Итоговая контрольная работа для 7 класса
тест (английский язык, 7 класс) по теме

Бурганова Лилия Вячеславовна

Итоговая контрольная работа по грамматике для 7 класса


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Предварительный просмотр:

Административная итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку

7 Класс

Name________________________________ Form________________

1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs

  1. There_________________(not/be) a restaurant here last year.
  2. We____________________(not/play) football tomorrow.
  3. I don’t mind_________________(live) in a village.
  4.  George _____________________(bring) his friend to our house yesterday.
  5. I think the exams next week_____________________(be) difficult.
  6. I ______________________(not/can)find any jeans in the shops on Sunday.
  7. She____________________(never/be) to Scotland.
  8. _________________________(you/ever/visit) any foreign country?
  9. What_____________________(you/do) this weekend?
  10.  When I_________________(see) him, he _________________(not/play) basketball. He ______________(be) in the gym.

2. There are mistakes in eight of the sentences. Fin the mistakes and correct them.

  1. Sam has a party next week.


  1. We not went to the cinema yesterday.


  1. Sandra go to the gym on Fridays.


  1. That was the more exciting ride in the park!


  1. When you watched this film?


     6. Who do you play hockey with?


  1. There was three hurricanes last summer.


  1. We bought a food.


  1. We couldn’t talk while we were doing the test.


  1. I haven’t got some homework today.


  1.  Last summer we go to the USA.


3. Make the dialogue with the words. Put the verbs into the correct form.

  1. A:you/go/theme park/yesterday?
  2. B:yes/ go with my sister and my parents
  3. A:have/a good time?
  4. B:yes, thanks. go /for some great rides
  5. A: they/expensive?
  6. B: yes./but/ they more expensive/ last year
  7. A: I/go/there/ next week
  8. B: Great! some rides/ changed. they/more expensive now.
  9. A: which ride/ best?
  10. B: favourite roller coaster/ but speed/ terrifying!


  1. ________________________________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________________________________
  3. ________________________________________________________________
  4. ________________________________________________________________
  5. ________________________________________________________________
  6. ________________________________________________________________
  7. ________________________________________________________________
  8. ________________________________________________________________
  9. ________________________________________________________________

4. Write sentences with never (X) and questions (?) with ever using Present Perfect.

1. You/eat/Italian food?


2. My parents/visit/London. (X)


3. I/drink/coffe. (X)


4. They/ study/ German?


5. You/ play/ this computer game?


5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. If we____________________(recycle) paper, we________________________(save)trees.

2.I _______________________(send) him a text message if he____________________(not phone).

3. If you ___________________________(throw) me the ball, I_________________(catch)it.

4. We_____________________(be) stronger if we_____________________(do)exercises at the gym.

5. There________________________(be) a drought if it _____________________(not rain).

6. If I _________________________(not write) your address in my book, I_____________________(forget) it.

7. We __________________(build) a trigger reservation if you____________________(send) us some money.

8. If the Indian tigers _____________________(survive), other animals _________________(have) hope.

9.  We______________________(pass) our exams if we ______________________(do) our homework  every day.

10. If we_____________________(go) to  New York, we__________________(visit) the Statue of Liberty.

6. Write questions for the answers.

1. ___________________________________________________________________

Yes,  my sister has started university.

2. ___________________________________________________________________

Yes, I have changed a lot this year.

3. ___________________________________________________________________

No, we haven’t played baseball this month.

4. ___________________________________________________________________

Yes, I have seen my cousins this week.

5. ___________________________________________________________________

Yes, she has painted her bedroom.

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