Проект "Олимпийские игры в Сочи"
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Проект "Олимпийские игры в Сочи" содержит информацию о подготовке к Олимпийским играм в Сочи.


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 Olympic Games took - place in Sochi

 In winter 2014.


During the X International Investment Forum "Sochi 2011", three of the leading HR companies were named as the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee suppliers: Adecco LLC (Adecco Group), Busines Training LLC (Exect Business Training) Kelly Services CIS LLC (Kelly Services). The agreement was signed by Dmitry Chernyshenko, President of the “Sochi 2014” Organizing Committee, Natalia Dolgenkova, Director-General of the Adecco Group Russia, Natalia Matusova, Vice-President of the Kelly OCG and Vladimir Soloviev, Managing Patner. As part of these agreements, Adecco Group will provide temporary staff recruitment services to the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, Exect Business Training will take charge of staff training for the Games and Kelly Services will be responsible for permanent staff recruitment, as well as establishment and management of the Sochi 2014 Career Center. The suppliers now face the challenge of creating an innovative recruitment program for the Sochi 2014 Winter Games to enable over 65,000 experts to be selected and trained in a short space of time/

Adecco Group will take responsibility for recruiting over 5,000 temporary staff; most of them will start working in September 2013 until the end of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2014. The company will also provide administrative management and will be responsible for the pay rolling of temporary staff at the Games. Adecco Group will be on hand to share all their knowledge and experience gained at the Sydney 2000, Turin 2006, Vancouver 2010 and London 2012 Olympic Games to the organizers of Russia's first ever Winter Olympics.

Natalia Dolzhenkova, Director-General, Adecco Group Russia, commented:

“I am sure, that Adecco’s great experience and expertise in hiring and providing temporary staff, multiplied by 10-years of practice in Russia and comprehension of national features, will make it possible for bright and talented people to find a job in such an interesting project like Sochi Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in 2014 and make it truly innovative and unforgettable”.

As for Exect Business Training, its activities will include preparing the workforce for the Games. In cooperation with the Russian International Olympic University (RIOU), the company is going to develop and implement training and educational programs for the Games workforce, including the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee employees, volunteers, non-sponsor suppliers and contractors. The training sessions will feature both classical methods and interactive programs, alongside with team-building exercises and seminars involving the use of learning cards. Thanks to the unique methodology, enabling complex topics to be taught in large labor collectives, Exect Business Training is going to train around 25,000 volunteers and roughly 5,000 members of the Games personnel as well as suppliers’ and contractor’s staff.


Kelly Services is going to recruit over 1,000 uniquely highly qualified specialists. The company will also create and manage the Sochi 2014 Olympic Career Centre. Its main task will be to provide assistance in recruitment to all those companies requiring staff in Sochi. It will also have to ensure an effective post-Olympic legacy on the labor market in Sochi and the Krasnodar Region, in the shape of modern recruitment and business processes, and candidate databases from the Sochi 2014 staffing pool. It is anticipated that the OCC will have helped over 52,000 people to get job by 2014.

The Sochi 2014 Olympic Career Center is due to open its doors at the end of September 2011. The Center activities will include setting up a web site, which will act as a single online forum for both employers and job-seekers in Sochi's labor market. Moreover, the OCC's services will be completely free for specialists wishing to become a part of the Olympic project. People from any of Russia's regions from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok will be able to upload their CV to the portal, with a guarantee that it will be considered in the context of potentially finding a role for them in Sochi.

Natalia Matusova, Vice-President and Executive Director of KellyOCG said:

"We are proud of our status as a supplier of personnel for the preparations and staging the Olympic competitions, and at the same time, we feel a great sense of responsibility over this project. As one of the biggest and oldest HR company in Russia, we have no doubt that our knowledge and experience will prove to be of significant value in the quest to achieve the goals facing the Sochi 2014 Games."

