Презентация о Шотландии
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Бабушкина Светлана Дмитриевна

Открытое мероприятие в 8-11классах об удивительной стране Шотландии


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Предварительный просмотр:


                                                               9 Form

1. The motto: «Travelling broadens the mind»

2. Slogans: «Seeing is believing»

          «My heart's in the Highlands  wherever I go…» (R.Burns)

          «Scotland welcomes you!»

3. Objectives:

- widen students' outlook

- develop skills and habits of prepared and unprepared  speech

- develop students' pair and group  communicative skills

- teach students to express their opinion

- teach students to understand and respect traditions and customs of            other countries of the world

4. Equipment:

a multimedia system, a tape-recorder, posters, a globe and a map, a magazine «GEO», pictures, leaflets.

Introduction :


Good morning, dear friends!Glad to see you! How are you today? Hope everything is OK. Are you ready to start?

I want you to guess the countries which we name English-speaking.

So, it's a crossword:

  1.          AUSTRALIA




  1.      INDIA
  2.               NEW ZEALAND
  3.   CANADA

As you can see , we are going to Scotland today.

This is our plan:

SLIDE 2.  


  1. Warming up.
  2.  Phonetic drills and brainstorm.
  3. Reading and speaking about Scotland:

            a) from the history

b) craving (стремление) for independence

c) the national floral emblem and flag

d) lochs of Scotland

e) Edinburgh and its castle

 f) customs and traditions: kilt, sporran, bagpipe, oatmeal and haggis (телячий рубец с потрохами и приправой).

     4.  A  QUIZ

      5. Scottish songs to listen, sing, relax and enjoy

      6. Reflection and summing up

  1. Warming up.

T: I’d like to draw your attention to the motto of our trip to Scotland: “Travelling broadens the mind”. What do you think about this idea?

Express your opinion, please, using the following expressions:


Express your opinion:

  • I think…
  • As for me …
  • To my mind…
  • In my opinion…
  • It seems to me…
  • I agree/ disagree      with you/that…

(Travelling: gives us knowledge and adventure, helps study foreign languages,

helps learn about different countries, changes your style of life, helps make new friends, gives pleasure)

  1. Phonetic drills and brainstorm.

T: In order to travel to Scotland we need some specific vocabulary. Look at the screen, listen and repeat the words. Close your eyes and try to write the most difficult of them with your finger in the air and spell them one after another.


Gaelic  - the national language

Loch – a lake

Tattoo – a military parade

Bagpipe – a musical instrument

Tartan – a fabric, cloth

Kilt – a skirt

Sporran – a leather bag

Clan – a family

Mac – a son

Haggis – a dish

T: By the way, what do you know about Scotland?

Try to fill in the gaps, please.

SLIDE 6,7,8


Name: …

Part of : …

Area: …

Population: …

Capital: …

Languages: …

Number of lakes: …

Number of rivers: …

Largest city:  …

National sport games: …

Flag: …

Floral emblem: …

Currency: …

T: OK, let’s compare your ideas with real facts.

SLIDE 9,10



Name:   Scotland

Part of :   the UK

Area:   78,769 sq. km

Population:  about 5 ml

Capital:   Edinburgh

Languages:   English and Gaelic

Number of lakes:    over 500 (fresh and saltwater)

Number of rivers:   over 100 (of varying sizes)

Largest city:   Glasgow

National sport games: football and golf

Flag:   St. Andrew Cross

Floral emblem:   the thistle

Currency:   pound (GBP), Pound Scots (Pund Scots)

T: They say, Scotland has become one of the most popular tourist destinations nowadays. What does Scotland mean for you? Is it worth seeing?

( students express their opinions)

SLIDE 11,12,13

Find useful phrases to express your opinion:


… it’s famous for …

… I’m looking forward to visiting Scotland to see…

… it’s really worth seeing because … /because of …

Let’s ask Oleg, one of your classmates about it.  I know he‘s visited this wonderful country this year.

T: You’re quite right. It’s really worth seeing.

So, let’s discover Scotland together!

SLIDE 8,9,10

(beautiful pictures of the country)

SLIDE 14,15


                                                  FROM THE HISTORY…

Many centuries ago Great Britain was conquered by the Romans but they couldn’t conquer Scotland. The Romans called it Caledonia – the country of the wild.

They built the Hadrian’s Wall (named after the Roman emperor) in order to separate Roman territories from Scotland.

There were constant wars between England and Scotland because Scotland used to be an independent kingdom and didn’t want to be united with England.

However, in 1603 the Scottish king, James VI (Mary Stuart’s son) ascended to the throne of England, and a century later, in 1707 both countries became united.

(students read the info aloud)

T: Thus, you can understand their craving for independence, can’t you?

