конспект урока_подготовка к устной части ЕГЭ
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Это конспект урока, основная цель которого - обобщить пройденный материал по теме Музыка. Так как урок проводился в 11 классе, часть учеников которого планируют сдавать ЕГЭ, я решила проэксперементировать и ввести в урок элементы формата экзамена. 

здесь план урока и раздаточный материал



Файл lesson_plan.docx21.67 КБ
Файл handout_1.docx13.91 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon handout_2.doc26.5 КБ
Файл handout_3.docx12.42 КБ
Файл handout_5.docx11.34 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon kartinki.doc222 КБ
Office presentation icon presentation.ppt2.29 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:


Grade: 11

Level: intermediate to upper-intermediate                                                                                        


to revise vocabulary on the topic “Music”, to revise and practice structures for comparison and contrasting, for expressing similarities, modals of deduction for speculations

to develop Ss’ Ss’ speaking skills (through talking about a set of topic related pictures), listening skills (through a model text)

Personal Aims: to work on T’s instruction giving techniques, to try out dictogloss as a technique for teaching the target language

Materials: КИМ ЕГЭ, speaking part task 4, 2 sets of pictures

Assumptions: this is a lesson aimed at developing speaking skill; however, it also integrates and introduces some aspects of exam preparation

Ss are supposed to have already learnt and practised the essential topic vocabulary and some of the target language structures (modals of deduction, structures for comparing and contrasting ideas)

Anticipated Problem


  1. Ss may tend to use basic topic vocabulary
  2. Ss may have a problem with accurate use the target language

  1. Give Ss a visual clue to begin with
  2. A controlled practice exercise


Stage Aims



Interaction pattern



To set the context, activate Ss’ schemata and raise their interest


T asks:

  • What do you enjoy doing most: playing a musical instrument, listening to music at home, or going to a live gig/concert?
  • Are you a fan of a particular band or a music style?

T addresses the class asking the questions randomly. Ss then work in pairs to share their experience.

T asks Ss what they have in common and puts all Ss’ ideas of good topic vocab on the board



Content preparation

and language revision

To equip Ss with sufficient ideas for the main task


T shows two pictures and elicits the topic of the lesson: Music and Music Events

Ss are given two pictures featuring different music events (a rock gig and a classical concert).

Ss work in pairs. Each S describes their picture to a partner commenting on the following points:

  • event
  • place
  • people, their activity, emotions, appearances
  • the overall atmosphere of the place

Ss find the differences about each other’s pictures.

T asks about similarities and differences

T keeps putting examples of good topic vocab on the board



Pictures A, B

Presentation with description points

To equip Ss with the essential and useful language to complete the task



T gives out handouts with topic vocab. Ss sort out the words into the suggested categories:

Which words would you use to describe each event?

Classical, contemporary, concert hall, outdoor venue, orchestra, conductor, bass guitar, drums, keyboard, lead singer, singer-song-writer, soloist, incomprehensive lyrics, catchy tune, moving, monotonous, live performance,  music festival, percussion instruments, wind instruments,  string instruments, melody, harmony, beat, hit, composer, concerto, rhythm, symphony, folk, excited, exciting, calm, calming, enthusiastic, bored to death, inspiring, inspired






Fill in the gaps with suitable words:

  1. For me, Beethoven was one of the greatest classical _______. Though, I do find it difficult to sit through a whole _______.
  2. One of my favourite songs is Back it Up - it's got a really _________ tune and the ____ are great.
  3. My mother always wanted me to learn to play  _______, but sadly I had no sense of ________ and so couldn't keep to the beat.
  4. The largest musical _______in my country is probably the O2 Arena.
  5. Sad to say, a lot of _______ music is dying out in my country. It's probably the influence of MTV.




Handout 1

Presentation with answers



To set the model for Ss to follow when producing their own texts


T introduces the listening task and plays the recording :

My friend is going to talk about the pics…


Recorded description

1st presentation

Listening for gist


Ss listen to T’s friend speaking about the both  pictures and answer the question:

Which event would my friend rather go to?


2nd presentation

Listening for details


Ss listen again and take notes.

Ss then have to order their notes into a meaningful text and reconstruct the original story. Ss work in pairs.

T monitors the class to see if Ss have noticed any useful language structures.


Language from the text

To highlight the target language


T gives Ss the script of the story and asks Ss to find what makes this story interesting in terms of the language. Ss highlight any useful structures:

  1. TL to describe similarities and differences

Though they (pictures) both show people at some music events, these pictures clearly depict deferent preferences in music.

Unlike the audience in the first picture, the people in this concert hall…


…just like…

  1. Modals of deduction to make guesses

It may be

The musicians… must be playing…

It looks like

that’s what must happen

it might be



Handout 2

Presentation with the model answer and the highlighted target language

Controlled practice

To practice the target language


Ss practice the highlighted structures in controlled activities.

Fill out the gaps with the missing words:

though, however, both, unlike

  1. ________ rock music is a lot more popular today, the atmosphere on gigs is not as inspirational as on classical concerts.
  2. Tickets to some gigs can be rather expensive. ________, music fans are eager to spend money to see their idols alive.
  3. _________ classical music concerts and  rock gigs enjoy great popularity with the audience.
  4. ___________ his friends, Tom is keen on classical music.

 must, may, might, can’t

  1. He ____ live near here because he comes to work on foot. 
  2. Did you hear that? I think there _______ be a burglar downstairs. 
  3. It _____ be far away now. We’ve been driving for hours. Where’s the map?
  4. Really? He has to work on Christmas Day? He ______ feel very happy about that.