In total, a workforce roughly 150,000people will be required in order to stage the Games in Sochi, with staff working in over 30 fields of activity: sport, medical care, education, transport, hospitality, and others. The number of volunteers is set to http://olimpigr.narod.ru/2014_Sochi/image/stroika_002.jpg

surpass the 25,000 mark


Approximately 35,000 specialists will be hired from the side of service suppliers suppliers of services and the entire workforce will need to be given training in English language and in the theory of cross-cultural collaboration.

Dmitry Chernyshenko, President of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, summarized:

"Right now, one of our main tasks is to recrute and train our workforce. Given the huge amount of infrastructure that has been constructed in Sochi, we need to bring in a large number of specialists. Olympic Games are all about the teamwork that puts it together, and that's why we are welcoming three biggest players of the recruitment and training services market on board the Russia's Olympic project. These are companies that possess international expertise and experience in the Russian market. Thanks to the experience and innovations provided by Adecco, Exect Business Training and Kelly Services, we intend to create an advanced recruitment and training program for the Sochi 2104 Olympic Games that will enable us to recruit and train over 75,000 specialists within a short space of time."

After the signing ceremony there was a roundtable on preparing human resources for the 2014 Olympic Games. Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Alexander Tkachev, Head of the Krasnodar Region Administration, Anatoly Pakhomov, Mayor of Sochi, Dmitry Chernyshenko, President of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee took part in this discussion. Heads of Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee Supplier companies - Adecco, Exect Business Training, Kelly Services, EF English First – also had the floor in the course of the event.

The participants of the meeting discussed the ways of attracting highly qualified staff for the Sochi Games as well as some innovative practices of preparing the staff, city infrastructure venues’ staffing human; resources market development perspectives in the Sochi region as well as some cutting edge solutions in English language training.

The agreement signed by Adecco Ltd., Exect Business Training, and Kelly Services CIS Ltd., means that the record-breaking Sochi 2014 Marketing program, already the most successful in the history of the Olympic Winter Games, can now boast even greater success. From January 2009 to date, the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee has signed declarations of intent and partnership agreements with a combined total value of over 1.2 billion dollars. The total value of the contracts signed by the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee at the X International Investment Forum "Sochi 2011" was more than 20 million dollars.

General partners of 2014 Games are "Aeroflot", "MegaFon", "Rostelecom", "Rosneft", "Russian Railways", "Sberbank of Russia", "Volkswagen Group Rus' and« BOSCO Sport ». Partners of the"Sochi 2014" Organizing Committee are "Ingosstrakh" and "PricewaterhouseCoopers BV." Official Suppliers of "Sochi 2014" are "Kommersant. Publishing house » and EF English First Ltd.. Suppliers of ‘Sochi 2014” are “Microsoft Rus." ,“Abrau-Durso”, "Russian Buses - GAZ Group" and "Scania-Rus".

Worldwide IOC partners, that signed a contract for the 2014 Games in Sochi, are the Coca-Cola Company, Atos Origin, Dow Chemical, General Electric, Omega, Panasonic, Procter & Gamble, Samsung and Visa.

Adecco LLC is Russian branch of the world’s leading recruiter and provider of HR solutions that heads a list of best recruiting agencies. Adecco Group has experience of long-lasting cooperation with Olympic Games in terms of Sydney 2000, Turin 2006, Vancouver 2010 and London 2012.

Exect Business Training is one of the leaders in the Russian market for professional training, having already worked in this industry for over 12 years. The company adopts innovative methods in its professional training, and is the representative in the Russian Federation for a host of cutting-edge Western training programs. In recent years more than 90,000 people from 187 companies have taken part in Exect Business Training's various programs in Russia and abroad.

Kelly Services has been operating in Russia since 1993 and is currently represented in all the economically significant areas of the country. It numbers among its clients business industry leaders, and bodies sponsored by state funding. Along with its unparalleled experience, the expertise it has accrued, and its network of regional branches, it is the only company in Russia today that boasts a fully-developed business in the field of outsourcing recruitment solutions and managing suppliers.


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