Have you heard about the results of voting in September? Let’s have a look!

And try to guess the meaning of new words.

(students read aloud)





The referendum asked only a single question: “Should Scotland become an independent country?”

 By a large margin, the voters have decided that it should not.

                                                 YES: 44.7%

                                                 NO:   55.3%

However, the YES campaign presented a vote for independence as a way to show pride in Scotland and belief in its ability to thrive on its own.

To thrive (throve, thriven) = to prosper

What do you think? Do you agree with their choice?

(students’ own answers)

SLIDE 17,18

c). A Dialogue about the emblem and the flag.

P1: I’d like to know if there is any interesting legend about Scotland?

P2: I think there’re a lot. To my mind the most exciting is about the thistle.

P1: Will you tell us about it?

P2: Certainly, with pleasure.

(the student P2 retells the story by heart)


 In very ancient times the Norsemen (or Vikings) wanted to settle in this country. At night they intended to take Scots by surprise. They took off their shoes so as to make the least noise possible. Fortunately for Scots, one of the Norsemen stepped on the thistle and cried of sharp pain. The alarm was given and the Norsemen were defeated.

For this help the Scots made the thistle their national emblem.

P1: Thank you, it’s really interesting.

SLIDE 19, 20

P3:  Well, and what about the flag? Why is there a cross on it? Does anybody know?

P4:  I hope I can explain.

As you can see in this picture, the flag of Scotland (or the Saltire) is believed to be  the oldest flag in Europe.

It is a white diagonal cross on a blue background. There is a fascinating history behind it.  Saint Andrew – the Patron of Scotland  - was crucified (распять) by Romans on such a cross.

 According to the legend once during the battle the Scots saw the clouds in the form of the  diagonal cross in the blue sky and it helped them to win.

P3: Thanks a lot. Now I know.

T: Well, aren’t you bored with those legends? It’s time to enjoy the  majestic Scottish  scenery with its numerous lochs.

SLIDE 21-26


Oleg, will you tell us about your personal impression about the lakes of Scotland?


I think they are great! Though Loch Lomond is the largest lake, the most famous  and deepest is Loch Ness, known for its mysterious monster….

I ‘ve learned that many Scottish lochs were formed from former glaciers.

P5: Have you seen Nessie there?

P2: No, but I … (own words of the student)

P5: Have you been to Edinburgh?

P2: Yes, I liked the city and the Castle , built on the highest point. It seems to hang over the city. It’s truly majestic!


T: As you see, we’ve got a lot of leaflets here. Try to get as much information about EDINBURGH CASTLE as you can.

Work in 2 groups, please.  You may use your pen and paper. Then we compare your results.

SLIDE 27-39 /// 40,41

                                            EDINBURGH CASTLE


- It is very old. How old is it?

- Who lived there? Until what time?


 - Where is it located in the city?

- What’s the name of the most popular traditional Scottish festivals

   held in front of  the Castle?

(more than 1,000 years old, the Royal family until 1603, on the former volcano (on the highest hill of the city), the Edinburgh Military Tattoo)

(students’ group work and answers)

SLIDE 42-45


T: Now we are moving to customs and traditions which the Scots are very proud of. Here you can see a man in a traditional Scottish costume with a national instrument.

Here is a short quiz for you.

Can you give correct answers?



                                                      A QUIZ FOR YOU:

  1. Scots traditionally lived in groups called … .
  2. Men and women of each clan wear  … made of a specific colourful tartan cloth.
  3. To make a kilt it takes … metres of tartan cloth.
  4. Only a man’s kilt has a pocket made from leather and decorated with fur or silver. It’s called … .
  5.  The national musical instrument of Scotland is … .
  6. Oatmeal  …  and oatcake  are both  national Scottish dishes .
  7.  …  is a cherished national dish of Scots.

(clans, kilts, 8m, sporran, bagpipe(s), porridge, dish)

SLIDE 47,48

5. Songs to sing and enjoy.

T: Well, time flies, and our today’s trip is going to be over.

It’s time to relax and enjoy singing.

When you were younger we learned a popular Scottish folk song “My Bonnie”.

We can do some movements while singing it together. For example , clap your hands at every word in the song beginning with the  letter “b”.

So, come on! Stand up, please!




  6. Reflection and summing up.


Did you like the lesson or not? What did/didn’t  you like?

Would you like to visit this country in the future?

SLIDE 50,51

Your hometask will be:

Find in the Internet or in the books some information about:

  1. Robert Burns, a famous Scottish poet (P1P2P3P4)


  1. A song “AULD LANG SYNE”: lyrics and melody (P5P6P7)

  1. S. Marshak’s translation of the song called «Застольная» (P8P9)






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