Future Simple
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Елена Исааковна Левко

Презентация дает возможность наглядно показать, как образуются формы будущего времени, когда и как эти формы употребляются, дает возможность сразу закрепить новый материал.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Future Simple Tomorrow The day after tomorrow Tonight Next week Next year Next Sunday In 2012 Will + V1= will go I go to school every day . (Present Simple) I am going to school now. (Present Progressive) I will go to school tomorrow. (Future Simple ) They go to school. will

Слайд 2

I will go=I’ll go I will see you tomorrow. I’ll see you tomorrow. Next week he will come from Moscow. Next week he’ll come from Moscow. Next Tuesday they will have a test. Next Tuesday they’ll have a test. Tomorrow Tom will be at home.

Слайд 3

Make it Future We walk in the park. (Next Monday) They play basketball. (Tomorrow) I ride a bike. (Next week) She helps mum about the house. (Next weekend) He visits his grandma. (The day after tomorrow) You go to swim in the sea. (Next year)

Слайд 4

Check up! Next Monday we’ll walk in the park. Tomorrow they’ll play basketball. Next week I’ll ride a bike. Next weekend she’ll help mum about the house. The day after tomorrow he’ll visit his grandma. Next year you’ll go to swim in the sea.

Слайд 5

Questions in Future Simple He play chess tomorrow.- he play chess tomorrow? Mum will go shopping on Sunday. – Will … They’ll buy a puppy next month. – My friends will study French next year. – Her granny will cook pies tonight. – I’ll watch a video in the evening. - will

Слайд 6

Check up! Mum will go shopping on Sunday. – Will Mum go shopping on Sunday? They’ ll buy a puppy next month. – Will they buy a puppy next month? My friends will study French next year. – Will he study French next year? Her granny will cook pies tonight. – Will she cook pies tonight? I’ ll watch a video in the evening. – Will you watch a video in the evening? Yes, (she) will. No, (she) won’t. will not=won’t

Слайд 7

My cousin will come back from Germany next month. Will your cousin come back from Germany next month? Who will come back from Germany next month? When will your cousin come back from Germany? Where from will your cousin come back next month? Whose cousin will come from Germany next month?

Слайд 8

Her aunt will live in London next year. Will ……? Who …….? Where ………? When ……….? Whose ……… ? Will her aunt live in London next year? Who will live in London next year? Where will her aunt live next year? When will her aunt live in London? Whose aunt will live in London next year?

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