Грамматический тест
тест по английскому языку на тему

Долгова Мария Николаевна

Грамматический тест на знание времен


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Предварительный просмотр:


Variant 1.

Use the verbs given in bracets in proper tenses ( Present Indefinite; Present Continuous; Past Indefinite; Past Continuous; Present Perfect; Present Perfect Continuous).

1. You usually (not drink) coffee at this time. What is that you (drink) now?

2. The professor (speak) five foreign languages. Right now he (speak) Dutch.

3. While Jane (read) a book, Susan (watch) TV yestarday morning.

4. They (play) football when their mother (come) home last night.

5. I (speak) over the phone at 5 o' clock yesterday.

6. I (lose) my keys and cannot remember where I (see) them last.

7. You (hear) from Jane lately?- Yes, I (get) a message from  her last night.

8. How's Jack? When you (see) him?- Oh, I (not meet) him for ages!

9. He (be) an American citizen for 20 years.

10. George (write) his translation for 3 hours.

11. John is hungry because he (have) nothing to eat since morning.

12. Mrs. Brown lives next door but she never (say) "Good morning" to me.

13. The businessman (fly) to England yesterday.

14. Why you (make) so many mistakes in the last test? - I (think) about my boyfriend.

15. She always (wear) smart hats. But today she (wear) a funny-looking one.


Variant № 2.

Use the verbs given in brackets in proper tences (Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous).

1. Tom usually (play) football but today he (play) tennis.

2. What language they (speak) in Holland? What language he (speak) now?

3. My friend always (tell) me the truth, but I see that she (tell) a lie now.

4. Nick and Fred (drive) along the road when the accident (happen).

5. When I (come in), she (set) the table.

6. I (wait) for you for an hour yesterday while you (sleep) at that very time.

7. The man you see there is the man to whom I (lend) the money.-When you (lend) it to him?

                                                                                              - I (do) it yesterday.

8. I (not play) much football since I (leave) schoool.

9. I (get) a fax from Boston an hour ago,but I ( not answer) it yet.

10. It' s the most delicious cake I ever (taste).

11. He (play) the piano since six o'clock in the morning. He only just (stop).

12. The police (not find) the burglar yet. They (look) for him since Saturday.

13. How long you (have) these gloves?- I (have) them for years.

14. Customers (ring) up all morning complaining about getting incorrect bills.

15. Where on earth you (be)? - I (wait) for you so long.

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