презентация " Discovery England"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Данная презентация подготовлена для 6 класса по теме "England" для развития устной речи.


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Discover Britain
ENGLAND When you travel about the country you can see how the scenery changes right in front of your eyes THE 5 REGIONS OF ENGLAND The Southeast The Southwest East Anglia The Midlands The North of England The Southeast Highly populated A lot of industries near the Thames Important historical cities Heathrow Airport The County of Kent WINDSOR
HEATHROW airport
Heathrow Airport
The County of Kent The County of Kent situated here is known as the Garden of England. The Southwest
A farming regionto be known for its pirates two principal cities: Bristol and Bath “Land’s End” Bath.
The famous Stonehenge
East Anglia very flat and farming region Oliver Cromwell’d birthplaceCambridgeThe Fens. very flat and farming region Oliver Cromwell Oliver Cromwell 1599-1658 The English statesman and general  won battles in the English civil war. Later he took the title Lord Protector of Great Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University
The Midlands the heart of England the largest industrial part the birthplace of great William Shakespeare Oxford Stratford-upon-Avon
Shakespeare's Birthplace
The North of England the widest and loneliest part is rich in coalthe Lake District cities of York and Newcastle-upon-TyneHadrian’s Wall Hadrian’s Wall Hadrian’s Wall is named after the Roman Emperor Hadrian who reigned from 117 to 138 AD. This wall marked the northern limit of the Roman Empire in Britain. THE LAKE DISTRICT Автор: Дашкевич Ирина Викторовна г.Петропавловск, РКПервая гимназия,учитель английского языка

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