Контрольная работа для 9 класса по английскому языку
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Контрольная работа для 9 класса по английскому языку


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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса 1 четверть

1.  Аудирование ( Listening)

a) Listen to what Carolyn says about her sister Mary and herself.

To Read or Not to Read?

My sister Mary and I have different opinions on reading. Mary thinks reading is less important nowadays because there are TV,  video and computers. They give information about everything in the world.

I am not what some people would call a bookworm. But I like books about love and adventure, about the life of people. I also like modern poetry.

The book I'm reading now is Gone with the Wind. It is written by Margaret Mitchell in 1936. It is about the time of the American Civil War when the southern states went to war with the north to preserve their traditional way of life. It was a way of life in which rich gentry1 lived in large houses and owned huge areas of land, which were cultivated2 by black slaves. It was into one of these aristocratic houses that Scarlett O'Hara was born.

When this way of life was destroyed and all her family's wealth was taken away by the advancing northerners3, the spoilt, willful Scarlett had to grow up and use all her wits, intelligence and beauty to build a new life...

I'm captivated by this book.

I'm sure that Mary won't read it. She'll say that she has already seen the film of the book.

1        gentry - мелкопоместное дворянство

2        northerner — житель северных штатов

2. Говорение (Speaking)   

 I can express my opinion on books I read and places I visited

3. Письмо(Writing)

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend John who writes

... TV is chewing gum for eyes! Have you seen anything worth watching on TV? As for me, lean see only endless soap operas or horror films which are not frightening at all but just silly...

Write a letter to John. In your letter:

  • tell him about your attitude to TV
  • ask 3 questions about the way he usually spends his leisure time
  • Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

b) According to the text make these sentences complete.

  1. Caroline and her sister Mary and          __________.

a) have  same opinions  b)  have  different opinions  c) haven’t  any opinions

  1. Mary thinks reading         nowadays.

a) isn’t important  b) is less important c) is more important

3. TV, video and computers give information_________________.

a) about the life of the world b) about everything in the TV c) about everything in the world.

4.Carolyn ______________a bookworm.

a)  reads books about  b) is   c) isn’t

5. Carolyn likes reading books about        , about the_________ .

a) thriller________adventure  b)  love ___________  life of people   c) adventure,__________  love of the   people.

  1. Carolyn also likes reading        _.

a)   m o d e r  n   r  o m a n c e   b)  m o de  r n  t a  le s c)  m o d er n  p o e t r y

  1. Gone with the Wind is about the time of the_______________

a) World War  II,  b) Civil Was in Britain  c) Civil War in America

8  The spoilt, willful Scarlett had to---------and _________----------        all her wits,    intelligence and  beauty to build a new life.

a)  jump up  and kiss  b) grow  up and grow  c)  grow up and use

9 Carolyn is sure that Mary _______________

a)  will read this book       b)  won’t read this book    c)

will  see  the film of the book.

                                                       Чтение. (Reading) 

Read the text. Six sentences have been- remove from it. Choose from the sentences a - g below the one which fits each gap (1 — 6). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

Three Cheers for Winnie-the-Pooh

Probably the most famous bear in the world Winnie-the-Pooh - celebrated his 75th birthday in 2001.

The hugely popular children's character,  brought to life by author A.A. Milne, first appeared in a story called The Wrong Sort of Bees in 1925  Christmas Eve edition of the Evening New, London.


The inspiration for the character of Winnie-the-Pooh dates from the 1920s when a real bear called Winnie was one of most popular animals at London Zoo.

The black bear cub was originally bought during the first world war by a Canadian Army lieutenant called Harry Colebourn from a hunter who killed his mother. He named it Winnipeg, after his hometown, or Winnie for short.

Winnie became the mascot of Colebourn's brigade and travelled to the United Kingdom with the unit. When the brigade was posted to France, Colebourn took Winnie to London Zoo for a long loan.


On a visit to the Zoo, Winnie was a favourite of Christopher Robin, Milne's son and the child subsequently called his teddy bear Winnie-the-Pooh.

When Milne was looking for inspiration for a children's story, he looked no further than his son's favourite toy bear and quickly introduced other characters such as Eeyore, Piglet, Tigger, Kanga and Roo, all based on stuffed animals belonging to Christopher Robin.

The characters Rabbit and Owl were based on animals that lived in the surrounding area of Milne's country home, Crotchford Farm in Ashdown Forest, Sussex.


Alan Alexander Milne was born in London in 1882. He was the third and youngest son of London schoolteachers and couldread when he was two.


He went on to Cambridge, where he edited the undergraduate paper.

On leaving university he went to London to write and was offered a position at Punch magazine in 1905. He was an editor at Punch for the next eight years, during which he wrote his first book.

In 1913 he married Dorothy de Selincourt and Christopher Robin, their only son was born in 1920. In 1924 a collection of children's verse by Milne was published and called When We Were Very Young.

In 1926 Winnie-the-Pooh was released, promptly establishing Milne as a major author of children's books.


Although Milne is remembered primarily for children's books, he did go on to write more plays, a detective novel, political books, and his autobiography.


Milne died in 1956.

Psychologist Brian Sibley who describes himself as a "poohologist" and is the author of a book called Three Cheers for Pooh, said: "In Pooh's 75th birthday year we celebrate that original teddy bear who became, as Christopher Robin called him, 'the best bear in the world'."

London Press Service Informs

A __ As a schoolboy he began to write verses and short humorous pieces for the school paper.

B       He formally presented the Zoo with Winnie in December 1919 after which the bear became a popular attraction and lived until 1934.

C       From the following year a series of books featuring the playful exploits of Pooh and a host a colourful characters have sold million of copies worldwide and been translated into more than 40 languages.

D       The forest inspired the creation of 100-Acre Wood, the setting for Pooh’s adventure.

E        In 1928 came the House at Pooh Corner.

F         Recently, the Walt Disney Company had made several feature- length cartoons of the honey- loving bear,s adventures.

G        When not writing he was happiest playing golf.

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