Система упражнений по теме HAVE SMTH DONE
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

Харченко Ирина Алексеевна

Данные упражнения направлены на формирование умений по употреблению структуры HAVE SMTH DONE (PARTICIPLE II) Упражнения предназначены для учащихся 9-10 классов


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                HAVE   SMTH.   DONE.

I. Answer the questions.

        Eg. “Did Ann make her dress herself?” “No, she had it made.”

1. “Did you cut your hair yourself?” “No, I…” 2. “Did they paint their house themselves?” 3. “Did Jim cut down that tree himself?” 4. “Did sue repair the car herself?” 5. “Did you tune the piano yourself?”

II.Complete the sentences using the words in brackets.

        Eg. We (the house/paint) at the moment.

               We are having the house at the moment.

1. (you/ your hair /cut) last week? 2. Your hair is too long. I think your should (it/cut). 3. How often you (your /car/ service). 4. The engine in Tom’s car couldn’t be repaired, so he had to (a new engine/ fit)

  5. A: What are those workmen doing in your garden? B: Oh, I (a swimming pool/ build ) 6. Is it true that many years ago he (his portrait/paint) by a famous artist? 7. (you/your newspaper/ deliver) or do you go to the shop to buy it? 8. Are you going to (these shoes repair)? 9. I must (my glasses/ mend). 10. Where do you (your hair/do)? 11. Peter (his flat /burgle) while he was out at work. 12. The Woods (the roof of their house/ damage) in a storm. 13. Lynne (the radio/ steal) from her car.

14. My brother (his/nose/break) in a football match. 15. Fred (his hat/blow off) in the wind.

III. Rewrite the sentences.

1. Someone delivers the newspapers. (We). 2 Someone cleaned the carpet (I). 3. Their house needs (They’re going   to) 4. We ask someone to check the accounts every month. (We).  5. Someone sends some money to my account in London. 6 My stereo isn’t working properly. (I’m going to).7. My camera isn’t repairing now. (I). 8. I think it’s time to service the car. (It’s time to). 9. I don’t like the office curtains. It’s time to change them. (I think I’ll) 10. It’s something wrong with my typewriter. It needs repairing. (I think I’ll)

11. We couldn’t go to Jack’s flat. It’s being painted. (Jack) 12. The computer’s no good, we’re changing it. (We). 13. I send the films to England: they are processed there. (I).

IV. Change the sentences.

1. There’s a photographer over there. Why don’t we ask her to take our picture? 2. I think there’s a leak in the roof. We should arrange for someone to repair it. 3. Do you know what time is it? I’m afraid someone hasn’t repaired my watch yet. 4. Someone is going to redecorate our room for us next month. 5. If I were you I’d ask someone to cut that tree down. 6. I’m having some a bit of troubles with my eyes so someone is going to test them next week. 7. I love someone messaging my shoulders. 8. The dentist hasn’t checked my teeth yet. 9The baby was crying when I arrived because someone was washing her hair. 10.  I didn’t recognize her at first because someone had cut her hair. 11. He looks much younger. I think someone has dyed his hair. 12. I don’t know if I‘ve passed my test because the tutor haven/t marked my work yet.

V. Translate.

1. Как часто вы подстригаетесь? 2. Мне необходимо срочно отремонтировать часы. 3. Нам отремонтировали дом до того, как  мы уехали на юг. 4. Я хочу, чтобы эти документы напечатали как можно скорее. 5. Мне только что вырвали зуб. 6. Когда вы оклеили комнату? (paper) 7. Я не починил вчера часы. 8. Вам уже побелили потолок? (waterwash). 9. Где вам шили платье? 10. Когда вы настроите пианино? (tune) 11. Когда вам построили гараж? 12. У него вчера украли бумажник. 13. Я хочу, чтобы мне погладили костюм. 14. Вам необходимо подстричься.