Handout 3

Presentation with the answers

Task Preparation

To prepare to talk about the pictures, practice the target language in a less controlled activity


Ss are given another set of pictures featuring different music events and do the task:

Talk about the pictures.

What do they have in common?

How are they different?

Which event would you like to attend? Why?

Ss are given 10 minutes to prepare their talks.


Handout 4

Presentation with the pictures and the criteria

Task performance

To practice talking about the pictures using the target language, To  develop fluency in speaking


Ss get in pairs and share their picture comparison.

Ss are given a set of criteria to follow while listening and later to give their feedback to their partners.

  • Brief description
  • Common features
  • Differences
  • Your preference
  • Reasons


Handout 5

Content Feedback:

To highlight Ss’ strong and comment on weak performance, To give critical evaluation


Ss share their feedback following the outlined criteria


Language feedback:

To highlight the strong and weak use of the target language


T highlights the good language

T asks Sts to improve the weak language presented on the board


Presentation with typical mistakes to correct

Round-up and homework assignment

to conclude the lesson, focus on achieved results, assign hw


T assigns HW:

compare and contrast two pictures on a similar topic but featuring different aspects of the topic (photos of you/family/friends listening to music, attending a music event, playing music, etc.)


Presentation with HW

Предварительный просмотр:

Handout 1

  1. Complete the table

Which words would you use to describe the events?

Classical, contemporary, concert hall, outdoor venue, orchestra, conductor, bass guitar, drums, keyboard, lead singer, singer-song-writer, soloist, incomprehensive lyrics, catchy tune, moving, monotonous, live performance,  music festival, percussion instruments, wind instruments,  string instruments, melody, harmony, beat, hit, composer, concerto, rhythm, symphony, folk, excited, exciting, calm, calming, enthusiastic, bored to death, inspiring, inspired






  1. Fill in the gaps with suitable words:

  1. For me, Beethoven was one of the greatest classical _______. Though, I do find it difficult to sit through a whole _______.
  2. One of my favourite songs is Back it Up - it's got a really _________ tune and a great _________.
  3. My mother always wanted me to learn to play  _______, but sadly I had no sense of ________ and so couldn't keep to the beat.
  4. The largest musical _______in my country is probably the O2 Arena.
  5. Sad to say, a lot of _______ music is dying out in my country. It's probably the influence of MTV.

Предварительный просмотр:

Handout 2

Read the script and underline the words and phrases used to:

  1.  Describe similarities
  2. Describe differences
  3. Make guesses

These are the photos taken by my friends. Though they both show people at some music events, these pictures clearly depict deferent preferences in music.

In this picture (A) you can see my good friend Mike and some of his mates enjoying their favourite band’s gig. It may be somewhere in a club in Barcelona or Berlin or even London. Mike is really into gigs and stuff. He loves live music and is a big fan of various music fests. He travels the world to get to some. It may be either a rock band or any other contemporary music band. The musicians are right there on the stage and must be playing Mike’s favourite song as you can see him and his friends enthusiastically singing along and moving to the rhythm of the music.   It looks like both the audience and the band are overly excited and are definitely having a whale of time. I believe that’s what must happen at such kind of events.

In another picture (B) there’s my other mate, Alex. You can see her right there in the middle of the stage at the piano wearing a beautiful red gown. I’m not sure but it might be one of her first concerts where she played solo with the symphony orchestra. Unlike the audience in the first picture, the people in this concert hall are sitting and listening quietly. There must be Alex’s parents somewhere in the front row too. They adore classical music and must be enjoying the event just as much as my friend Mike is enjoying his in the other photo. However, Alex’s parents are not showing their enthusiasm as wildly as Mike is. Alex herself looks really focused; her hands are on the piano keyboard. She is totally engaged with the music and enjoying the process immensely…, just like the rock band musicians in the other photo.  

When it comes to me, I always prefer going to a gig than a symphony orchestra. I have my favourite classical music pieces I love listening to whenever I’m in the right mood. But it’s live rock or pop-rock that I’m really fond of. I love the energizing atmosphere of excitement and exhilaration typical of such events.

Предварительный просмотр:

Handout 3

Fill in the gaps with the missing words:

though, however, both, unlike

  1. ________ rock music is a lot more popular today, the atmosphere on gigs is not as inspirational as on classical concerts.
  2. Tickets to some gigs can be rather expensive. ________, music fans are eager to spend money to see their idols alive.
  3. _________ classical music concerts and  rock gigs enjoy great popularity with the audience.
  4. ___________ his friends, Tom is keen on classical music.

 must, may, might, can’t

  1. He ____ live near here because he comes to work on foot. 
  2. Did you hear that? I think there _______ be a burglar downstairs. 
  3. It _____ be far away now. We’ve been driving for hours. Where’s the map?
  4. Really? He has to work on Christmas Day? He ______ feel very happy about that.

Предварительный просмотр:

Handout 4

  • Brief description
  • Common features
  • Differences
  • Your preference
  • Reasons

Handout 4

  • Brief description
  • Common features
  • Differences
  • Your preference
  • Reasons

Handout 4

  • Brief description
  • Common features
  • Differences
  • Your preference
  • Reasons

Handout 4

  • Brief description
  • Common features
  • Differences
  • Your preference
  • Reasons

Предварительный просмотр:

Handout 4

Talk about the pictures.

What do they have in common?

How are they different?

Which event would you like to attend? Why?

Предварительный просмотр:

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