seven wonders
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Масолова Оксана Витальевна

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Слайд 1

NATURE’S SEVEN GREATEST WONDERS Презентация по английскому языку Составлена учителем английского языка Масоловой О.В.

Слайд 2

The American traveller and scientist Lowell Thomas thinks that there are seven Nature’s greatest wonders. They are the Grand Canyon, Glacier Bay, the Mammoth Cave, Victoria Falls, Baikal, Mount Everest and Yellowstone National Park. The Grand Canyon Glacier Bay The Mammoth Cave Victoria Falls Mount Everest Baikal Yellowstone National Park

Слайд 3

The Grand Canyon Is quite unusual in colour and architecture. Two hundred and eighty miles long , four to eighteen miles across , more then a mile deep, the Grand Canyon is a fantasy of stones and cliffs. Standing near it , you can watch a wonderful play of colours that no artist could describe. The Colorado River, Nature’s main assistant in creating this work of sculptures, runs through the canyon.

Слайд 4

Glacier Bay Is in Alaska, where the mountains rise higher from the sea than any other place on earth. It’s a land of glaciers , big fiords and perpendicular ice walls shining in the sun. Here all varieties of arctic life are present. One can see , for example, whales sending up fountains of water, seals, white bears , deer, wolves and a great number of birds. It is a world that changes all the time . The great glaciers grow slowly, become fantastically large and then slide majestically towards the sea leaving behind new soil where the cycle of growing begins all over again.

Слайд 5

The Mammoth Cave Is in Kentucky. Its development began about 240 million years ago, but people discovered it in 1800, when a hunter running after a bear, suddenly came upon its entrance. This great labyrinth of underground corridors is full of colourful formations made by the centuries. Stalactites drop from the ceiling like New Year tree toys, stalagmites rise from the floor. The formations on the walls are like flowers , trees and animals.

Слайд 6

Victoria Falls It is trully one of the Nature’s most wonderful sights.It is situated between Zambia and Zimbabwe. At Victoria the long river Zambezi carries as much as 75 million gallons of water in a minute over one cliff and against another, into a gorge not more then 100 feet wide, known as the Boiling Pot. This created massive clouds of spray, a fantasy of rainbows which can be seen from miles away. Africans call the falls Mosy– oatunya ( The Smoke that Thunders ) .

Слайд 7

Mount Everest The Himalayan mountains are the highest of all the earth’s mountains. Everest is the highest of them. It goes up the sky nearly five and a half miles above sea level. It has always attracted brave mountain climbers. Its peak is on the border of Nepal and Tibet. It is above the Death Zone where the air is too thin for a human being, so usually extra oxygen is used when climbing. Mount Everest is rising from 3 to 6 millimeters a year. Everest is also moving northeastward about 3 inches a year. Mount Everest has an extreme climate. The summit temperature never rises above freezing 0° C. Its summit temperatures in January average -36° C and can drop to -60° C. In July, the average summit temperature is -19° C.

Слайд 8

Yellowstone National Park The largest park in the USA. Yellowstone is a world in itself. It was born of volcanic fire and later moulded by glaciers. It has high mountains and cliffs, waterfalls, hot springs, steaming and bubbling, and the world’s greatest concentration of geysers, throwing there water from time to time high into the air. The wild life of Yellowstone is very rich with bisons, moose, elks and bears and a great number of smaller animals and birds.

Слайд 9

Baikal Siberia’s Giant Lake. Imagine a fresh water lake larger than Belgium, with high mountains round it. More than a mile deep in places, Baikal contains as much fresh water as all the North America Great Lakes taken together. About 1,800 species of flora and fauna live in it, two-thirds of them are not found anywhere else. There is , for example, the golomyanka, a fish so nearly transparent, that one can almost read a newspaper through it.

Слайд 10

Glossary fiord /fjᴐ:d/ [C] a long strip between steep hills , found especially in Norway gallon / 'ᶢᵆˡᵊⁿ / [C, usually plural ] a large amount of liquid (4.5 л ) gorge / ᶢᵓ˸ᵈᶾ / [C ] a deep narrow valley with steep sides, usually formed by a river or stream cutting through hard rock moose / mu:s / [C ] (pl moose ) a type of large deer with large flat horns and a long nose which lives in the forests of North America, northern Europe and Asia mould / ᵐᵊᵘˡᵈ / to make a soft substance a particular shape spring /spri ᵑ / [ C ] a place where water naturally flows out from the ground summit / ' s ˄ mit / [C ] the highest point of a mountain

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