Конкурсы, материалы олимпиад, викторины для школьного тура недели английского языка.
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку на тему

Данный материал может быть использован для составления и проведения конкурсов, олимпиад, викторин по тематике"Англоговорящие страны" в 9-11 классах.


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Олимпиады по английскому языку(первый этап)

10 класс

Country study

1. The home residence of the Queen of Britain is …

a) Buckingham Palace

b) Windsor Castle Это правильный ответ

c) Holyroodhouse

Вопрос № 1_ 1 балла(ов)

2. Regent’s Park in London is famous for …

a) London Zoo Это правильный ответ

b) open-air theatre

c) British Museum

Вопрос № 2_ 1 балла(ов)

3. The Beatles is an English rock’n’roll band from …

a) Manchester

b) Liverpool Это правильный ответ

c) London

Вопрос № 3_ 1 балла(ов)

4. The kilt (a kind of skirt worn in Scotland) is made of … .

a) wool

b) silk

c) tartan Это правильный ответ

Вопрос № 4_ 1 балла(ов)

5. Which of the Great Lakes is located only in the USA?

a) Michigan Это правильный ответ

b) Huron

c) Ontario

Вопрос № 5_ 1 балла(ов)

Олимпиады по английскому языку(первый этап)

11 класс

Use of English
Choose the right answer A, B or C.

A traveler 1… through the desert. He felt very thirsty. Then he saw something in the distance. Hoping to find some water he walked to the image and found only an old man selling neckties. The traveler asked , “Please, I 2… of thirst, can I have some water? I 3… lots of miles in the desert today.” The man replied “I don’t have any water. Why don’t you buy a tie? Here is one that suits your clothes”. The desperate man began to shout, he had been shouting for some time, “I don’t want a tie, I need some water”. “Ok, don’t buy a tie. If you 4… that way you will see a nice restaurant, they will give you all the water you want”. The traveler thanked the man, walked away and eventually disappeared out of sight. Three hours later he returned. The man asked the traveler if he 5… to find the restaurant. “I have found it. But I haven’t been allowed to enter without a tie”. 

A traveler 1… through the desert. He felt very thirsty. Then he saw something in the distance. Hoping to find some water he walked to the image and found only an old man selling neckties.

was walking Это правильный ответ


had been walking

Вопрос № 1_ 1 балла(ов)

The traveler asked , “Please, I 2… of thirst, can I have some water?


have died

am dying Это правильный ответ

Вопрос № 2_ 1 балла(ов)

I 3… lots of miles in the desert today.” The man replied “I don’t have any water. Why don’t you buy a tie? Here is one that suits your clothes”.

have covered Это правильный ответ


am covering

Вопрос № 3_ 1 балла(ов)

The desperate man began to shout, he had been shouting for some time, “I don’t want a tie, I need some water”. “Ok, don’t buy a tie. If you 4… that way you will see a nice restaurant, they will give you all the water you want”. The traveler thanked the man, walked away and eventually disappeared out of sight.

will go

go Это правильный ответ


Вопрос № 4_ 1 балла(ов)

Three hours later he returned. The man asked the traveler if he 5… to find the restaurant. “I have found it. But I haven’t been allowed to enter without a tie”.

had been able Это правильный ответ

were able

is able

Олимпиады по английскому языку(первый этап)12 класс

Country study

1. During the State Opening of the Parliament the Queen reads her speech in …

a) The House of Lords Это правильный ответ

b) The House of Commons

c) Buckingham Palace

Вопрос № 1_ 1 балла(ов)

2. Hyde Park in London is famous for …

a) open-air cinema

b) Harrods

c) Speaker’s Corner Это правильный ответ

Вопрос № 2_ 1 балла(ов)

3. “Soccer” is the name for …

a) rugby

b) football Это правильный ответ

c) cricket

Вопрос №3_ 1 балла(ов)

4. A traditional musical instrument in Scotland is the …

a) harp

b) violin

c) bagpipe Это правильный ответ

Вопрос № 4_ 1 балла(ов)

5. Which lake doesn’t belong to Great Lakes?

a) Lake Winnipeg Это правильный ответ

b) Lake Erie

c) Lake Superior

Вопрос № 5_ 1 балла(ов)

Use of English
Choose the right answer A, B or C.

Last year my friend stayed for a few days in an old house in Scotland. It was famous for its ghost. He doesn’t really believe in ghosts, so he 1… not afraid of them. So when his hosts suggested staying up all night to see their ghost, he simply 2… at them. Then they told him that the woman who haunted their house 3 … of murdering her husband in the 18th century and had disappeared. But she appeared quite regularly, 4 …through the house as if she was searching for something. He agreed to watch that night. He expected one of his friends to appear 5… as the ghost, and so when the figure of a woman finally came towards him, he pretended to be terrified . You can imagine his surprise when the figure took a knife from her dress and then vanished. My friend decided to disappear himself, and drove home to London as quickly as he could.

Last year my friend stayed for a few days in an old house in Scotland. It was famous for its ghost. He doesn’t really believe in ghosts, so he 1… not afraid of them.


will be

is Это правильный ответ

Вопрос № 1_ 1 балла(ов)

So when his hosts suggested staying up all night to see their ghost, he simply 2… at them.

laughed Это правильный ответ


has laughed

Вопрос № 2_ 1 балла(ов)

Then they told him that the woman who haunted their house 3 … of murdering her husband in the 18th century and had disappeared.

was accused

is accused

had been accused Это правильный ответ

Вопрос № 3_ 1 балла(ов)

But she appeared quite regularly, 4 …through the house as if she was searching for something. He agreed to watch that night.

walking Это правильный ответ



Вопрос № 4_ 1 балла(ов)

He expected one of his friends to appear 5… as the ghost, and so when the figure of a woman finally came towards him, he pretended to be terrified . You can imagine his surprise when the figure took a knife from her dress and then vanished. My friend decided to disappear himself, and drove home to London as quickly as he could.


having dressed

dressed Это правильный ответ

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