Craft activities for primary students
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему

Галилей Александра Сергеевна

В файле представлены мастер-классы и ссылки на дополнительные материалы для творческих занятий с детьми, которые проходили во время летнего языкового лагеря для младших школьников, по теме "США"


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Предварительный просмотр:

String of Stars
More Kinder Crafts 

Make a decorative string of stars to celebrate President's Day, Veteran's Day, July 4th, Memorial Day, or any patriotic US holiday. Make it as long as you want - you can decorate an entire room with this patriotic (and simple) craft.


  • Construction paper (red, white and blue)
  • Printer (optional)
  • Scissors
  • String or yarn (red, white or blue)
  • A stapler, tape, or glue

Print out the star template or just draw a large star on a piece of paper. For a star template to print, click here.

Cut out the star and decorate it if you like.

Fold over one tip of the star.

Staple, tape, or glue the star to a length of string.

Make many stars and attach them to the string. Leave some extra string at the edges for hanging.

Now you can decorate any area with a patriotic flair!

More Kinder Crafts

A simple-to-make Rainstick.

Rainsticks are ceremonial musical instruments used to invoke the rain spirits. They are made by people who live in the deserts of northern Chile. In Chile, rainsticks are traditionally made from dead cactus tubes with hundreds of cactus spines hammered into the tube. Tiny lava pebbles cascade gently through the tube, sounding much like rain.

This rainstick is definitely not traditional. It is made from a cardboard tube (instead of the dried cactus) and aluminum foil (in place of cactus spines).

Supplies needed:

  • A paper towel tube or other long cardboard tube
  • Aluminum foil
  • Small dried beans (like lentils), unpopped popcorn, dry rice, or tiny pasta.
  • Brown paper (from a grocery bag) or construction paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Crayons or markers

Trace around the end of your tube onto a piece of brown paper (or construction paper).

Draw a bigger circle around that circle and then draw a lot of spokes between the two circles.

Cut along the spokes.

Put glue on the spokes and glue the cap onto one end of your tube.

Cut a piece of aluminum foil that is about one and half times the length of your tube and about 6 inches wide.

Crunch the aluminum foil into two long, thin, snake-like shapes.

Then twist each one into a spring shape.

Put the aluminum foil springs into your tube.

Pour some dry beans, dry rice, or unpopped popcorn into your tube. The tube should only be about 1/10 full. You can experiment to see how different amounts and different types of seeds and beans change the sound.

Make another cap from brown paper (the same as the first three steps) and cap your tube.

Optional: Decorate the tube by covering it with brown paper or construction paper, and then making designs with crayons or markers (or cut-out paper or stickers).

Rainforest designs are nice, especially brightly-colored butterflies, frogs, and flowers. Tiny construction paper butterflies (like the one on the right) are nice glued onto the rainstick.

Cheerleading Pom Poms

Method 2 of 3: With Trash Bags

1Make Cheerleading Pom Poms Step 6.jpg

Take ten trash bags and layer them on top of one another. Trash bags don't come in all colors, but generally an accent color can be found, like yellow, black, or white. This method works great for squads that need impromptu sets as the material matches that of many professional poms.

  • Place them on a flat surface. You'll be using scissors, so you may want to avoid shaggy carpet or a nice hardwood floor.

2Make Cheerleading Pom Poms Step 7.jpg

Cut off the drawstring at the top. Any edge that doesn't match the rest of the trash bag needs to be gotten rid of.

  • Once all the rough edges or areas are cut off, fold the bags in half, width-wise. That is, fold them so they're half as long.
  • Cut off the folded edge. This gives you a pile of 40 pieces of trash bag. Keep the bags lined up.

3Make Cheerleading Pom Poms Step 8.jpg

Make slits on both sides toward the center. Leave about 3" (7.5 cm) in the middle, uncut. That's where your handle will go. Do this on both sides -- this is a double-sided pom pom.

  • If you want thinner strips, cut more slits. If you want thicker strips, cut fewer. Again, make sure to keep your pile aligned.

4Make Cheerleading Pom Poms Step 9.jpg

Gather the uncut center and wrap it with tape. Electrical or duct works best -- any sturdy tape will do. Wrap it around a few times to get it secure.

  • Electrical tape may be a bit narrow and duct may be a bit wide, depending on your measurements. If either is the case, adjust the tape (by cutting it or adding more) so that it covers the entire uncut center.

5Make Cheerleading Pom Poms Step 10.jpg

Fluff and crinkle the ends. The more you fluff and crinkle, the more voluminous your pom pom will be. Grab small sections and scrunch them up; don't crinkle the whole end in one handful.

  • If you'd like a bigger pom pom, start over but with more trash bags. But don't write off the possibility that you didn't fluff enough -- your pom pom should double in size.

See more: 

The Statue of Liberty


2 Green Paper Plates

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1
Cut the first paper plate in half.

Step 2
Cut up the plate into wedges, you should 
have 8 wedges.

Step 3
Cut the second plate to the center.

Step 4
Cut around the center circle. This will be the 
headband part.

Step 5
Cut out a piece of the band so that it will fit 
your child's head.

Step 6
Staple or glue the wedges to the crown as 
shown in the photo.

Step 7
Curve around the edges of the base of the 
band so that they are not sharp on your 
childs head

        DLTK's Crafts for Kids
Safety Pin and Seed Bead American Flag

american flag craftContributed by Leanne Guenther



  • take one of the small safety pins and thread on the beads from column one of the pattern below (5 blue, 1 white, 1 red, 1 white, 1 red).
  • repeat with the second, third, fourth and fifth safety pins.
  • with the sixth thru tenth safety pins, start with red and alternate 9 beads red/white.

American Flag

  • Optional:  Pinch the opening of the safety pins with the needle nose pliers so they won't pop open.
  • Use a nail file or flat screwdriver to stretch open the loop of the large safety pin
  • This is the toughest part of the craft -- once you've done these crafts a couple of times, it gets easier.
  • Step back and think about this for a second -- this step makes a lot  more sense if you keep in mind that you need the pin part of the large safety pin free to pin onto your hat or shirt -- you have to get the small safety pins onto the other side of the large safety pin.
  • Slide the ends (little circles) of the small safety pins onto the large safety pin -- keep sliding all the way around the loop so it's on the other side (non pin side) of the large safety pin.
  • Squeeze the loop back closed with pliers.
  • Here are some additional suggestions from viewers:
    I just took the circle end of the pin with the beads on it and twisted around circle end of the main pin.  After the first 1 or 2 it is easier than messing with pliers and you don't have to worry about them staying closed.  Also, using different styles and sizes of beads gives the flag a 3D effect.  Using the same large pins for everything is a different yet nice project."
    Thanks Fawn.
    "I bought the size 3 safety pins and used E beads. 3 blue, 1 white, 1 red, 1 white, 1 red worked well, 5 rows of that, then 5 rows of alternating red white (starting with red).  I also found that a staple opener opened the spring part of the pin very well."
    Thanks Tina

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