Викторина "Знаешь ли ты Великобританию?"
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Чуб Елена Александровна

Этот тест можно использовать в 7 класс при знакомстве с темой" Путешествие по России и зарубежом".


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Предварительный просмотр:

Do you know Great Britain well?

Choose the correct answer.

  1. On the whole the climate of Great Britain is ... . a) dry, b) frosty, c) mild, d) tropical
  2. What's the name of the London underground?

a) Metro, b) Tube, c) Subway, d) Underground

  1. Who is the head of the state in Britain?

a) Mayor, b) Prime Minister, c) Queen, d) Speaker.

  1. Where is the official residence of the Queen?

a) Chatham House, b) Regent Palace, c) Westminster Palace, d) Buckingham Palace.

  1. What monument is there in the centre of Trafalgar Square?

a) Cromwell's statue, b) Nelson's Column, c) Queen's statue, d) Edward Elgar's statue.

  1. Where is Glasgow situated?

a) in Scotland, b) in Wales, c) in England, d) in Northern Ireland.

  1. For Christmas dinner the English usually have .... a) chicken, b) roast beef, c) fish, d) turkey.
  2. What is English marmalade?

a) apple jam, b) orange jam, c) sweets, d) a cake.

  1. The midday meal in Britain is called .... a) breakfast, b) lunch, c) dinner, d) snack
  2. The traditional English drink is .... a) coffee, b) tea, c) cocoa, d) milk.

Choose the correct answer.

  1. On the whole the climate of Great Britain is .... a) dry, b) frosty, c) mild, d) tropical
  2. What's the name of the London underground?

a) Metro, b) Tube, c) Subway, d) Underground

  1. Who is the head of the state in Britain?

a) Mayor, b) Prime Minister, c) Queen, d) Speaker.

  1. Where is the official residence of the Queen?

a) Chatham House, b) Regent Palace, c) Westminster Palace, d) Buckingham Palace.

  1. What monument is there in the centre of Trafalgar Square?

a) Cromwell's statue, b) Nelson's Column, c) Queen's statue, d) Edward Elgar's statue.

  1. Where is Glasgow situated?

a) in Scotland, b) in Wales, c) in England, d) in Northern Ireland.

  1. For Christmas dinner the English usually have .... a) chicken, b) roast beef, c) fish, d) turkey.
  2. What is English marmalade?

a) apple jam, b) orange jam, c) sweets, d) a cake.

  1. The midday meal in Britain is called .... a) breakfast, b) lunch, c) dinner, d) snack
  2. The traditional English drink is ... . a) coffee, b) tea, c) cocoa, d) milk.