Словообразование. Тест
тест по английскому языку по теме

Солопко Ольга Николаевна

Словообразование. Тест


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Предварительный просмотр:

Read the text below. Use the words given in the box to form a word that fits the space in the same line.

The elephants never forget

The (0) saying goes that “elephants never forget” – and now

(1)_____ have proved that it’s true. They studied (2) _____ elephants and found out that the grannies of the herd can remember which elephants are (3) _____ and which are hostile. They remained (4) _____ around elephants they knew.  Then all the elephants feel safer and (5) _____ and the herd is able to have more (6) _____.  

But when a group came that the grannies didn’t know, they would put their trunks in the air. The problem is it’s the (7) _____ female elephants who look out for friends and foes. But (8) ____ tend to kill the older animals because they want their larger tusks. (9) _____,

this study will put more pressure on (10) _____ to stop hunters, and the older members of the herd can keep looking out for everyone else.

  1. say
  2. science
  3. Africa
  4. friend
  5. relax
  6. happiness
  7. baby
  8. old
  9. hunt
  10. hope
  11. govern

Read the text below. Use the words given in the box to form a word that fits the space in the same line.

The elephants never forget

The (0) saying goes that “elephants never forget” – and now

(1)_____ have proved that it’s true. They studied (2) _____ elephants and found out that the grannies of the herd can remember which elephants are (3) _____ and which are hostile. They remained (4) _____ around elephants they knew.  Then all the elephants feel safer and (5) _____ and the herd is able to have more (6) _____.  

But when a group came that the grannies didn’t know, they would put their trunks in the air. The problem is it’s the (7) _____ female elephants who look out for friends and foes. But (8) ____ tend to kill the older animals because they want their larger tusks. (9) _____,

this study will put more pressure on (10) _____ to stop hunters, and the older members of the herd can keep looking out for everyone else.

  1. say
  2. science
  3. Africa
  4. friend
  5. relax
  6. happiness
  7. baby
  8. old
  9. hunt
  10. hope
  11. govern

Read the text below. Use the words given in the box to form a word that fits the space in the same line.

The elephants never forget

The (0) saying goes that “elephants never forget” – and now

(1)_____ have proved that it’s true. They studied (2) _____ elephants and found out that the grannies of the herd can remember which elephants are (3) _____ and which are hostile. They remained (4) _____ around elephants they knew.  Then all the elephants feel safer and (5) _____ and the herd is able to have more (6) _____.  

But when a group came that the grannies didn’t know, they would put their trunks in the air. The problem is it’s the (7) _____ female elephants who look out for friends and foes. But (8) ____ tend to kill the older animals because they want their larger tusks. (9) _____,

this study will put more pressure on (10) _____ to stop hunters, and the older members of the herd can keep looking out for everyone else.

  1. say
  2. science
  3. Africa
  4. friend
  5. relax
  6. happiness
  7. baby
  8. old
  9. hunt
  10. hope
  11. govern

Read the text below. Use the words given in the box to form a word that fits the space in the same line.

The elephants never forget

The (0) saying goes that “elephants never forget” – and now

(1)_____ have proved that it’s true. They studied (2) _____ elephants and found out that the grannies of the herd can remember which elephants are (3) _____ and which are hostile. They remained (4) _____ around elephants they knew.  Then all the elephants feel safer and (5) _____ and the herd is able to have more (6) _____.  

But when a group came that the grannies didn’t know, they would put their trunks in the air. The problem is it’s the (7) _____ female elephants who look out for friends and foes. But (8) ____ tend to kill the older animals because they want their larger tusks. (9) _____,

this study will put more pressure on (10) _____ to stop hunters, and the older members of the herd can keep looking out for everyone else.

  1. say
  2. science
  3. Africa
  4. friend
  5. relax
  6. happiness
  7. baby
  8. old
  9. hunt
  10. hope
  11. govern

Read the text below. Use the words given in the box to form a word that fits the space in the same line.

The elephants never forget

The (0) saying goes that “elephants never forget” – and now

(1)_____ have proved that it’s true. They studied (2) _____ elephants and found out that the grannies of the herd can remember which elephants are (3) _____ and which are hostile. They remained (4) _____ around elephants they knew.  Then all the elephants feel safer and (5) _____ and the herd is able to have more (6) _____.  

But when a group came that the grannies didn’t know, they would put their trunks in the air. The problem is it’s the (7) _____ female elephants who look out for friends and foes. But (8) ____ tend to kill the older animals because they want their larger tusks. (9) _____,

this study will put more pressure on (10) _____ to stop hunters, and the older members of the herd can keep looking out for everyone else.

  1. say
  2. science
  3. Africa
  4. friend
  5. relax
  6. happiness
  7. baby
  8. old
  9. hunt
  10. hope
  11. govern

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