полезные выражения
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Чулкина Ирина Анатольевна

презентация позволяет повторить выражения классного обихода


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Слайд 1

Useful classroom expressions

Слайд 3

Beginning the class Hello ! Hi! Good morning! Good afternoon! Close the door, please . Write the date on the board, please. Take out your books, please. Give out the books, please. Liz, share your book with Laura, please. Have you done your homework? Juan isn’t here today. He is not well. Ready ? Let’s start. David, you start. What did you say Juan? Just a moment. Wait a minute. Hold on a second.

Слайд 4

Who is on duty in your class ( group ) today ? What day is it today? Who is absent today ? Why you are late ?? That’s no excuse ( That’s a poor excuse ). Take the duster and clean the blackboard, please.

Слайд 5

Exercise one at the top of page three. Activity two at the bottom of page three. Which exercise are we doing? Work in groups of three. Work in pairs. Work on your own. Have you got a pencil? Can I borrow your rubber? Can you lend me a rubber, please?

Слайд 6

Homework What was your homework for today? What have you prepared for today ? Open your exercise books, please. I want to check that you have all done your homework. Why didn’t you do the homework ? Put up your hands those who haven’t done their homework . For homework you were to … You should have asked your classmates about the homework . I am not satisfied with the way you did your homework today. I am glad to see that everyone has done the homework well today. Hand in your exercise books, please.

Слайд 7

Classroom materials A sheet of paper. Has everyone got a sheet of paper? The textbooks. Put your textbooks in your schoolbags . The activity books. The activity books are on the shelf. The workbook. Mary, collect in the workbooks, please . A flashcard. The flashcards go in that box. A poster. Help me stick this poster on the wall. A dictionary. Do you need a dictionary? The calendar. Hang the calendar next to the door. The weather chart. Let’s all look at the weather chart . The chalk. A piece of chalk. The chalk is finished . Will you go and fetch some chalk? Coloured pencils. Colour it in with your coloured pencils .

Слайд 8

Classroom materials A pair of scissors. Has anyone seen my pair of scissors? Some pots of paint. The pots of paint are empty. Paintbrushes . Clean your paintbrushes. A rubber. There’s a rubber on the floor. Glue . Pass the glue, please. A drawing pin. A tack. Careful, there’s a tack on the floor. A stapler. Be careful with the stapler. Staples. Don’t touch the staples. A ruler. A ruler is for measuring. A cloth. Clean the table with the cloth. The puppet. The puppet only speaks English .

Слайд 9

Giving instructions and asking for information Please repeat after me. Could you repeat that, please ? First listen, and then repeat. Say it with me. Give me some more examples, please. Do you understand? Mary, read the next sentence. Can you read this word? Look at exercise two. Can you read the instructions, please? Keep going. Can you speak louder ? Speak up, please. What does …. mean? Can you spell it, please? How do you spell … , please?

Слайд 10

Giving instructions and asking for information Is this correct? Can you write it on the board, please? What’s the English word for … ? Could you repeat that, please? I’m sorry, I don’t understand . What page are we on? Shall I go on? Can I see your exercises, please? Please do the following exercises. Has anyone got a spare pen/pencil/rubber? Let’s practise that again. Who has finished? Come here, please. Go back to your seat. Look at the board. Listen to the cassette/tape. Listen to me. Tell me the answer. Write the answers. Read the question .

Слайд 11

Giving instructions and asking for information Colour the picture. Cut it out. Draw a …Point to the ... Show me your work. Put your pencils down. Watch the video. Say the whole sentence, please. Say it again, please. Say it in English, please! Say it more slowly. Copy these words into your notebooks. Don’t start yet! You can start now. Come to the front, please. Correct your partner’s work. Put your hand up if you don’t understand. Put your hand up if you know the answer. Fill in the gaps .

Слайд 12

Giving instructions and asking for information Match the words and the pictures. Match the words to the pictures. Finish the exercise. Do the crossword on page seven. Is that right? Copy me. Follow me. Put it on the wall. Tie your shoe laces. Wipe your nose! Blow your nose! Use a hankie! Bless you! Hurry up! Hands up! Hands down!

Слайд 13

Controlling the class Please be quiet! Speak quietly! Can’t you speak more softly? No noise, please . Don’t answer all together. One at a time The rest keep quiet Stop chatting! Stop speaking! Whisper, don’t shout ! Silence! Please pay attention! Don’t do that! Don’t touch! Put that away! Calm down! Settle down! Sit still! Juan , stop bothering David! Stop playing with your pencil. Stop talking and watch the video. Stop talking and listen, please.

Слайд 14

Exercises Go on. (Go on with your story.) Don’t hurry. (There’s no need to hurry .) Start from the very beginning. Tell the story . Make up a dialogue based on the given example. Act out the dialogue. Ask your friend on your left ( right ) why … Complete the following story. (Make up an end to my story .) Think of sentences (situations) in which you could use the following words (phrases ).

Слайд 15

Exercises You make many mistakes when writing , be more careful . You have some ( bad , serious , spelling , grammar ) mistakes in your last test . Don’t write so close together . Don’t join your words together . You join your letters wrongly . Keep to the lines . Don’t write in the margin. This is a good (very good, bad, very bad) work . You have missed out the letter “t” in the word “listen”. Cross out the extra letter. Rub off that word and write the correct one instead. Underline that word. You must improve your handwriting / pronunciation

Слайд 16

Questions Is the translation of this word (phrase) correct? Who has a different translation? What have you got? What’s the correct translation (answer)? Have you all got the same? Who’s got something different? What don’t you understand? (Is everything clear?) Have you any questions? (Any questions?) What does it mean? (What’s the meaning of it? What do you think it means ?)

Слайд 17

Homework For homework do exercise 3 on page 23. Your homework is to learn the words on page 30. At home read and translate Lesson 3 (the whole text from beginning to end, the first three paragraphs up to the words…). Take down the words you don’t know in your vocabulary. Prepare the text on page 33 for reading . Answer the questions on page 38. Prepare to reproduce the text in your own words. Do exercise 2 on page 13 in writing and exercise 3 orally. Revise the words and expressions from Lesson 2. Learn the poem by heart . Make up questions about the picture on page 18. Make up a story on the picture . Do you all understand what you have to do for homework? Write down the homework in your record book.

Слайд 18

Ending the lesson Here your marks – You haven’t done any preparation for lesson. Your answers are very good ( bad ). You should work harder . You’re making progress. (You are doing well.) That’s right . Good . That’s good . That was a careless answer . You read well ( badly ) today . You’ve got 4 ( for ). You’ve made a lot of mistakes, so I’ve given you 3 (three). The lesson is over .

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