Проверочная рабоат по теме: "The Present Simple Tense-The Present Continuous Tense".
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Данилина Анна Михайловна

Проверочная рабоат по теме: "The Present Simple Tense-The Present Continuous Tense".


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Grammar Quiz 1.

The Present Simple Tense – The Present Continuous Tense

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.

1. The train for Manchester _________________________ at 5 o'clock. (leave)

2. How often _____________________________ your friends? (you/see)

3. The sun ______________________________ in the east. (rise)

4.  Where ______________________________________? (your father/work)

5. __________________________________ to Jamaica next week? (the Bensons/fly)

6. She ___________________________________ on Sunday evenings. (never/go out)

7. Grandma ________________________________ with us for a few weeks. (stay)

8. I ______________________________ a piece of paper. (need)

9. I _____________________________ Mrs Williams is an excellent teacher. (believe)

10. Greg ____________________________________ to the gym three times a week. (not/ go)

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.


It ______________ (be) winter and the snow _____________ (fall). It usually ________________ (snow) in January here. Betty and James _________________ (play) in the garden. They __________________ (build) a snowman and they ___________________ (throw) snowballs. They ___________________ (like) the snow very much. Their mother and father ________________ (not/like) it. They always _________________ (stay) in house when it ______________ (be) cold. Mother usually ________________ (watch) TV and Father ________________ (listen) to the radio or ____________________ (read) the book. At the moment they ______________________ (sit) in  the living room. Mother _______________ (write) a letter and Father ____________________ (read) a book.

III. Put the adverbs of frequency in brackets in the correct position in the sentences.


1. Gloria is late for school. (never)._____________________________________________

2. Brian goes to the cinema at the weekend. (sometimes) ___________________________

3. John brushes his teeth in the morning. (seldom) ________________________________

4. Does Jamal watch TV in the evening? (usually) ________________________________

5. Michaella doesn't talk to her friends on the phone. (often) ________________________

6. He must help his mother around the house. (always)

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