Контрольная работа для 8 класса по английскому языку
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

 Егорова Анна Юрьевна

Final test


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Контрольная работа №4  Final Test

1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

British weather is very changeable. People always take umbrellas with them. It may rain any moment. The British start their conversation with the words: “Fine day, isn't it?”. It is the usual way to begin it. It's not polite to talk about age or occupation first. It is polite to queue waiting for a bus or service. You're supposed to say ''please'' and ''thank you'. The British do it very often.

  1. British weather is changeable.
  2. People carry umbrellas.
  3. The British always speak about animals.
  4.  It is polite to speak about the weather.
  5.  The British always queue.
  6.  ''Please'' and ''thank you' are must be said.



2. Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения:

The British have been known as great tea drinkers since the early time. They drink tea all the time in the morning and in the evening. They drink tea in cold winter and in sunny days. Tea was first brought to England in 1650. It was an exotic product unknown to most of people. At first they neither knew what to do with the tea leaves nor how to make it. There's a funny story about a sailor's mother. The sailor brought tea leaves home from the journey and left them on the table in the sitting-room. While he was out his mother invited some guests. The sailor was very surprised to see the guests eating tea leaves with water.

Nowadays the British have afternoon tea and high tea. They drink it without sugar with milk, but some of them do it even without milk.

  1. The text is about... .
  2. The British are known … .
  3. They drink tea in … .
  4. Tea appeared in … .
  5. Some people didn't know … .
  6. Nowadays … .
  7. Real English tea is … .