the defenders were brought here from the previous grave in 1979.There is a monument to the Soldier who grieved about killed soldiers. There are a lot of tables with the names of killed defenders. Their relatives come here to honor the memory of them. There is an eternal flame near the monument which remembers us about their great heroic deeds.

Our excursion has come to the end. We wish all bests. Come to our town!

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