сценарий праздника "День благодарения"
материал по английскому языку по теме

Верхотурцева Галина Александровна

Предлагаю Вам разработку внеклассного мероприятияе, посвященное празднованию "Дня благодарения". Ребятами разыгрывается сценка по обычаям и истории этого праздника. Сценка простая  по костюмам и слова участников просты для запоминания. В доступной театрализованной форме ребята подробно рассказывают об этой традиции.


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Предварительный просмотр:


1-ый ведущий: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

2-ой ведущий: Good afternoon. Do you know, that people in every country usually have great celebrations in autumn to thank God and nature for a plentiful harvest.

1-ый ведущий: The American Thanksgiving began nearly four hundred years ago.

2-ой ведущий: Let’s imagine how it all might have begun.

1-ый ведущий: In 1620 on the 22nd of December a ship named the Mayflower brought 102 Englishmen to the rocky coast of what is now Massachusetts, 1 of the 50 states of the USA. (выплывают Пилигримы на корабле)

2-ой ведущий: The ship’s passengers were Puritans.

Piligrim1: We are Puritans – members of a religion sect which was unpopular in Britain because we wanted to reform the church of England.

Piligrim2: We became ‘Piligrims’ because we were traveling in search of religious freedom. We came to America to practice our religion freely.

1-ый ведущий: The people living in America were Native Americans or American Indians. (на сцену выходят индейцы, садятся у костра и курят)

2-ой ведущий: When the Piligrims landed they founded the colony called Plymouth.

Piligrim1: We had only the belongings that we had brought on the small ship!(достают узелок из корабля)

Piligrim2: The winter was so cold! We were starving and nearly half of us died…(падает, второй снимает шляпу)

1-ый ведущий: They became good friends with Indians and lived with them in peace. ( Индейцы подходят к Американцам)

Indian 1: We will help you! (протягивает руку лежащему Пилигриму) We will show you how to hunt (изображает охоту)

Indian 2: We will show you how to fish and plant crops! (показывает рыбалку и сеет)

2-ой ведущий: Thanks to the help of Indians, the Plymouth settlers had a good harvest the next autumn (выносят стол)

1-ый ведущий: In October 1621 they had 3-day feast of fish and wild turkey. (накрыли стол)

Piligrim2: We had so many different kinds of food!

Piligrim1: Thanks God for these blessings!

Piligrims: Thanks God! (падают на колени)

Thank you                                                                                     Thank you                                                                                                                                    

For all my hands can hold                                                             For all my eyes can see

Apples red                                                                                     Lovely sunlight,

And melons gold,                                                                          Field and tree,

Yellow corn                                                                                   White cloud-boats

Both ripe and sweet,                                                                      In sea-deep sky,

Peas and beans                                                                               Soaring bird

So good to eat!                                                                               And butterfly.

Thank you

For all my ears can hear-

Birds’ song echoing

Far and near,

Songs of little

Stream, big sea,

Cricket, bullfrog,

Duck and bee!

T for time to be together,

turkey, talk and tangy weather.

H for harvest stored away,

home, and health and holiday.

A for autumn’s frosty art,

and abundance the heart.

N for neighbors and November

nice things, new things to remember.

K for kitchen, kettles’ croon,

kith and kin expected soon.

S for sizzles, sights and sounds

and something special that abounds.

That spells THANKS – for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving.


All together THANKS!!!

Piligrim1: We are Puritans – members of a religion sect which was unpopular in Britain because we wanted to reform the church of England.

Piligrim1: We had only the belongings that we had brought on the small ship!(достают узелок из корабля)

Piligrim1: Thanks God for these blessings!

Piligrims: Thanks God! (падают на колени)

Piligrim2: We became ‘Piligrims’ because we were traveling in search of religious freedom. We came to America to practice our religion freely.

Piligrim2: The winter was so cold! We were starving and nearly half of us died…(падает, второй снимает шляпу)

Piligrim2: We had so many different kinds of food!

Piligrims: Thanks God! (падают на колени)

Indian 1: We will help you! (протягивает руку лежащему Пилигриму) We will show you how to hunt (изображает охоту)

Indian 2: We will show you how to fish and plant crops! (показывает рыбалку и сеет)

T for time to be together,

turkey, talk and tangy weather.

H for harvest stored away,

home, and health and holiday.

A for autumn’s frosty art,

and abundance the heart.

N for neighbors and November

nice things, new things to remember.

K for kitchen, kettles’ croon,

kith and kin expected soon.

S for sizzles, sights and sounds

and something special that abounds.

That spells THANKS – for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving.

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