тесты по чтению
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Шаповалова Елена Геннадиевна

5 класс 1-2 четверть


Файл a_day_with_the_dolphins.docx12.91 КБ
Файл save_the_chimps.docx12.48 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

A day with the dolphins.

Joe Trounson trains dolphins. A typical day starts at 8 am.  Joe cheks that the water is  clean and the correct temperature, then prepares the dolphins’ food. Each dolphin eats about 4.5 kg of fish a day. At 10 am Joe starts the training. He usually swims with them for a while before the first show. If they are good, he gives them fish. During the show the dolphins do lots of tricks. They jump out of the water, swim backwards on their tails, and take fish out of Joe's mouth. Joe sometimes rides on a dolphin like a horse! Joe doesn't work alone. His friend Carol helps him with the training and the shows. They work as a team: Joe, Carol and five dolphins. Joe and Carol finish work at 7 pm, but they usually go home much later. If a dolphin is ill, they stay at the pool and talk to the vet. It's hard work, but Joe enjoys it. Dolphins are lovely animals to work with.

1. Прочитайте текст и установите соответствие высказываний содержанию текста. Т - если соответствует, F – если не соответствует.

1. A typical Joe’s day starts at nine am.
2. Joe trains five dolphins.
3. Joes usually doesn’t swim with the dolphins before the show.
4. He works alone.
5. Joe likes his job.
6. The dolphins get fish during the show.
7. Joe starts his day with training.
8. Joe and Carol finish their work at seven in the evening.

2. Соотнесите 2 части предложения

1. Joe checks    
2. Each dolphin can eat  

3. They work as a team

4. If a dolphin is ill  

5. He swims with dolphins  

- before the show

- the temperature of the waters

- they stay at the pool

- 4.5 kg of fish a day

- five dolphins, Carol and Joe

3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопрос.

1.  When does Joe begin working?
a) at eight     b) at seven     c) at five
2. How many dolphins does he train?
a) 6     b) 5     c) 7
3. What does Joe give the dolphins during the show?            a) fish     b) trick     c) water

4. What tricks do the dolphins do?
a) eat fish     b)swim     c)swim backwards
5. Did Joe like his work?
a) No     b)Yes

4. Ответьте на вопросы
1. Do you like animals?
2. What pets have you got?

  20-17-5  16-14-4  13-10-3  9-2

Предварительный просмотр:

Save the chimps!

Chimpanzee babies are very attached to their mums – but  many of them lose their parents when they are very young.  In West and Central Africa, mothers of young chimps are killed by poachers for meat. The poachers then sell the poor orphan babies for experiments or to circuses, or as exotic pets.

But many of these young chimps have now got a loving home at the new Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Kenya.

  At the Sanctuary the young chimpanzees can have a normal life, looking for food, making friends and learning how to explore and climb. Most are doing well. There is an organization “Care for the Wild “ that helps pay for the chimps to stay at the Sanctuary and they find and save injured chimps.  We really need an intensive care unit. Then we can help more animals.

Poachers - браконьеры,     orphan - сирота,    Sanctuary – питомник,   attach - привязан    

1. Прочитайте текст и установите соответствие высказываний содержанию текста. Т - если соответствует, F – если не соответствует.

1. Chimpanzees are killed because people eat their meat.

2. The Chimpanzees Sanctuary is the home for young chimps.

3. Many of them don’t need medicine when they get to the Sanctuary.

4. «Care for the Wild» helps the Sanctuary.

5. The poachers save the young chimps.

2. Соотнесите 2 части предложения.

1. Mothers of young chimps are killed                  a.   to circuses or as exotic pets.

2. Chimpanzee babies can                                        b.   find and save the young chimps.

3. “Care for the Wild”                                            c.    when they are very young.

4. The poachers sell babies                                       d.     by  poachers for meat.

5. Many chimpanzee babies lose their parents          e.  have a normal life at the Sanctuary

3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопрос.

1. Why do the poachers sell the orphan babies?

A. for meat      B. for experiment    C. to pet shop  

2. Where can young chimps have a normal life?

A.  at the  “ Care for the Wild”     B. at the Sanctuary      C. at circuses

3. Why are chimpanzee killed?

a) for circuses     b) for meat        c) for Sanctuary

4. Do we really need an intensive care unit?

a) Yes             b) No

5. What do the organization «Care for the Wild» do?»

a) find and save the chimps     b ) kill the chimps   c) sell the chimps for meat

4. Ответьте на вопросы
1. Do you like animals?
2. What pets have you got?          17-15-5   14-11- 4  10-9-3  8-3

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