Детективная игра "Murder Mystery"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Кузнецова Анна Андреевна

Упражнение направлено на совершенствование  диалогических  умений  в сложном  речевом общении. Система работы  осуществляется  следующим  образом: диалогическое единство—микродиалог (управляемый диалог)—тематический  диалог—свободная беседа.

Упражнение оценивается по следующим критериям:


  1. Содержание.
  2. Взаимодействие.
  3. Словарный запас.
  4. Грамматика.
  5. Произношение.



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Предварительный просмотр:


In a horrible castle (not too far away from your home) there lived a horrible Duke with his horrible wife and their horrible servants. One morning the Duke was dead–murdered by one of the other horrible people living in the castle.

The DuchessThe CookThe ButlerThe ChambermaidThe Gardener

When the residents of the castle were interviewed by the police, every person gave two correct answers and told one lie. This is what they said:

  1. The Duchess
  1. I didnt kill the Duke.
  2. The gardener killed my husband.
  3. Im not guilty.
  1. The Cook
  1. a. It wasnt me.

b.I have been working here for 27 years.

 c.The butler knows whos done it.

  1. The Butler

 a.I am not the murderer.

 b. The chambermaid is my witness; we were playing cards in the kitchen last night.

c. The Duke was killed by the cook.

  1. The Chambermaid

a.I didnt do it.

b.I wasnt even here last night.

c.The gardener did it.

  1. The Gardener

  a.The Duchess is lying when she says that I did it.

b. I am innocent.

c.The butler is the murderer.

Who is the murderer?

  1. The Duchess
  2. The Cook
  3. The Butler
  4. The Chambermaid
  5. The Gardener

The Duke was murdered by the cook.


So far, 102425 people have had a guess. Here is the result:

The Duchess


The Cook


The Butler


The Chambermaid


The Gardener


How to get to the right answer

Everybody gives 2 correct and 1 wrong answer.

The Duchess says twice that she is not guilty, so that must be true. Therefore her second answer is wrong and the gardener is not the murderer.

  • 1. The Duchess
  • 1. I didnt kill the Duke.
  • 2. The gardener killed my husband.
  • 3. Im not guilty.

Also the gardener says twice that he is not guilty (which is also confirmed by the Duchess). So his third answer must be wrong and the butler is not the murderer.

  • 5. The Gardener
  • 1. The Duchess is lying when she says that I did it.
  • 2. I am innocent.
  • 3. The butler is the murderer.

The Chambermaid blames the gardener. We do already know that he is not guilty, so the third answer is wrong. This means that the other two answers are correct – the chambermaid is not guilty and wasn't even at the castle that night.

  • 4. The Chambermaid
  • 1. I didnt do it.
  • 2. I wasnt even here last night.
  • 3. The gardener did it.

As the chambermaid was not at the castle that night, the butler's second answer must be wrong. Therefore his other answers must be right – the butler is not guilty and the cook is the murderer.

  • 3. The Butler
  • 1. I am not the murderer.
  • 2. The chambermaid is my witness; we were playing cards in the kitchen last night.
  • 3. The Duke was killed by the cook.

The COOK is the murderer.

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